Thursday, August 8, 2019

Another "Planned" Day

Had my list and was ready to go.

First it was off to the fair to drop off the "Veterans Memorial Museum QOV" tags that were to go on the 2 quilts I entered. Kathy grabbed me before I left and asked if I could help a gal with judging knitting. I told her I had no clue what she needed to do but I would be interested in "scribbing" for her. We worked on the first 6 items and then the gal came that was supposed to help her. I was there an hour (a lot longer than I planned on being there). Gave mom as hug and left after an hour. Mom was judging the quilts.

I was then off to Olympia to get my blood drawn and get my B-12 shot. I ended up giving 9 viles of blood today!! I couldn't believe it!

Then it was back home. I stopped at Safeway for milk and some lunch. Got home and realized I didn't stop and let Daisy out like I told mom I would. So, I got back in the car and went to let her out. Then I came back home - again not really what I planned. If I would have remembered to stop - that would have been great....but NOPE this brain didn't think it was important enough to remember.

I then turned the CD audio book on and listened while I worked on my beading.....WELL, that's another story! I put a good 2 rows in, and one of the beads broke as I was changing threads. UGH! Then I noticed I was off on my rows. I think I skipped a couple rows.

I was taking out and putting the beads in the right piles.

4 Rows later....and I still have 2 more rows to go. That would get me to the broken bead. Might as well keep going since I had to take out 4 or more rows. What a pain in the rear!

I will be going to Sharon's tomorrow, so I will work it out then. She's going to show me how to fix the broken beads. I have another one that's a ways up there. I hope we can figure it out.

When mom got home she called me to tell me the panel quilt that I made with her stars got "best of class" award. I think that's cool! I'm happy with that. It's going to have the QOV sign on it. Then I asked how my embroidery did and she said she forgot to go and look. I was a little surprised that there wasn't much this year compared to last year.

I really can't say I was Happy Stitching because I was taking everything out. But I can say, I wish I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

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