Monday, August 15, 2016

Enjoying Friends with Brazilian Embroidery

This morning was a first in a long time! I wanted to sleep in! I did get up and do the usual 2.5 mile walk. We had a good walk. I enjoyed a good visit with Ruth as we walked.

Came home and got ready for our meeting today. It was an enjoyable day with friends at our Brazilian embroidery meeting. I did have to come back home to pick up the embroidery piece I borrowed from Pat. I also had to bring Georgie her "Crazy Quilt" pattern that she ordered and I've had since the Seminar.

I worked on my next bird. I had to get some orange from Pat. I'm going to have to order some floss again. I need a couple colors from the "Ed-Mar" line and then I'm also in need of a couple more Madeira line.  I forgot one color and I'm thinking I need another set of floss for at least two colors.

I came home and cleaned up a bit. I had to vacuum, the floor was a bit dirty. Driving me crazy. It'snot like I don't vacuum, it's more like the weekend brought a ton of dirt in the house.

I then started fixing supper. It took about 15 mins, but it had to go in the oven. Yea, I know - crazy me! It's close to 85 degrees outside and I'm baking! Guess I'll never learn. Good thing I have a fan in the house! The breeze from the deck is nice. After supper, I made a small dish of apple crumble. It's in the oven - yep! I didn't learn a thing with the first time the oven was on! At least we're eating apples! (smiling)

I'm now working on my cross stitch. Tomorrow I'm hoping to work on the quilt downstairs. Till then I'm cross stitching.

This is a learning process for me.

I'm doing the block of 10's, giving it a jagged look. I like the diagonal direction and keeping that. I'm going to change how I did the 10's though. I'm going to work from the bottom to the top. Since I'm left handed and work from the left to the right, I'm still coming up at the point where there are 3 stitches already in the hole. So, I'm going to work from the bottom to the top of the group of 10's. I'm going to continue with the diagonal direct because it's awesome! I'm working a lot faster and I'm filling in every hole, so I won't have to go back and fill in. I like how the "parking" works, and have been parking when I can. As soon as that lower part is done, I will get started on the bottom to the top. It's going to order more floss here in a sec. I was surprised the pattern didn't have (2) on some of the colors. As I'm working it, I realize I will need more floss. I'm learning a LOT and enjoying every minute of it. I do see a lot of other stitches using other floss - other than DMC or ANCHOR. I would love to figure out what they order and may start going in that direction as well.

Some people on Instagram have gifts for those who have helped them get to 200, 500, 1000 followers. I'm almost thinking I may do that as well. I have plenty of DMC and some patterns I may not use but would love to give to someone who will appreciate it. It's on my mind. I may figure it out by the time I get to 500 followers. Right now I'm about 189 followers. It surprises me actually. I do my "in progress" stuff here and put my photos on. But then I have been posting daily on my cross stitch.

All's good, and I'm enjoying the days I get to set with friends and enjoy their company. Life is good with good friends. May we all be Happy - Quilting!

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