Saturday, May 12, 2018

It's Saturday Again!

Today was another busy day. We didn't do the casino round today. We went to moms and traded out her pots full of plants. She had some dead plants and others that had bulbs of what dad planted last year. So, Patrick gave her two tomato plants in the pots, with about three other pots full of flowers. If I knew what they were called, I'd say, but I don't. I'll take a photo of them the next time I go over. Mom's coming here tomorrow for Mother's Day.

Mom was having a hard day today. We tried to get her out of her slump. Mom and I took a walk around the area with Daisy. We had a good walk. She was doing really good walking. We checked out another area of the community. Then I found out that the secretary there had breast cancer and had a double breast removal. This really hasn't be a good year so far.

Patrick's dad is in the hospital as well. We have prayers going for him.

After visiting mom, we went grocery shopping. We picked up a lot of goodies. I had a lot of "free" coupons, and we got a lot of that as well.

Came home. I had a headache -first time in a long time.  Laid down for a little bit, then got up and worked on my bookkeeping. I couldn't get into the bank records for one of my accounts but will check on that later.

After that, I started working on the binding of the QOV quilt. I haven't gotten a lot done on it, but I'm getting there. I'm still working on the long side of the quilt side.

It's been a good day so far. Looking forward to Mother's Day tomorrow.

What will you be doing tomorrow for Mother's Day? Hopefully you'll have a great day! We'll all be having a good day if we can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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