Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Finished One Thing and Started Another

Or two. Today started out later than usual. I actually went back to sleep and slept an extra hour. I then went to the neighbors, where we had tea and conversation. (Wow! that made me fell old saying it that way).

Kitty followed me over and back. She came in and spent the day with me. It was really nice to have her in the house with me.

I even surprised myself! I didn't touch my tablet till 3:30 pm! Unusual. Phil said he would be over, but then it got busy and didn't make it.

I worked on my block.

It's finally finished. Now I can take it to mom's and we can talk about putting the quilt together. There is more applique to do, but at least we will have all 9 blocks done....yea, I know, I only did 3. Mom is just way to fast for me!

Then I pulled out my fabric for the HAED challenge.

I used the snap frame because I had the other two frames in use. Plus the fabric was bigger than the frames I had. I cut the fabric before I realized I needed to use the snap frames, so I didn't cut it as big as I should have.

Next was going through my list of floss and getting them rolled for use.

This is the one I'm going to do for the challenge. It's going to be interested how I get to the page I need to work on, but I'll get there.

Miss Kitty was there watching me the whole time.

So, I'm tired of working on this challenge that I'm going to get the afghan started for the baby. Guess we can say I actually started 2 things today....UGH! I'm supposed to do that the other way around! Finish 2 and start 1!! OUCH! Guess I better get a few things finished!!

Happy Quilting and Stitching!

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