Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Day Working On Genealogy

I was up early and ready to go. Where....I had no was a day at home....ugh

I got some more laundry going and then I pulled out my folder of stuff. That stuff was ancestry stuff. I was going through my pile - and double checking on to make sure I had the right person with the right family member. I also double checked the dates on there. I didn't change dates, because sometimes the grave information is wrong. But it does give me a starting point.

I came across my "TUTTLE" family and worked on them. To my surprise, I found that my great grandmother's family (siblings) all seemed to have a thing about AX's. One brother was executed for killing his sister, Sarah, with an AX. Then another member of the family attacked another member with an AX as well. I was really surprised at that family. It's also been documented on the FAG pages. Shocker!

Then I got to work on Patrick's family. That family is more historical. They have a lot going on at with that family. I wish at times my mother in law was around so I could tell her what I found.

Then it was time to walk, and exercise. Now I don't have any time to spend working on my crafts. I'm not happy about that, but then I realized I did over 100 names in my family tree today, so can't complain too much.

It's another not so Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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