Tuesday, January 24, 2017

One Heck of a Day!

Today started out early. I headed over to Art's to take him to the casino. We spent the morning playing. Then we played Keno. After Keno was over (20 games in an hour), we headed home. I felt tired most of the morning because Kitty and her new found friend decided to hiss and fuss at each other at our window. She had stayed away all day yesterday and I couldn't get her to the garage. UGH

When I got back from the casino, stopped and dropped garlic break off at moms. They were busy with painters painting the house. She had everything out of the shrunk and tried to give me some stuff. I have too much "stuff" as it is, so decided to say NO. I brought home a couple trays that have dad's military award on it, but I really don't want it, so asked my younger brother if he did. If not will ask my older brother as well.

Went shopping for my son again. Was sending photos as I was trying to make sure I got the right thing for them. Took his food to him after I went to the dollar store to get some cards.

On my way back from the Dollar Store, I stopped at the Vet's to see if we could get Kitty in to be Spayed. I have to get her shots first. So, we will do that Thursday morning. Then I have to make an appointment for her to go back for the spaying. Not cheap.

By the time I got home, Patrick arrived shortly after me. He had passed me in town but stopped to get gas.

We had supper and I went through my yahoo group to see about the Bingo words. I have 3 so far out of 24. Should be fun! I'm doing pretty good.

Tomorrow I need to go back to moms and work on those pillow case quilt tops. Should be interesting with the guys painting. Think it's going to be a mad house and may call it good before the day is over.

Not sure what I will be working on now.

OH! I did work on the circles of the quilt top! I had two done. It turned out pretty good. One of my circles is a little off and may take it off later. I will have them done for QOV meeting next month. I'll work on them a couple times a night. Even if I get 2 done a night, that will be plenty. I think I counted 18 to do, but I did 2 so now it's 16. I'm sure I can get them all done in a day or two. We'll see how that goes.

In the main time.....Happy Quilting!!

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