Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Working on My HAED Piece

This morning I was up early because Phil was coming to stop by on his way to work. I had an awesome visit with him. He's looking good. I do miss him! He gave me a table cloth for Mother's Day. I'm going to put it on the table Friday. We had a good visit and then he had to leave to head to work.

I went out to get Kitty out of the garage. I opened the door to find two cats and not one cat in the garage. Shock! That cat was laying close to Kitty. He just stared at me. I couldn't believe he wouldn't budge. So, I moved the mattresses and he finally moved but went further into the garage. Lucky me! So, I left the door open for him to get out and brought Kitty in the house for a little bit. After an hour I went out to see if he was still there. No sign of him. So......I put food down and water to see if he would eat it while the door was shut. When Kitty went in the garage tonight the food was still there and so was the water. Guess he's gone for now.

One or both of them made a mess in the garage. Patrick wasn't happen and cleaned it up when he got home.

I worked on my HAED (Heaven and Earth Designs) piece. I didn't get a photo, so will try and get one to post here. I found that parking wasn't going to work on this piece. It's got way too much confetti and it gets confusing where the next piece goes. So, I'm going to work with the parking I have parked and do one color at a time. I'll still work in the 10 x 10 area, but doing one color at a time will go faster and easier then parking and trying to figure out what I did wrong by putting a color in the wrong spot. I did get about 70 stitches done today with the parking. Then changed to using one color.

Once I got tired of that, I finished the binding on the one quilt.

Now I'm attaching the label on the back. Once that's done, I'll wash the quilt. It's coming along great. I have one more to bind and will wait to do that later.

We had bowling tonight and I bowled a 232, 198, 233. We won 2 games and they won one game and totals which gave them 6 points and we had 4 points. Totals equals 4 points. This is 9-pin no tap.  They had 220 handicap and we only had 3. Hopefully next week will b better.

In the meantime Happy Quilting, Happy Stitching!

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