Friday, May 19, 2017

A Beautiful Day to Work Outside

Today was a beautiful day. It was one of those days where Patrick took part of the day off and worked in the yard. He was saying the garden is a piece of work! It's a big mess. Everything needs to be cleared out and it's going to take some work. All because it rained this year...and when I mean it rained, I mean it RAINED so much the first 5 months! It broke the record for WA state. We have had so much rain that it's equal to the normal up to Nov! We are 6 months ahead of all the rain we get for the year. The yard looks great now. The garden got sprayed.

I did a lot of cleaning. Laundry is almost caught up. I will do what we need later.

The folks will be back on Wednesday. It will be fun to see them again.

I will be doing more cleaning tonight. Then I'm going to start a cross stitch project. I KNOW, I really shouldn't start another project, but this one is small and I'm hoping it will only take a couple days and then it's done. I'll have plenty of time to work on it tomorrow.

I've been keeping a list of things for my next flosstube. I'm hoping to do that a week from Wednesday. I can't wait to do that one too! Plus that's the drawing time. Should be fun!

Happy Quilting - Happy Stitching!

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