Monday, December 19, 2016

Brazilian Embroidery Potluck Day

This morning I was up and running. I went and put the neighbors socks on. Then came home to HeyHey (better spelling then the other day). She and I enjoyed some time together. I worked on my tablet. Got the dishwasher unloaded and was ready for company.

Got a phone call that the two down south wouldn't be able to make it because the snow was coming down and the roads where not good......That cut me down to 6. Pat arrived and said Bev wasn't able to make it. She was first, and we both wondered if it would just be the two of us. Then Georgie came and found out Sandy wouldn't be here either. We chatted and then Betty Lou arrived. That put it up to 4 of us. 4 is better than none. So much for the weather when it comes to snow.

I decided to work on the board of the bird feeder.

It's coming along pretty good. I'm really liking the looks of this. I'm not happy with the way the board is looking but I may have to fix it. 

We then went over to Felicia's house to get the stuff she had. We loaded up Patrick's truck and will have the members look over it to see what they want to buy. We told the family we would sell her stuff for them. If members what to have the stuff then they can put money towards it. That way the family can get something out of what they are getting rid of. 

Came back home and unloaded all the stuff. Not sure how we are going to do it, but hopefully, we can be civil about it. 

Then I started worked some more on my birds. Since HeyHey was on my lap, I couldn't get to the threads. So I pulled out my cross stitch and did a few more stitches on it. 

It's coming along. Soon I'll be back to the tree. It's going to be fun to see how the tree comes along.

Haven't heard from family, so no clue what's up with any of them. I'm going to enjoy the week of being at this quiet house. I do need to go Wednesday to moms to do fudge and brittle.

In the meantime....Happy Stitching!

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