Friday, December 30, 2016

The Year is Coming to An End

Hard to believe we are coming to a close for 2016. I'm not sure if I finished a lot or just a little. Guess I better go back over my blog and see what I did. Almost like rereading a book!

Today was going from the start. I did get some TLC time with Kitty. Then I took off and went to Staples to get some copies done, as well as getting paper and envelopes. I have the copies I need for both Katt's project and the baby project. The trouble - oh, yea! I noticed a problem - is that the colors they used were not DMC floss but other floss. So, I'm going to have to find a good stitching shop and see if they have the colors. If not, I'll go to someone else and use my own colors. UGH, more to do!

Then off to Micheal's to get some fasteners for my necklaces that need to be fixed. I couldn't find the gold I needed but I did find the silver. They are cheap ones, but that's fine. I jut need them to work. I bought a tool for jewelry as well. It was on sale for 50%, so I got it for $8. I'm happy with that. I may slowly pick up the tools I need. They work great. I also bought a necklace that will work great with my charm. I was able to fix one of my necklaces, and I put two of my charms on the two necklaces.
After that, I meet Patrick at Wendy's for lunch. It was awesome. We had a good visit and chat.

I then headed to Phil's to pick up some sourdough starter. He had two kinds, one was from King Arthurs(tm) flour that is 100 years old. The other was one he started and has whole wheat in it. He's making bread and doing pretty good. Gave him a few tips. I'm going to try one out this weekend. Put the dough in the refrigerator over night and then let it raise the next day. It's healthier for those of us that have IBS to let it "raise" for 24 hours before cooking it. I'm going to try it and will be thrilled if it helps me!

Stopped and picked up the two quilts I need to stitch the binding to. I'll work on them after I get off this computer. They are for QOV and we meet on Tuesday...wish me luck on having them both done by then.

I filled out the "UFO" challenge page. I did the 12 things by memory, so that tells one, I have 12 projects I REMEMBER. If I went downstairs, I'd probably find a lot more I need to add to the list. I like this page, and will probably do another one. This may or may not help me in the new year! LOL Depends on how serious I get!

Then on top of that - another gal on Instagram want to do a group that starts something new each month. That means I'll be 12 months behind by the end of the year! I'm already about 4 years behind as it is! But then again, we all start something new all the time......okay, let's see which I actually do, finish UFO's or start something new for 12 months!

Wishes everyone a great closing to 2016, and a happy beginning in 2017. (I know, it's not New Year's Eve YET). But I can dream!

May we all be knee deep in 2017 being Happy Stitching!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

It's A Thursday

Pretty much what I'm thinking...It's a Thursday. Meaning nothing all that exciting of a day....but then remember I love days like that.

I posted this Tatting Shuttle on eBay for Felicia's family. If anyone is interested in the antique Tatting Shuttle, please fell free to check out my eBay - user name Wiltzius.

I enjoyed time with Kitty this morning. We didn't have to go to the neighbors to help with the socks.

I was enjoying some TV shows - "Murdoch Mysteries" and "Vera." I still have a few more to view.

I was able to get more cross stitching done this afternoon.

I got my two patterns ready to take to the copy center to have copied. I have Katt's stocking and the baby piece ready to copy. I need to get some special flosses for that one. I'll look at the cross stitch stores on line to get what I need. I just wish I could find a couple shops closer to me. If anyone has a good place they like to go to, let me know.

Mom called and asked me to cancel the quilt meeting tomorrow. She's sick. Sounds really bad actually. Bev asked me to tell her to go in to see if she has pneumonia, so when I asked mom, she said she's think about going in to the doctors. Wish she would, really don't want to go to the ER if she get really bad.

It's been an interesting year. We've lost a lot of great talent, as well as Patrick's mom. We weren't able to go on a vacation this year because of Patrick's employees being down 60%. Hopefully next year will be some traveling. We did get to enjoy seeing Katt for a week - I do miss that girl!

Okay, time to get back to cross stitch. I'm thinking about signing up for the UFO challenge. Not sure how that will work out. UFO Challenge 2017. I have the chart and will print it out tomorrow. Then I'll list all my stuff I need to work on. Not sure I'll do them in their order, but I can try. That would give me 12 months of trying to finish something. Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Day of Inventory

Today I slept in. That was nice actually. I needed the extra time to regenerate. lol

I went to the neighbors and helped her out with her socks. We chatted for awhile and then I came home to enjoy some time with my Kitty. We waited about an hour and then I cut some sausage and cheese to go on crackers. That way we could have some lunch.

Sandy and Georgie arrived to help with inventory. I had Sandy sit in the chair since she had her knee worked on. She wrote down all the stuff we have. We marked them by boxes.

Felicia had a lot of bead stuff.

This is a small portion of what we inventoried.

All this stuff was in a bag.

She was well organized. There is a ton of beads and they are not cheap. I may end up putting some stuff on eBay to sell them since they are expensive stuff.

Last night I had gotten more in on my cross stitch. I had 500 stitches done yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't get any done today.

The fun part - not really but - I'm getting my two patterns ready to take to the copy center to get enlarged copies. I'll have to get the floss for those as well. My new year - let's think - is going to be a few new project....what happened to finishing what I started....I'm doing that too....I hope.

I need to do the baby piece, finish this piece, get moving on quilting Katt's quilt, and finish up Phil's sail boats that I SHOULD have had done by now. UGH

Kitty loves to climb! I took this off my deck! When she saw me, she came running.

We went bowling.....I averaged a 145 for the night - so that tells everyone how bad I was. Dropped 2 pins! UGH

RIP - Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher! Both of you left us way too soon! Prayers are with you and your family!

In the meantime....Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Day of Stitching

Today started out with Kitty meowing for me to open the door. We keep her in the garage if she will go at night. Then Patrick opens the door for her. She let me know she was out. So, I got up and opened the door to have her meowing at me while I'm making the bed. I finally sat down for her to sit with me. Ended up giving a lot of TLC for about an hour. So, we a little late in going to see Cherrill.

Came back and got laundry going. I did a couple loads and still have more to do. At least it's not coming out of the basket anymore.

Enjoyed the afternoon stitching.

I was able to get another 300 stitches in and hope to get even more done tonight. The sleeves are coming together. The confetti is driving me nuts though. I found a couple times I had the wrong color going and had to take it out. It all depends, if I park in the right spot. The sleeves are a little easier to work on and go a lot quicker.

I filled up my jewelry box that Patrick got for me. I found a few things I forgot I had and then I thought of a couple things I didn't know what I did with. Patrick found a necklace that Katt had in her stuff that was mine. The chain was broken. So, I need to get that fixed. I have about 10 charms that need the chair to them. I'll be working on that next I guess. Funny how happens. Katt loved my jewelry and after a while I gave up getting upset about her taking them.

Patrick brought in my box that I had been waiting on. The first box I got was broke so asked for a replacement because of damage. So, I took all three of my floss boxes and put the floss in here. I gave the older boxes to Patrick. One of my boxes was broken and decided instead of getting another smaller box, I'd get this box that holds a TON of floss. I have room for more. If I even get to rolling my floss, I may fill it up yet! It has a longer slot on both sides. I can put the threads that I need to roll in there or even scissors or other tools for cross stitch. I do like how it's all in one box.

I copied the pattern for the baby stitch. I'll put it together and have it ready for Thursday or Friday when I have to go to staples. Then I'll get it enlarged and work on that after the first of the year.

Okay, time to get back to stitching! Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Day After

This morning I was up before Patrick. Went to help Cherrill out this morning. Back to helping her with her socks.

Came back home and worked on my water stuff for the neighborhood. Time to send out bills.

We then went to the movie Passengers" which was an awesome movie. I really did enjoy that movie. We had a couple great movie shows in the last couple days. Loved them all so far.

Came home and it was back to finishing what I started. I had to print a few more bills and I was working on my Avery(tm) program getting labels done.

This is the awesome gift Patrick gave me yesterday. I need to fill it in with photos. So, I've shouted out to the family that I needed some good photos for my new picture frame.

I've been working on this cross stitch again today. I need to get a couple patterns ready for the copy center to make some copies for me. I have the sock for Katt that I need to get copied. Then I also need to get the other one for the baby ready for copies and get it ready to work on.

Patrick and I have been talking and it's time I start working on quilting Katt's quilt. So, I'm going to get the size of that quilt and get the sheet for the back. Katt wants black, so I'll work on that next. Then I'll get it to Barb to baste it for me. I'll get moving on that. I'm going to use the hoop and quilt on it up here during the winter. I also need to put a quilt on the frame downstairs so I can work on that one as well.

Some how, Christmas "regenerates" me to getting a few things done. I am going to work on getting more things done this new year. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I did get a few things done that I wasn't expecting. So, all in all, I think this year was great.

May we all be Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Today I was up a little early, and Patrick tried to sleep in. Katt called her dad at 8 am - a family tradition - if she's not here to wake him, she calls him. I love that tradition!

I baked the cinnamon rolls I rolled last night. They turned out pretty good, but not as good as I would have liked. We chatted with Katt, ate our cinnamon rolls, and then opened our gifts. Patrick gave me a beautiful wall jewelry box! It's huge and I'm slowly filling it up. I have about 3 jewelry boxes to put into this one. Katt got me a tea storage box. I love it!

We waited and cooked for my parents. They arrived round 3 pm. They had gone to church first. While they were here Phil and Emily called and we had a great chat. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

It was an awesome Christmas. We played games with the folks and had a great visit! At least we have Christmas with what family is here.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas Eve!

Today we spent the day out and about. We went to the casino, then the movies, and then Phil's.

The movie was "SING" and awesome! I loved it! Well worth seeing, but then again, remember I'm a Disney lover! We had a great time at the movies.

We then headed to Phil's and gave him his gifts. Emily wasn't up to it, so we opened our gifts with Phil. We had a good chat and then came home.

I was able to get more stitching done on the cross stitch last night, but not today so far.

We stopped at the store and picked up a few things for tomorrow's meal. Then we came home for supper. I'm working on the cinnamon rolls for tomorrow. I'm going to get them ready now for our breakfast.


May we all be Happy Quilting or Stitching!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Odds and Ends

Today I enjoyed having the day to myself and my cat.

I started out looking for a cross stitch picture that I can make for Emmie. I went through my magazines and realized I have a ton of magazines that have a lot of Christmas designs.

I decided on this one. I've got a ton of Stoney Creek magazines that I love. I found a couple things I've been wanting to do. It's almost as bad as I was with the quilting...this one now, oh, yea, there's another one I want!...and don't forget about this one. Just like what Donna said, I'm a dog that sees a squirrel and off I go!

After all that, I worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on the pink area this time. I got 200 stitches done so far today. It's coming along nicely.

I worked on the laundry and enjoyed the quiet today. I did get a few things done. I wrapped the last of the presents. I did get my storage container today, but it was damaged, so contacted Amazon to get another one. UGH

We sold the VW bug tonight. Had a good visit with our bowling partners. Now it's time to get back to stitching.

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Emilyn!

Today I woke up without having to go walking or even go to the neighbors. Felt weird!

HeyHey and I spend the day together. I watched the shows I have on the VCR and worked on my cross stitch.

I got another 250 stitches in today. I am back to the confetti. But I'm getting there.

Patrick got home and we headed over to my folks. My brother and his family are all there. We had a good meal and played "9's". I won! It was fun! We had a great time.

We got to chat with my nephew who's daughter was born today!

She's a sweetie!! I need to find a cross stitch pattern for her birth! I made her sister an afghan and I may do that yet too! I am going to have to find a cute design for her. She's a sweetie!! I wish she was closer.

I'm trying to get the stuff in the garage organized and out of my garage. Trouble is one of the gals thinks because Felicia's husband and daughter are in no hurry, we shouldn't be either. I want this done and out of the

So, all in all today was a good day. I'm still having fun! May we all be Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Making Candy with Family

This morning I was up at 6 am. Even Patrick wondered why I was up before him. It was one of those days that my brain started off on the day....waking me up way too early!

I was getting ready to go to the neighbors and she called to tell me she needed me to wait about 45 mins. I did, then went over. That put me a little behind, but oh, well. I went over and we had tea and some bread she made. It was awesome! We chatted for about an hour.

Then I headed out to the bank, Starbucks, and then mom and dads. Once I got there, we got started on making fudge and brittle. My sister-in-law wanted to know why we were cooking it when the microwave was quicker and easier. I told her we have a family recipe that we use and it's cooked. She still couldn't figure out why we didn't do it through the microwave. We made three batches of fudge, one without nuts, one with walnuts, and one that was peanut butter. We made two batches of brittle. My brother's family was wanting the brittle. lol

Came home around 3 pm. Had to take one of mom packages to the post office for a return.

Enjoyed some time with the cat.

My package of Patrick's gift arrived today! After all that I was going through with them, it arrived!! I couldn't believe it, since I talked to the guy yesterday about getting it solved. I just hope another one doesn't show up!

My pattern and beads showed up as well. The pattern is the one I wanted last time but got the pattern of the one the bead belong to. Now I have both patterns and beads to go with them. Weird now, because I could have bought the beads that were Felicia's for the patterns and pay less for them.

I got a text that my container was on it's way. I bought a container for my cross stitch floss. I want them all in one place and I can empty my three boxes. I'm looking forward to having all my floss in one place!

We went bowling tonight and had our Christmas Party of potluck and exchanging gifts. We had to get a strike to get our gift.....well, didn't strike till the first frame on the third game. When the gifts where down to 5, I told one of the bowlers daughter to pick 2 of the gifts and bring them to the table for two of us to pick from. The other gal was on the other time, and she has a 87 average. I told her we would work on getting a strike and then we can open one of the gifts. So, the two gifts sat at the counter till I got my strike. I told (Kim) to pick the gift she wanted and I'd take the other one. I got a scented candle, chocolates, and a pair of fussy socks. Even though I didn't get a strike till the third game, I bowled a 164, 168, 187. Which saved my average from going up or down. Potluck was good and there were plenty of food. There was also a LOT of kids running around. Seems a few people decided to bring their families to the potluck as well.

Tomorrow is another day......Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Getting Closer to the Holidays

Today I was up and running at 7:30 am. I went over to the neighbors to help with her socks. I had one more day and then her daughter will be here. Then I can be on my own till after after the holidays.

Came home and worked on my SAL (stitch along).

I was able to get part 6 done.

I like the way it's coming. Since I have a lot of green on this, my camera picked up all that green. The background is not that dark.

Then it was time to work on my secretary stuff for the water. After that I worked on our account balance. All's good. I also worked on laundry all day.

Called and complained about not getting Patrick's gift right. This was the third time. The idiot yesterday sent me a return for the item. I told the guy today I didn't want to return it, I wanted the rest of it. So, they credited me for that order and ordered it again. Of course that's going to cost me another $3. Oh, goes on.

I'm having to go to moms tomorrow to make candy. Not sure I really want to go, but I will. We'll be there again Thursday for a big family meal, since my brother and his family is here.

Not sure what tonight will bring, but I'm game for what comes next. I'm probably going to watch a movie and enjoy my stitching.....Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Brazilian Embroidery Potluck Day

This morning I was up and running. I went and put the neighbors socks on. Then came home to HeyHey (better spelling then the other day). She and I enjoyed some time together. I worked on my tablet. Got the dishwasher unloaded and was ready for company.

Got a phone call that the two down south wouldn't be able to make it because the snow was coming down and the roads where not good......That cut me down to 6. Pat arrived and said Bev wasn't able to make it. She was first, and we both wondered if it would just be the two of us. Then Georgie came and found out Sandy wouldn't be here either. We chatted and then Betty Lou arrived. That put it up to 4 of us. 4 is better than none. So much for the weather when it comes to snow.

I decided to work on the board of the bird feeder.

It's coming along pretty good. I'm really liking the looks of this. I'm not happy with the way the board is looking but I may have to fix it. 

We then went over to Felicia's house to get the stuff she had. We loaded up Patrick's truck and will have the members look over it to see what they want to buy. We told the family we would sell her stuff for them. If members what to have the stuff then they can put money towards it. That way the family can get something out of what they are getting rid of. 

Came back home and unloaded all the stuff. Not sure how we are going to do it, but hopefully, we can be civil about it. 

Then I started worked some more on my birds. Since HeyHey was on my lap, I couldn't get to the threads. So I pulled out my cross stitch and did a few more stitches on it. 

It's coming along. Soon I'll be back to the tree. It's going to be fun to see how the tree comes along.

Haven't heard from family, so no clue what's up with any of them. I'm going to enjoy the week of being at this quiet house. I do need to go Wednesday to moms to do fudge and brittle.

In the meantime....Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Getting Ready For Another Christmas Gathering

This morning I was relaxing and enjoying my time with "HeeHee" - Patrick renamed her. One of these days we'll have a name for that cat!

I realized around 11 am that I hadn't gone over to the neighbors to put her socks on. I ran over there and helped her out. Then I came back home and started laundry, cleared the table off to put a new table cloth on, vacuumed, and more! Patrick was awesome, he did a HUGE part of cleaning for me. We have the house looking great! Now I can't wait for our potluck tomorrow.

I ran over to Starbucks at the I-5 exit to meet a fellow quilter. She had some cross stitch stuff she wanted me to have! I was shocked at how generous she was! She's awesome and I can't wait to work one of the patterns she gave me.

I was able to get a few more stitches in on this. I added another 150 stitches. It was nice to be able to get a few more stitches in. I've been getting closer to the sleeves of the gal! Soon I will have her top worked out.

Then it was off to bowling! I bowled a 180, 167, 181 and it put me down on my average by 1 pin. UGH! Now I'm averaging 173....from earlier of a 182. UGH!!

Oh, well. Things in life are not always perfect. Have a wonderful day....Happy Stitching!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Rouge One Is Out! Off To The Movies!

This morning I spend part of the morning with Kitty (MeMe). Then Patrick wanted to go off to the casino again. He came back with some extra money. Me, I didn't do as good as he did. We tied on the bonuses.

Then we were off to Kijah's to pick up some Christmas ornaments that are the "Old World" ornaments. We bought 5 of the small ornaments to go on my tree. I wanted to get small ornaments because that poor tree is small and needed some ornaments that actually fit it! We were given't a "Christmas gift" of another Santa ornament. I love it!! They were so kind to do that!

This is before we put the new ones on. I'll have to take another photo of it with the new ornaments on it. It's a lot fuller then this and looks a lot better.

We then went to the movies. It was "Rouge One" and AWESOME! It was a lot like the older version and it was perfect to go with the others. They did do computer generated people. The ones that passed away, but were part of the movie. I loved it. Once couldn't tell the two people were computer generated other then knowing what they should look like.

We decided to get chicken from KFC. WOW! Prices have gone up! We picked up two of their $10 buckets. The wings were good but hot. Not into HOT! What is it that chicken wings have to be HOT anymore. Or they have that awful BBQ sauce that no one likes. UGH

We came home and I played on my tablet. I really need to work on my cross stitch. I got the new SAL part 6 piece done. I also signed up for another one for 2017. It's one that I can pick my own patterns and try to get a "small" item done each month. Lets see how that goes!

Lights are on, and the Christmas season is feeling like the right time of year! It was snowing again! We may have a white Christmas yet!

Enjoy the seasons and Happy Stitching and/or Quilting!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Another Christmas Party for Quilters

Today I got an extra half hour of sleep. Then I was up ad off to the neighbors. After that, I came home and got the laundry going, mopped the kitchen floor, and started to vacuum he house, but only go the dinning room done.

Kitty came in for a short time and then I was off to pick up Ethel. I decided to take the VW that we have for sale. It has seat warmers and I figured as cold as it is, it was nice to have my "buns" warmed. Ethel and I went to moms. Arrived with a few already there. We chatted and stitched.

I have the butterfly wings done, I basted the top wings of the dragonflies. Then I got one wing done. I felt pretty good about getting that much done today.....even when we were having fun.

We exchanged gifts, and I stole a gift from mom, then it was stolen from me. I ended up with the last gift - moms - and it was just stuff she was trying to get rid of. So, I gave them back to her. I didn't end up with a gift after all. The stuff mom was giving away was stuff she's had in a draw for a long time. She's been trying to get me to take that stuff for awhile. I liked the stuff I "stole" but I'm okay with that. I didn't need anything anyway.

Came home to the cat meowing at me for being gone. Then Patrick came home with pizza. We had a water meeting tonight.

I printed out my next part to my cross stitch SAL. I'm ready to work on it again.

As of last night, this is where I am with the "Nantucket Rose" cross stitch. The white apron is almost finished. I'm having fun with working my way up. The roses are showing back up on the right, so I'm getting into the confetti again.

Life is good. The season is going great. My brother will be here this evening (in the area). Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but so far today is going great. Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Party Day.

Today was a day I could sleep in for about 30 mins more than usual. We had snow.

We had just enough to make it look pretty.

I walked over to the neighbors and helped her with her socks. Then came home and gave Kitty TLC. I had to leave shortly there after for our Christmas party at Cil's house.

I had thought I wouldn't go, but I decide to go after all.

We had a potluck. This is only part of the food we had. It was in the "Brunch" theme. So by the time it was supper time, I was not hungry. We had an awesome time. Chatting and laughing. We even talked about what was going on in ND, where Cil was around Thanksgiving. Protesters are more of a problem then anything else. They don't even know what they are protesting about to be truthful.

Sis had given this gift. Teri won this, but it's awesome! It's a binding holder for when one does the binding! It's so cute. Check out the other ones at Doohikey. I love this idea!!

I was back home by 2:30 pm and enjoyed a few minutes with Kitty. There were 4 boxes at our door today. So, I'm going to guess all the Christmas gifts are in now. I wrapped Patrick's gift and put them under the tree.

I received my cross stitch pattern and beads - sort of - I order the beads to go with the Roses of Provence pattern and received another pattern and the beads to go with my Roses pattern.

Contacted the seller to see if she'll send me the right one. I am willing to buy the pattern she sent, but don't know what will happen. It's a waiting game.

My SAL pattern is waiting on me to go get it. Will do that next.

Watching the Seahawks play and those green uniforms look like PJ's. Not sure what the person was thinking when they designed those! I can wish we do good, otherwise I might think it was the bright uniforms that made them loose - IF THEY LOOSE!

Had a great time with wonderful friends I haven't seen in over 2 months. I enjoyed my time with them all! Happy Quilting!

December 15, 2016

Today was our Christmas Party! There were 9 of us attending.

We had potluck. This is some of the food that was arriving when Lynn arrived.

Cil had the table set and ready for all of us. She set it for 8 of us, and we ended up with 9. We all sat around the table laughing and having a good little chat.

Teri and Sue where checking out the town display.

Then we all sat around for our gift exchange. We do a white elephant. Sis, Teri, Sue, Barb, Susy, and Joanne enjoying a little chatting.

We all loved this! It's a binding holder. While one is working on binding, this cute little girl holds them! You can get them at Binding Babies(tm).

We all had a great time! We all told what we were all working on. Some are working on more things then others. We even got off on a conversation about the ND picketing. We learned more about the TRUTH about the picketing and not what is reported.

A Great time was had by all and our next meeting is next year - January 12, 2017.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Day Home....And Bowling

Today started out early. Went walking with Ruth and then to the neighbors to help with the socks.

Came home with Kitty and we spent the day together. I worked on my cross stitch.

I got another 150 stitches in. I also worked on the laundry while I could. I actually enjoyed the day to myself.

I also went downstairs and found a few patterns (new) and other stuff for the Christmas gifts for the two groups. I'm happy to be giving away a few patterns I thought I would do, and realized that wouldn't be the case. Maybe someone else can enjoy the patterns. I got some needles and pins for the other group.

We went bowling - still not doing that good.  I bowled a 143, 181, 166. I really need to get back to my normal! I lost another pin in my average. It's easy to loose the points but it's really hard to gain them....ugh. We lost all four games.

Life is good, and it's starting to snow. Best time to be Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Got Behind on Postng

I thought I posted last night but I guess I didn't. Funny how that worked out.

Yesterday was mostly cooking or doing treats for Christmas gifts. I baked 3 loaves of bread in the smaller tins. They turned out great. One was a cinnamon and raisin loaf. I baked two of them for Art. I took them to him today. The cinnamon raisin and regular bread was for him. Patrick ate ALL of the other one in less then 12 hours! I couldn't believe he ATE THE WHOLE THING!

I made a batch of the white chocolate and pretzel goodies. This are additive! I love these!

I've been calling Miss Kitty - "MeMe" as she's acting like I have to pay attention to her and nothing else.

She loves laying on my legs! Spoiled at that!

Last night I was able to get a few - yes a few - stitches on my cross stitch. I've now got the bottom of it stitched and working my way up. It's looking good. Trouble is, I'm getting back to the area of confetti and that's a pain at times.

I will try and get some stitches in tonight.

Today was a day at the casino for Art. We spent the morning at the casino. When we got back I had to run to Walmart. I hate going to Walmart, but I needed to get Ruth's Christmas gift. I also picked up a couple things for the gift for the quilters. I need to call Cil and let her know I'm going.

Things here are way to busy! This week I have two Christmas parties. Then next week we have a Christmas party for the bowling on Wednesday. I can't wait to be back to relaxing. OH! I have the party at my house on Monday too!

Looking forward to Stitching! Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Day of Bowling

Today I was up and wrapping the gift for our bowling party. I also had to get my casserole in the oven. I finished up the "potatoes" for the top of the casserole. Then I baked it. While I was baking it, I was getting my gift wrapped for our 'party.'

My gift to my bowling partners was a house full of goodies.

The candy I did, a key chain, and some brittle. The house was a big success.

Went to Safeway and picked up some wings as well. I had my casserole and wings for the potluck. The potluck was awesome. The gift I took as put out for the exchange. We have to bowl a strike before we could go and pick our gift. I bowled a strike on the first frame. Virginia and I were going for the same gift. Since she bowls before me, she got a strike and got the gift. We laughed about how that worked. She helped me pick my gift as well. I got "12 days of Coffee" and a cookie kit with a fry pan. I don't drink coffee but Patrick does. So, he got the 12 days of Christmas coffee. I bowled a 154, 171, 179, s I only dropped 1 pin. I'm okay with that.

Then came home and enjoyed my time with Kitty. When she went and slept under the table, I worked on my cross stitch and got about 100 stitches in. Not enough to show.

Then we headed off to bowling again. This morning was good, this even was a bomb! I bowled a 145, 167, 147.....459 series. UGH, UGH, UGH!!

So, not really in it tonight I guess. I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow. I have Christmas cards yet to get out! I also have to get Patrick's gifts done. I'll see what tomorrow will bring.

Best wishes and Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Decorating for Christmas & Farewell to a Friend

Today I actually slept in....not sure how I did it...waking up so much but going back to sleep.

It was a morning of pulling out Christmas decorations and getting the house in order. So to speak.

Patrick was awesome! He helped with the decorations! We took out the stuff, and he was so sweet getting the decorations where they need to be.

This is just a few things that he helped with.

We put the "old World" ornaments on the tree. Plus a few that where from my childhood. They all worked great together.

While Patrick finished up on the decorations, I picked up Georgie and we went to the "Celebration of Life" for our dear friend Felicia Conrad. We talked with the family members. We talked to her husband about coming over to his house and taking the BE and beads to sell for them. The family picked out what they wanted and would go and double check that they had what they wanted. Then in a week, we'll go over and help him out. After being there about a half hour, we left. They have a beautiful urn for her and her favorite beaded necklace was around it. May she rest in peace.

Came home and we worked on the Christmas goodies. First we did the peanut brittle.

Next we did the caramel and chocolate pretzels.

I had to get my food ready for tomorrows potluck at the bowling alley. Our travel league is here tomorrow. I pulled out one of mom's casserole recipes and made part of it. I'll finish it tomorrow and bake it. It will be great, I'm sure.

I haven't had a chance to work on my cross stitch or applique. I'll do some cross stitch tonight. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day...bowling twice.

Be Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...