Sunday, January 15, 2017

Quiet Sunday

This morning was another early morning. Went out and let Kitty out of the garage. We had a few minutes of TLC.

After Patrick got up, I got dressed and went to see Cherrill to get her socks on. Came back and loaded the truck up with the stuff that was Feelicia's. While I was getting the garage door open, feathers flew. Figured a poor bird got in the garage and Kitty git a meal out of it. Poor thing!

Came in to watch the game today.

Will watching Green Bay win, I. Worked on both cross stitch projects.

I started working her hand and so excited to see it come along so well.

The afghan is another two stripes done.

We had bowling tonight. Bowled a 181, 192, 170. We took 4 games, woohoo.

Happy Stitching!!

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