Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Day of Bowling

Today I was up and wrapping the gift for our bowling party. I also had to get my casserole in the oven. I finished up the "potatoes" for the top of the casserole. Then I baked it. While I was baking it, I was getting my gift wrapped for our 'party.'

My gift to my bowling partners was a house full of goodies.

The candy I did, a key chain, and some brittle. The house was a big success.

Went to Safeway and picked up some wings as well. I had my casserole and wings for the potluck. The potluck was awesome. The gift I took as put out for the exchange. We have to bowl a strike before we could go and pick our gift. I bowled a strike on the first frame. Virginia and I were going for the same gift. Since she bowls before me, she got a strike and got the gift. We laughed about how that worked. She helped me pick my gift as well. I got "12 days of Coffee" and a cookie kit with a fry pan. I don't drink coffee but Patrick does. So, he got the 12 days of Christmas coffee. I bowled a 154, 171, 179, s I only dropped 1 pin. I'm okay with that.

Then came home and enjoyed my time with Kitty. When she went and slept under the table, I worked on my cross stitch and got about 100 stitches in. Not enough to show.

Then we headed off to bowling again. This morning was good, this even was a bomb! I bowled a 145, 167, 147.....459 series. UGH, UGH, UGH!!

So, not really in it tonight I guess. I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow. I have Christmas cards yet to get out! I also have to get Patrick's gifts done. I'll see what tomorrow will bring.

Best wishes and Happy Quilting!

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