Monday, April 10, 2017

Enjoying Floss Tube and Stitching!

Today I was up early. I got up as soon as Patrick left. I was over to the neighbors within an hour. Then I came home.

Today was a day of laundry. So, I got the laundry started and worked on my Floss Tube video.

If your interested in my video you can go to:
Lynn's Floss Tube Video

That took me a while. I was trying to edit it for photos and stuff. I couldn't do it with my Live Video program. I'll work on it. I think I need a editor for the program. I thought I loaded one before but I couldn't get it to work. I'll work on it.

Then I watched some of the ones I like to watch.

I was able to get the penguin done today. I was really enjoying the afternoon. Between laundry and my stitching, it was a good day!

May you have a great day being Happy Quilting or Happy Stitching!

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