Saturday, January 21, 2017

Celebrating Patrick's Birthday Early

This morning was interesting in the fact that I actually slept til 9 am. That was a first in a verlong time.

Miss Kitty and I had a shot morning of TLC time. Patrick had a list of things he wanted done before my parents arrived to go out to eat. I headed over to the neighbors while he got the branches out of the road and took them to the dump. I beat him home, so I checked on my computer for doing videos with the webcam. I figured how to set it up and will probably do a video on flosstube on Monday. I am thinking of doing two of them. One for crossstitch and one for my applique. Sound be interesting to see if I can handle watching myself.

After I was able to see what I could do, I pulled out my crossstitch and worked on it.

I washappy to finally finish her hands with the bouquet of flowers. I'm starting on the chest area. Her chin is getting ready to be worked on as well. I do like the way this is coming out.

Mom and dad arrived early and we headed to Longview for dinner. We had a good time and then came home for games. We played gin, which I won. Then we play rumicube (sp). Of course Patrick won that. Decided I'm not sitting to the left of him anymore! He was good at going out before I could go out. Hate that! Patrick served his cake I made for him. It was a rolled ice cream cake. Turned at pretty good.

After the folks left, I worked on crossstitch some more. That's when I got the hands done.

Al in all a good day. Happy Stitching!

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