Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday of Catching Up

Today I was up early just because I couldn't go back to sleep after Patrick left. I was over to our neighbors in good time.

Got home calling Kitty on my way back. She caught up with me and walked along side of me. It's like walking a dog with a lease, but I don't have a lease for her.

I worked on my laundry all day. I finally got caught up on the laundry...just took a week.

I pulled out the dough out of the refrigerator. I had it ready for bread this evening. I let it raise and it was awesome!

Tomorrow I will toast it for breakfast. It's great for toasting.

I got a few stitches in on my cross stitch. I worked on my SAL (will post a photo tomorrow). I finished part 7 of that one. It is coming along great. I'm not sure what is coming, but I'm hoping there are more things about the sea. 😊😊😊

Bowling was tonight - and I bowled better!! I bowled a 161, 191, 182. Got better, but didn't get any of my pins back! I'm still a 171 average for Wednesday night. I'll work on it, hopefully get it back up!
One of the gals we bowled tonight go drunk that she couldn't throw the ball. Her husband wanted her to finish out the bowling (had 3 frames left), but she refused and wanted to go home and go to bed. She was so far out of it, it was embarrassing for everyone. He took her home before the bowling was over and apologized to everyone. She seemed to be an alcoholic, but who am I to know the difference. Patrick kicked my butt again...UGH! We did win 3 games.

Tomorrow is another day! Happy Quilting and Stitching!

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