Monday, April 17, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day

This morning I was up early - still tired.

Went to the neighbors and she wasn't able to go with me to the meeting. She wasn't feeling good. So, I went to our meeting. I took my old sewing machine so we could do some sewing if we needed it. I had to come back home and get some threads and the extra feet. We were able to get some of the stuff done for Seminar. Because this is for Seminar, I'm not going to give it away just yet. I'm thinking I will post what we're doing on the week we are out of town.

When we were cleaning up, I accidentally dropped my box OPENED! So, we picked up all the threads and threw them in the box. I figured I'd take care of it when I get home.

So, it took me another hour to get them back in order. I'm not sure if I did a good job with getting the colors in order, but at least I got them back in the box! I couldn't believe I dumped this box on the floor! I made sure it snapped shut when I was done!

Then I took the afternoon working on my cross stitch. I did get one of the flippers done. That's about all I got done.

Happy Stitching and Happy Quilting!

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