Friday, December 30, 2016

The Year is Coming to An End

Hard to believe we are coming to a close for 2016. I'm not sure if I finished a lot or just a little. Guess I better go back over my blog and see what I did. Almost like rereading a book!

Today was going from the start. I did get some TLC time with Kitty. Then I took off and went to Staples to get some copies done, as well as getting paper and envelopes. I have the copies I need for both Katt's project and the baby project. The trouble - oh, yea! I noticed a problem - is that the colors they used were not DMC floss but other floss. So, I'm going to have to find a good stitching shop and see if they have the colors. If not, I'll go to someone else and use my own colors. UGH, more to do!

Then off to Micheal's to get some fasteners for my necklaces that need to be fixed. I couldn't find the gold I needed but I did find the silver. They are cheap ones, but that's fine. I jut need them to work. I bought a tool for jewelry as well. It was on sale for 50%, so I got it for $8. I'm happy with that. I may slowly pick up the tools I need. They work great. I also bought a necklace that will work great with my charm. I was able to fix one of my necklaces, and I put two of my charms on the two necklaces.
After that, I meet Patrick at Wendy's for lunch. It was awesome. We had a good visit and chat.

I then headed to Phil's to pick up some sourdough starter. He had two kinds, one was from King Arthurs(tm) flour that is 100 years old. The other was one he started and has whole wheat in it. He's making bread and doing pretty good. Gave him a few tips. I'm going to try one out this weekend. Put the dough in the refrigerator over night and then let it raise the next day. It's healthier for those of us that have IBS to let it "raise" for 24 hours before cooking it. I'm going to try it and will be thrilled if it helps me!

Stopped and picked up the two quilts I need to stitch the binding to. I'll work on them after I get off this computer. They are for QOV and we meet on Tuesday...wish me luck on having them both done by then.

I filled out the "UFO" challenge page. I did the 12 things by memory, so that tells one, I have 12 projects I REMEMBER. If I went downstairs, I'd probably find a lot more I need to add to the list. I like this page, and will probably do another one. This may or may not help me in the new year! LOL Depends on how serious I get!

Then on top of that - another gal on Instagram want to do a group that starts something new each month. That means I'll be 12 months behind by the end of the year! I'm already about 4 years behind as it is! But then again, we all start something new all the time......okay, let's see which I actually do, finish UFO's or start something new for 12 months!

Wishes everyone a great closing to 2016, and a happy beginning in 2017. (I know, it's not New Year's Eve YET). But I can dream!

May we all be knee deep in 2017 being Happy Stitching!

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