Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Quiet Sunday Afternoon - Then Bowling

This morning I enjoyed sleeping till 7:30 am. Couldn't sleep any longer as much as I would have loved to. Woke up an hour before and went back to sleep. Got Kitty out of the garage and we enjoyed a couple hours together. I played on the tablet for a while. But now that one of my games reset itself and I'm waiting on the game "help" to actually help me, I can't play it. So, I was ready to call it good for the morning. Patrick slept till about 10 am.

We then worked on laundry and clean up for a little bit. Watching bowling on TV.

I worked on my cross stitch while we watched bowling and a movie. I was able to roll the bar. I'm in the middle of the stocking. I'm going to see if one of my quilter friends will do the stocking. If she won't then I'll see what Vonna will charge. I know I can't do the stocking the way it should be done.

We went bowling and I bowled a 173, 213, 154 for a 540 series. Not the best. I wish I could have done better on the last game but had too many splits. Patrick didn't do so good. I beat him all three games. Woo Hoo! That's what I used to do years ago! I'm hoping this continues!

Happy Quilting - Happy Stitching!

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