Sunday, January 1, 2017


This was on my phone this morning from my nephew -

Photo by Jason Taylor
That was a good wake up call.

Yesterday we were busy. We even got to enjoy some games with our bowling partners (Sunday night partners). They left around 11 pm and we heard the fireworks. It was too cold for most people to be doing the fireworks, so we didn't have the noise we usually have.

Today I opened the door to Kitty. She couldn't get in the house fast enough. I believe she was hungery because she ate all the food and then some.

We woke to snow. Not a lot but it's there. Still there tonight too.

I worked on two sourdough bread doughs. I had picked up the sourdough from Phil the other day, and it was ready to make bread. Because it needs to sit for 24 hours before it's good for people with IBS.  I put the bread dough in the refrigerator to sit till tomorrow, then I'll take it out and shape it to rise. Then we can cook it.

I worked on the binding of a QOV quilt that Donna had finished. I'm almost done with the first quilt and will start the second one tomorrow. I'll try and take a photo of the quilt, before I wash it. I need to wash it and have it ready for Tuesday. We have our QOV meeting then.

It was bowling night....and I can't seem to get back to bowling....but I did bowl 181, 179, 174. I'm consistently going down. At least I didn't loose any pins on my average (174)...I need to get it to go up!

Kitty decided she wanted to sleep at my side of the bed. I was surprised Patrick let her. She stayed there for about 2 hours. Guess I was moving around too much! lol

The weekend has been great! With the exception of my parents having a viral infection. They both sound awful. So, we won't be seeing each other for awhile.

Looking forward to getting back to my cross stitch. Was talking with Patrick and we think it would be quicker if I crocheted a baby blanket then it would if I cross stitched something for the baby. I may do that yet!

In the meantime, Have A Happy New Year! and Keep Stitching!

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