Friday, December 23, 2016

Odds and Ends

Today I enjoyed having the day to myself and my cat.

I started out looking for a cross stitch picture that I can make for Emmie. I went through my magazines and realized I have a ton of magazines that have a lot of Christmas designs.

I decided on this one. I've got a ton of Stoney Creek magazines that I love. I found a couple things I've been wanting to do. It's almost as bad as I was with the quilting...this one now, oh, yea, there's another one I want!...and don't forget about this one. Just like what Donna said, I'm a dog that sees a squirrel and off I go!

After all that, I worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on the pink area this time. I got 200 stitches done so far today. It's coming along nicely.

I worked on the laundry and enjoyed the quiet today. I did get a few things done. I wrapped the last of the presents. I did get my storage container today, but it was damaged, so contacted Amazon to get another one. UGH

We sold the VW bug tonight. Had a good visit with our bowling partners. Now it's time to get back to stitching.

Happy Stitching!

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