Saturday, January 31, 2015

Getting Ready for the Super Bowl!!

Things are getting exciting around here! - Yea, right!

We are getting ready for the Super Bowl. We won't have anyone over, as they all had other plans. So, it's going to be Patrick and I, which I'm okay with. I won't have to cater to anyone but me! lol

Today was grocery shopping. We did pretty good, since we had plenty of canned foods (thanks to Art), and we had meat in the freezer, and we had a few other things already. We've been doing better at eating better, partly because of me, and partly because we need to. So, we bought fruit for tomorrow as well as the usual of chicken wings. Patrick is going to do is thing with the wings. I'm going to be busy with a project. Not sure if I will pull out the cross stitch or get moving on working on my applique.

I worked on this block today - and no, it's not a new photo. The leaves are done, and I need to back stitch a few more on. I'm thinking about redoing a couple of them but overall they look good. I'm going to try doing the flowers with back stitch and take Kathy W's instructions on how to do it, easily.

I was going to take the pattern from Nancy's class and get it enlarged, but found the size is just right. I showed Patrick the colors and he really likes it. I've got to cut the strips and iron them on the bias. I will probably do that tomorrow or Monday. Friday I'm going over to moms house to work on the baby quilt and work on getting my Affairs of the Heart quilt put together so I can get working on the border. It is going to be fun to get that done too.

Best part about today - nothing surprising has happened like the last few days. Charlie was able to come back in the house, got tired of her crying at me through the door. Went to the movies today and saw Paddington, which I liked! It's well worth seeing.

As I get moving more on my class project, I will be posting that as well. I won't be showing the design till after I'm done, but one will get the idea of what I'm working on. I'm excited about working on it, as I love the pattern.

Best wishes today, and may we all be Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 30, 2015

That's Life.....

Today was one of those days. I seem to have a lot of those days actually. And as I sit here, I figure "That's Life."

Today started out with the usual - walking and cribbage. Got skunked again today too! Of course we took the long walk and by the time I finished cribbage with Art, it was 9 am. I'm usually home by then! As we sat there playing cribbage, he asked if I like to bake. "Yea, sure." Good - he has baking stuff for me to take because Flo did all the baking. Remember - he doesn't cook. Next thing I know, he's showing me three cabinets full of stuff - flour, sugar, mixes, oils, etc. My brain is going - "Oh, no." He asks if I'll be home today, told him I was quilting but would be home in the afternoon. He tells me to bring a box when I come over today.....okay....

I get home, shower and literally run out the door to head to the quilt shop to pay for my Retreat in May. As I get to the shop, it is now 10 am. I showed Evelyna my quilt, and head over to moms for our meeting. I get there and there isn't one place to sit! The place is crowded. One of the gals that hasn't been there in a while was there (not crazy about her, but deal with it). We chatted and dad started fixing pasta. I forgot my lunch and decided I would leave. I picked up a Subway sandwich on the way home. Got home, took the paper over to my walking partner, then took a box to Art. Came home with a box full of food, and brought it home. Don't forget, there was three cabinets full of stuff, so I'm just getting started....ugh.

Got home and started looking for my scissors. I had one of my 4" ginger scissors that lost the clip to it. I haven't seen them for about a week. Keep looking and can't find them. Had these scissor for over 20 years. I had three pairs, one my daughter found in her couch, and kept them. The other two where mine. I had both of them clipped with scissor "id's" so I knew which were mine and which were not. Well, that day came and went. The "id" broke. I now no longer have one pair. So, I got on the web, and ordered a pair of Kia scissors that are 4" with the "necklace" that hold them. I hope my other pair will reappear, but don't think that will happen anytime soon. I even looked under my chair. I'm thinking I left them behind at one of my meetings. Everyone claims them if they find them.

I worked on the basket today, and got the basket finished!! Thank goodness, was getting tired of this one. Now I can work on the leaves and flowers. This one needs the stems on it, and will do that after I have the flowers and leaves on. The other block has the stems already done.

Got home and pulled out my fabric for the class I'm taking with Nancy Lee Chong. I decide to use these fabrics. This is the right colors. It's bright, which I like and I'm thinking I will use the blue on the back as well. That way I can use it "reversible." The only thing is the Celtic design will be on the front, but after it's quilted, one will see the design on the back in the quilting. I need to cut the fabric bias stripes before the next lesson starts.

I came home, let Charlie in, and read the instruction of the class. As I was sitting here, Charlie got up and went to the door. Just as I lift my eyes to see where she went, I hear this sound of squirting. I see Charlie swatting down. OH NO! She just "shit" on my area rug. It wasn't the usual animal job, it was a "runny" job!! So, I shoo her out the door, pick up the rug and throw it outside. Smelly and all. Warned Patrick before he came home and then I used fa-breeze to get the smell out of the house. UGH, ugh, ugh! I love my hubby as he did the clean up on the rug. Big hug and kiss to him for doing that! Charlie has been sitting out our door, crying to come in. Figure I'll give her a couple days to get to feeling better before she comes back in.

As the day ends, I'm thinking how my life seems to be full of surprises every day. Can't win, but keep going. I work on my stuff when I can, and I go with the flow. Can't do anything else, "That's Life." So, if I'm not working on something, I'm thinking of things to keep me going and being Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Day of Dreaming!

Today was my day of "dreaming" since I had to have my colonoscopy. I was up at 2 am with drinking the rest of the liquid and then drinking water. I got up again at 4:30 am and drank more water, as well as making myself comfortable on the "pot."

We arrived at my appointment about 15 mins early, to find out I wouldn't get in for 30 more mins. Which actually turned out to be an hour. Not my favorite idea of waiting, since I tend to think of all kinds of things that go wrong. I did pretty good though, I played on my phone and looked through a magazine.

While laying down on the bed, I thought about quilts I could make or quilts that I liked. I was thinking about Karen's quilt that she's been posting on her blog. I love the colors, and I really like the colors she used around the stars. I was thinking that would be fun to do on blocks that have been won at the quilt groups. I have a blue set of blocks, and I'm almost thinking that could work on those blocks. I also was thinking about the sunflower or Dresden plate pieces I have downstairs that I'm trying to put on muslin blocks.

After my appointment, Patrick drove me home, but we stopped off the at casino and was surprised that we won a lot. We came home with $100 - and none of it was our money. We got our "free money" and it just keep growing. I love days like that. That will help going toward my dental bill I paid yesterday! lol

Patrick and I talked about the retreat in May that Quilter's Junction is putting on. I'm looking forward to it, and need to prepare for it. I have a few ideas, like doing another quilt with the flying geese patterns. It's a pretty pattern and I have one done that I used my hand dyes on. I'm getting excited about getting that quilt ready for the quilt frame when the butterfly quilt is done.

Since I signed up for the table runner that Nancy Lee Chong is teaching, I'm wondering how the class will go. It should be fun, as I've done classes online through the college, so I have a pretty good idea how it works. I'm excited to see her get it started. It starts tomorrow, so I'm going to be busy with the colors I choice - hopefully, I won't change my mind between times. Celtic applique is fun, and I'm hoping it works out okay with me. I'm looking forward to learning how to do it right. The last block I did was one I did by myself, and no idea what I was doing or how to do a Celtic block. I think I did a good job, but would love to learn from someone that knows Celtic designs and how to get around with curves and points. Should be fun! Can't wait!

I have the quilt group at mom's tomorrow, and I think I will leave around lunch time. I know mom is making food for them, and I'm going to leave so I don't have to worry about what I'm eating.

For the past few hours, I've been sitting here with my computer and yawning. I just can't seem to stay awake. I'm doing good, but I am ready to go to bed. I have to be up early for walking. Just wasn't my day today! lol - in a daze......

Tomorrow I can quit dreaming of being happy quilting, and actually be Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Not My Favorite Day!

Okay, there is humor in my day. I'm not sure right now if I have that humor, but I'm hoping when this is over, I can laugh about it.

Today started out at the dentist. I'm one of those people that tightens up every time I'm in the dentist chair. Today was to be the day to fit for a "cap." I've been walking around with 3/4 to 1/2 tooth since Christmas time. They asked if I was in pain, and I said, "no" since I haven't been in pain - till today! The gal asked if I would mind having another person do the "shot" to numb me up. I said, "yes, but if it's needed, go ahead." She then called Margo over to give me "a shot" which turned into 3 shots! I'm hanging onto my chair, and my brain is, "HURRY UP! HURRY UP!" I had to then sit and wait for my mouth to numb up. It did, and they started working on my tooth. UGH - the drill came out. I'm about to climb out the chair at this point, but he keeps working. I was getting close to putting a hole in my sweater pockets that I had on. Once he was done, she proceeded to work on my tooth. The "strings" she put around my tooth (yea, that stuff that tastes AWFUL!) and jamming that up my gums! It's been over 8 hrs, and my tooth is in PAIN! I am scheduled to go back in two weeks! Not looking forward to that either! Oh, and my 6 month check up is scheduled the following week....smack me now!

Came home feeling like crap, and sat down to work on my blocks.

I worked on the basket part of this block. I'm down to the last two rings.

Before working on the other block, I worked on this block. This is the one I made the design for because saw it on the web. I couldn't find a pattern, so I made my own. I need to put the leaves and flowers on it. I have some of the leaves ready to work on, and may do that later. I still haven't decided on the flowers, so my do the other block to this point and then decide what flower to add. It will keep me busy.

Okay, there is more to my day! As if it wasn't bad enough that I had to go to the dentist, I had to go "liquid diet" today for my Colonoscopy tomorrow morning. So, not only have a tooth that is painful, I'm having to mix a lot of laxatives, and hurry to the bathroom. My schedule told me to wait till 3 pm and start mixing and drinking. I started it a little early, because I'm supposed to take the other 34 oz (1/2) of the mix that was took earlier at 3 AM! I'm not looking forward to being up at 3 in the morning to drink 34 ozs of liquid till 6 am. OH! But wait, I can't take anything 4 hrs before my appointment - so I can't do the drinking at 6 am! Guess I'll have to get up an hour earlier to get this drunk and get my system cleaned out.......NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS AT ALL.

I really can't complain about having this done. I do have colon cancer in the family, and since I've been having trouble (yea, I know!) with my stomach, I'm hoping this will answer at least one question. I like checking off "possibilities" of what the cause is.

Not sure I'll be doing much tomorrow, but I will keep my mind on my quilt projects and in my dreams, be Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another Quilt Meeting Day

Today was another quilt meeting day. I had to take my neighbor to the doctor, but that wasn't till the afternoon. I worked fast and got ready to head over to the Mt. St. Helen's group to spend a couple hours with them.

I worked on the block for Betty. I put the stems on the block and started with the basket. It's coming along pretty nicely.

I did take my neighbor to the doctors. Talked with my daughter-in-law part of the time and the other part, worked on the basket part of this block. I had the stems done at the meeting. I took my Hawaiian quilt to show, and was reminded to take it next week. They want me to enter it into the Fair this year, not sure if I will.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting, as it's going to be a day at home because of the procedure I have on Thursday. Should be interesting if I get anything going.

OH! I signed up for Nancy Lee Chongs online class! I couldn't believe I did that! But I'm excited about doing it, as it's a Celtic table runner. Should be fun and hopefully quick. LOL - Yea right! The Academy of Quilting has a lot of great classes one can take. I did get a "cheaper" price on Nancys class! I was surprised! The best news is that it doesn't start till the 30th, and for $31 it's worth the price. I have had to pay $75 for her classes in the past, so for $31, I'm in! She even has a class for her 2 fabric applique. Check out the sight! It's worth looking into. AND YES, I'm going to be having fun and Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 26, 2015

When Will I Learn?!

Today was a day I had already planned on. I had made plans to do a few things, including quilting.

How many times have I told myself - DON'T PLAN THE DAY! Guess I haven't learned anything when it comes to making plans!

So, my day started out like always, walking and cribbage. Then Art told me he tried to clean his car windows and they are awful, so would I please clean his windows to get the streaks off the windows. Warned him I don't do that good with window cleaning but would help him out. I then went and cleaned his windows. Phil came over and left after about 15 mins.

Mom had said she would be over between 12 or 1:30 pm today. I waited for her to call and tell me she was coming. Got the phone call about 1:10 pm, thinking I would get a call around 12:30 pm. She said she would stop off and get lunch. (And yes, I'm starving by then) She arrived around 1:45 pm, we ate and then went downstairs to design the baby quilt for my nephew and his wife. We found the teddy bear we wanted to use, and went from there. It wasn't an hour and we had the design done and the fabrics picked out - and yes, they were my fabrics. She was heading over to the shop to pick up some fabric for the background and the backing for her Baltimore Album quilt.  She almost done with her quilt she's quilting, and wants to have another one ready to quilt. She's kicked out two quilts since I was between mom's quilt and the Hawaiian.

I then realized I needed to get some bookkeeping done, and was in the computer room when Patrick got home. Called it a day, and cooked supper. Played games up till now, and need to figure out what I'm going to do next.

Quilting is tomorrow and I need to take my walking partner to the doctors tomorrow, so I should be (fingers crossed) Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nice Day...Quilting Day...Bowling Day

The weather today was awesome compared to what it has been the last month. Patrick worked out in the yard, and it was fun to see new spring flowers starting to come up. That actually came in handy for me to figure out the colors of a "spring" block.

I pulled out the blocks that I need to make for the spring blocks. I'm beginning to think, I need to quit doing blocks and get my own stuff done. I think after these two I'm going to cut back on doing these blocks for the groups. I have way too much stuff to work on.

I printed my pattern on freezer paper and cut out the design. I then ironed them onto the basket fabrics that I'm going to use for the two blocks. Yes, they are alike, but they will be different at the same time

In trying to figure out stem colors, I came up with this lighter green with a little yellow color that gives it a yellow/green. I compared it to the stems growing outside. Since this is spring, I went with the lighter greens. It was interesting to see how the color affected the color of the blocks.

After getting the block all ready for applique work, I sat down at my frame and started quilting again on this butterfly quilt. I finished this area.

Note to self: Don't use dark thread when working with yellow or lighter colors. Change thread when working on lighter fabrics - and trim seam allowance. Be sure to remove ALL paper when doing paper pieces.

I realize there are no "rules" to quilting, but I do thing that should be considered.

The "thread puller" was awesome while working in this area. There were so many really close seams, that going through the fabrics was tight. The thread puller made it easier to go through. It also make it go so much faster then I've done in the past. I like the way this turned out.

With the sun coming in the room, it made a shadow on my quilt. I was able to work on the left side of the quilt. I'm quilting the butterflies around the center piece and quilting "lines" as if the butterflies were floating around. No rhyme or reason to my quilting. It gives it character.

It's going pretty quick when I'm on the sides of the center part.

This is the side border that I forgot how I quilted it when I started quilting. I do know the end is done, but the sides are only partly done. I'm still quilting around the edge, and will finish these when I get the rest of the quilt done. I really don't know what I will do about the binding, as I don't have any of the fabric they used to make this.

This is how much I did get done on the center piece. It's funny how this photo shows the butterfly. It actually pops in the photo. When one looks at the quilt on the frame, one is trying to figure out what it is because the colors blend more.  I was able to roll the quilt about a half a roll on the frame. The full center piece is in view right now. That makes me feel good, because I'm at the half way point of quilting this quilt.

I spent a few hours downstairs today. I was watching the Hallmark Channel shows as I quilted. Funny how it seems to go faster that way. Before I knew it, it was time to eat and get ready for bowling. Patrick and I bowled over our averages, and it went really well. I believe we won all 4 games.

Tomorrow mom is coming over and we are going to design a quilt for my nephew and his wife. They are expecting a little girl in April. We have an idea of what we want to do, so mom's coming over to see what we can design. I will quilt on the quilt while I wait for her to come over. Which means, it's going to be a great day to be Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another Weekday Away from Home

Funny how we seem to have so much going on during the weekend. We went to my folks and then went up to Tacoma's Spaghetti Factory for a early supper. The food was good. We had a good time enjoying each others company, then headed to my folks house after. Our son, Phil, met us at the house and we played Mexican Train. Of course, I lost.

Got home and have been reading up on all the group chats on Facebook. I used to check out the yahoo groups of quilting, but they seem to be group jobs. I wasn't involved in the last two projects they had going, so I didn't keep checking the groups. It's fun to get some pointers on how quilters do certain things, but lately I haven't had to do that.

I keep looking at this pattern, and I need to "suck it up" and applique it for Betty. Since I am the last one to get a block to her, it would be nice if I got moving on it. I'm also going to do this block for the March with my Thursday group. It should be that hard, I just need to kick it in gear and get it cut out and ready to applique. I think the thing keeping me from doing that is the flowers. Yet, there are tons of flowers out there, so I really don't know what my problem is about getting it going.

I did get set up to finish the first basket block that is P3 Designs BOM. I really, really need to get moving and be Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Where Did The Time Go?

What a fast day! This after what my friend said the other day! She made the comment that we were not getting any younger, and we have about 10 to 20 good years left to finish all the things we want to do. Ugh! She actually made me feel old that day, and she's a year younger than me! I don't feel old, but I am and I know it. I just don't want to think of "time running out."

Today I did the usual of walking and cribbage. Then I came home and tried to get the fireplace lit. After a good half hour of trying, it finally lit up. Since it takes a little while to warm up downstairs, I took my shower and pulled out the butter in the freezer to sit. It needed to be at room temp for a recipe. I planned on making a cake for Patrick's Birthday this weekend. After all that, I went downstairs to see about quilting.

I checked out the quilt first to see if I knew what I was going to do.

I was on the middle section of the quilt. I remembered that I wasn't sure what I would do about quilting in that area. Today, it didn't seem to be hard to figure out what I would do. That made me feel better, and excited about getting it done.

I was working in this area, and I wanted to show how the person who pieced this (paper piecing) did by sewing the yellow with green thread. I was surprised she used green, because there is enough yellow here. I think that is part of the reason I wasn't in a big hurry to get this done. I was a little disappointed that they used thread to sew pieces together that make it look messy. I shouldn't feel that way, as it was a gift for my time a president of the guild.

I finished quilting this area. It went a lot faster than I expected. The flower is almost done. I did find an area that I hadn't quilted yet, and it looked good, but I was quilting around the petals and it looked like I needed to quilt there. I was trying to decide if I'm going to do it or not, and I probably will because it's too obvious if I don't.

This is how I quilted that area. I wanted to make it simple. The seams have a lot more fabric than 1/4", which makes it hard to quilt in those area. I don't think the seams were trimmed down, so with that much fabric, it's harder to get the stitches to be even. And in this case, a lot of the stitches are few and far between.

I was going to use a gold or dark yellow quilting thread for the flower lines but decided I didn't want two or more colors of quilting thread on this quilt. It's coming along. I need to remember to keep it "simple" so that it doesn't get too hard to quilt. Once the center piece is done, then it will go fast getting the rest of the quilt done. I forgot what design I was using on the border, so I will leave those alone, till I get the rest of it done. I can work on those after I get the quilt off the frame. I'm not sure what I will bind it with as I don't have the fabric from 13 years ago. I need to see what I can find that will work.

I called it quits with the quilt at about 1 pm, and started working on Patrick's cake. It was one that was in the magazine that my daughter sent to me. It's the Food Network magazine and boy! did it have recipes. Patrick found the chocolate cake and said he wanted that for his Birthday. Well that cake took me 4 hours to make! I had him finish it up when he got home so I could fix supper.

Charlie and I had a good day though, we enjoyed spending part of the day downstairs. I was surprised that I actually got to be Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Day at Home

Good thing I didn't plan today. It was one of those days where laundry kept me busy. My daughter-in-law called to talk about family history, so that got me off on my family history again.

I pulled out letters from the past and copied a few. I entered them on the "Letters from the Past" blog that is listed here. I noticed that one of the letters was to my great great grandmother before she was married to my great great grandfather. (1870) I'm having fun reading these letters and see what my family did when they were around. My mother was from KS and when she was about 9 months old, her family came to Wallawa, OR. This was during the dust bowl era.

Laundry kept me busier than I thought it would. I thought about taking out Phillip's quilt and working on it, but that's about as far as that got.

While looking for this photo of Phillip's quilt, I realized I have a cross stitch picture to finish as well. That may be coming out to be worked on as well. Tomorrow is Friday, and as far as I know, I don't have any plans. I need to clean up some of my mess, but I'm almost thinking I'll go downstairs tomorrow and see where that takes me. I was checking out one of the new shows a friend of mine told me about, "The Mysteries of Laura." Surprisingly enough, I found I do like that show. A little comedy goes a long way. I need to get caught up on the NCIS shows too.

So it's the pits that today, I wasn't able to be Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Where Did The Day Go?

I had one of those days. And yet I was up early. I walked with my neighbor, then cribbage with my other neighbor, and then off to a friends house.

Today we worked on place-mats with the fabric I gave her before Christmas. We cut them to size, and she surged the pieces so she can wash them to see if they will straighten out. I was there for 4 hours and we still didn't get as much done as I hoped, but we did have a good visit. She fixed a gluten free pizza that was one of the better ones I've had yet. It was like crackers, and it tasted really good. We didn't have cheese on it, but with what she put on it, one didn't need the cheese.

When I got home, I had to go next door and see what messages my neighbor had on his phone, since he doesn't know how to work a cell phone. All he does is call and answer, anything else he is clueless.

I did work a little on the basket block for my guilt wall. I'm stitching down the wicker part of the basket, and that is going pretty fast. Then I will start working on the leaves again, as well as the flowers. The basket block from P3 Designs I'll work on tomorrow to see if I can get the first block done.

We bowled tonight, and I'm finding I'm getting competitive again. I'm working on bowling better, and getting my scores up. My average tonight went up another pin. I've also found out I've got the same attitude that the Seahawks have, - Your not done till it's over. We one the second gave because I didn't give up and it was up to Patrick and I to pull us out. Once I bowled two strikes in the ten frame, it gave Patrick a chance to win the game. He pulled it through and we won with 20 pins. Before we bowled we were losing by 30 pins. Woo hoo!

Tomorrow is "my day" and I'm hoping to be working on laundry, as well as quilting. I've got applique I can do, as well as quilt Phillip's little quilt. I haven't decided yet what I will do, but the time will tell tomorrow. Who knows I may go downstairs and quilt on the butterfly quilt to get that one finished next. I'm NOT planning on doing anything till tomorrow, because we all know what happens when I plan something! Crossing my fingers I'm doing some quilting tomorrow and Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Now that the Quilt is Finished......

Today I was supposed to go to Tacoma with my neighbor so he could take care of some insurance stuff. When I went over to his house, I found out we would not be going after all. He got "chewed" up by his daughter and granddaughters. So, he decided to turn his phone off and we would go to the casino. He gave me money to play with. I won and lost and gave him a little over half what he gave me to play with. I did win a bonus spin of 49 spins and won $89 with an 80 cent bet.

Finally made it back home around 2 pm. That was after playing a couple of games of cribbage, and this time I skunked him.

I started the first basket yesterday. One side is a little pucker, but I think I can deal with that. Really don't want to redo it. I'll work on the flower tonight.

Last night I was basting a lot of leaves on the two blocks I've been working with. I know I need to go and get my "Carolina Lilly" block and finish that for my quilt. I'll try and do that this weekend. I've got to get past tomorrow and then I can stay home and relax. I'm going to figure out which projects will be next, since the guilt wall blocks are being done slowly. I also need to work on two basket blocks for quilt friends.

My mind is going in several different directions. I can't believe finishing a quilt would make me feel lost. I do a little, though. I need to work on another UFO. I was telling mom today that I need to get with her and figure out the border for my "Affairs of the Heart" quilt. Once that is done, then I can cross one more thing off my list. Other than quilting. I don't count my tops that need to be quilted, as that list is long. Think I have about 10 ready for quilting. I can think of at least 4 UFO's but I know there is a heck of a lot more. I have a quilt I want to do, but need to finish at least one more UFO before I pull it out to work on.

I will work on my photos of quilts. It's a work in progress page. I'll let you know when I have them all listed. Or at least most of them listed. In the meantime, I'm Happy Quilting.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Yesterday was a day of fun! We sat and watched the Seahawks game and won! Patrick was okay with Green Bay not winning as that's his "second" team. We're headed to the Super Bowl! At least the team is, I'm not.

Yesterday I added a few quilting stitches in places that needed it. I could have left it alone but it had plenty of room for another "echo" stitch in the middle. Patrick put the quilt on the bed, and took a photo, BEFORE I washed it. He even sent the photo to all his family. I couldn't believe how quickly he did that!

Today I washed it, and put it back on the bed.

This is MY DESIGN, and is copyrighted. It's called "Patricks Garden," because the flowers were from his garden. He was so surprised I named it that. He was thrilled. I can't wait to design another one, but I have things to finish before I do another one. This is a Thank You to Nancy Chong! She's the one who taught the class and showed me how to design a quilt.

We went to the movies today. Then came home and I worked on the basket block that is part of P3 Designs. I'm going to work on my basket blocks tonight by basting the pieces down. I will need a lot of them done, as I'm taking my neighbor up to Tacoma so he can change some of his insurance information. Since Flo passed away, he's been relying on me more than I would like. Next Tuesday I have to take my walking partner to the doctors in town. My neighbors have figured out I'm home most of the time. Can't get a lot done but keeping them happy. lol

It's been cold around here lately, and just had to take this photo. Usually it's a lot redder than this, but since the rain and cold weather are here, we get more blue then usual.

I'm hoping to get working on the quilt downstairs in the frame. That quilt is half quilted. I would love to finish another one. I will pull out the red and white quilt to hand quilt upstairs.

This will be the next one I quilt. I didn't baste it very good on the machine, but I will do with what I did. The next one will go to someone else to machine baste. 

I like this one better, but Patrick likes the red one. So, the red is first and then this one. I'm trying to decide what quilting design I will use for it. Each one has it's own design, so they will be quilted completely different. 

I was thinking of adding another page on my blog and showing all my quilts I have done over the years. The older they are the more they start to fall apart.  I figure it would be a great place to put all my quilts. I will try and get all my photos of quilts I've done, and put them there with the year. The two I just finished are the first of many from coming back from a "break." Can't wait to decide on the quilting pattern and being Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Today was a day of bowling in a tournament. We bowled good, but not good enough. It was 9 pin no tap. Love to bowl that way, but wasn't doing as good as I had hoped. I bowled 210, 190, 210. Patrick did even better.

Came home and had supper, which was cold chicken. We sat and watched TV for awhile. It was taking me some time to get "into the mood" to work on my quilt. Once I got in the mood, it only took about 2 hours and it was done. I fixed the middle of the quilt that had a knot. I took the knot out and re-quilted that area.

I'm working on a label, and the will wash the quilt. Once that is done, I will find a really nice place to take a photo. I will have a photo of it on the bed, but I want to be able to see the whole quilt, so will work on how I can do that. If it's raining again tomorrow, I won't be able to take it outside.

Tomorrow is the Seahawks vs Packers game! Since Patrick is from Green Bay, it's a win, win situation. (WE WON!)

Tomorrow I will pull out another unfinished project to get moving. I have Phillip's quilt to finish as well, so may get back to quilting that too. Well see what comes next with being Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Another Quilting Day!

Today was a quick day. Seemed like the day went so fast. Our morning started out with me walking with Ruth. Before I headed out to meet up with her, (yes she was ahead of me) Patrick and I got the crock-pot going with beans. I started it, then ran out to meet Ruth, while Patrick put the spices in the pot.

After walking I went next door to play cribbage. I was skunked today....not the best way to start the day. Headed home and showered.

When I was done and ready to go, I arrived at moms by 9:30 am and there were 2 other quilters there already. Looks like they are starting to potluck it again, and I'm going to start leaving early if it keeps up. Not wanting to deal with the temptations.

While at moms, I worked on the leaves that I basted onto the block yesterday. I also worked on the basket itself. I have to applique down the wicker basket as well. I'm about half way with that part. I will finish the basket here pretty soon. It looks cockeyed but then by the time I put the flowers and leaves on, it won't look that bad. I'm hoping at least. I will say I'm NOT going to do another basket that has this much trouble to it. lol

This is going to be the last photo of the Hawaiian before it's finished. I will wash it and get it ready for a photo. It may take a few tries to get it right, but this is the last corner that needs to be done.

It's funny how I think of things to say on here while I'm working on each of my projects, and then when it comes to putting it down on paper, I forget what it was I wanted to say.

Once this is done, I will get back to working on my different applique projects. I need to get the border done on the Affairs of the Heart quilt top. I need to finish that up her pretty soon. Or it will be another one of those projects that takes 10 years. As if I don't have enough of those already! lol

I've been enjoying getting back into quilting and projects. It's a lot of fun, and I'm surprised at what I've been able to get done. I'm going to set up a page on here for other quilt blogs that would be fun to check out. If you would like me to include yours, send me an email. I'm looking for blogs that show what your doing, and a little about it. I don't want blogs that are "teaching" or "selling" as I don't like going to those blogs, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to either. May we all be Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Another Day of Quilting...And Yet, Not!

Today was a day of enjoying another day of quilting with my awesome friends. Our group, "Haven't Missed a Stitch" is a blast. We laugh and enjoy each other's company. There were a lot of show and tells. I didn't have anything to show.

I took my guilt wall blocks. I was able to put a few leaves on the block to applique.

I was able to add more leaves to this one as well. It was working out great. Laughing and basting. I also brought my tin of hand piecing.

I sewed one of the "groups" wrong and took it out, putting it back on. Then I added another piece. I need to check and see what this blocks name is. I'm not sure what it is. I know I have a book downstairs with the name, just too lazy to go check it out!

I didn't get to quilt last night, so the Hawaiian is still waiting to be finished. Tomorrow is another quilt group - which is at moms house. I haven't decided if I need to take my quilt with me or just wait till I get home tomorrow. If they potluck it, I'll be home early.

Looking forward to being back to Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Slowed Down....

I did my walking, played cribbage, and enjoyed my day at home. I didn't work on the quilt as much today, was playing way too much. I did do laundry, but that doesn't count toward getting my quilt done!

This area is finished, and

quilting my last "hump" other than the corner. I'm a little farther along then this. It's going pretty fast, if I would just sit down and work on it.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and then quilting with our TAS group. I was told today that Anita Smith resigned, (founder) and I'm worried that is the last straw for TAS. Shame.

I bowled tonight, so I wasn't able to put the time into the quilt that I normally would. I'll work on my applique and piecing tomorrow at the group meeting. Then when I come home, I can get back to the quilting. If I'm still on schedule, I should have it done by this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm hoping to be Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Love Days to Myself!

I got up and walked this morning, then headed to the neighbor for cribbage - yea, got skunked. Anyway, told him I couldn't eat breakfast with him anymore. I took an orange with me so I could eat that while he ate, but he refused to make himself breakfast. I hope he ate after I left.

Came home and found Patrick was thinking about me, because the fireplace was lit and going.

It was nice and warm downstairs. It was also one of those days that I could do whatever I wanted to do. It's called a Day BY MYSELF! YEA! That must have blown my mind because I couldn't keep myself busy down there. I did try to learn Pearle's (P3 Designs) technique. Then I realized I did it wrong, so will applique this first block down and then try again with the next one. I made some cornstarch starch for her technique which looks like fun.

I was able to use my new scissors, my son and daughter-in-law gave me. I love these scissors.

I will be using bright colors on this quilt. I sewed some of the squares I brought back from moms. I did mess up with cutting it down to the 5 1/2" square size. Oh, well. Only one of the blocks was messed up.

I made a few extra pieces to mix with the colors I use next week.

These are the three I did get finished. We were supposed to make 4, but like I said, messed that "puppy" up. So, I cut a few more. Then I trimmed it down to size. This was easier than I thought. I love the way you don't waste fabric. Some patterns today waste so much fabric it drives me crazy. So, I usually figure another way to save fabric. Pearle's good, no wasted fabrics.

I was supposed to have put this together "off the block" before putting it on the block. I just got ahead of myself. I'm going to applique this one and finish it at this stage. Then I'll put the flower on and get it appliqued. I like it so far, and look forward to using up scraps for this quilt.

Okay, now you can see my "current" guilt wall. I've got a lot done for both quilts, but still have at least 3-4 blocks to go. Times 2! The orange is really showing up in this quilt. I have been picking up orange fabric when I see it. Katt should be thrilled I stuck with her colors! But then again, she wants me to do a black and white quilt! I haven't started cutting those out yet. I'm actually thinking of using the "Rob Peter to Pay Paul" block for the black and white quilt. So, have you figured out - THAT'S another project that I haven't started?!  The bag of photos on the sewing machine is all quilts. I took a lot of photos at quilt shows. There is a huge bag of nothing but! Not sure what I will do with those. May go through and pick my favorites.

This is my design for the basket pattern I'm doing for Betty. I need to get that cut out and ready to applique. Still waiting, want to have my quilt done first.

This should get you an idea of where I am. I just need to finish this corner and then I'm done. Since taking this photo, I have finished the "hump" at the top of this photo. I'm heading to the last "humped" area. Doesn't look like a lot, but it's been going faster than I thought it would.

This is the center hump that I finished. Had to take some stitches out because it puckered a little, so I took the bottom part out and restitched. It is now finished. Now on to the next area.

I was watching some old movies today while working on the quilt. I came up to work on the quilt about 1 pm today. I've been looking at all that quilting and wondering "AM I NUTS!" The next one will be more traditional. But that won't be for awhile. I have a few more quilts to quilt! I also have a lot of applique I need to work on. I was thinking today.....I still need to do the borders of the "Affairs of the Heart" quilt that has all the blocks done. Let's see if I can get that done this year! If I do, I'll be Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...