Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Getting Caught Up Today....

This morning we walked for 2.7 miles. Closer to the end of our walk a BIG dog came up to us. She was very friendly and all over the place. She followed us home, so we put her in Ruth's yard and called the number on her collar. Apparently, the dog came from over 2 miles up the road. I was so worried about the dog when she kept crossing Jackson Hwy. Ruth said they came and got her, so I fell better that we did the right thing.

Came home and worked on laundry. Then headed downstairs to quilt.

I did get this area done. I've been getting a little at a time done. I need to get more, but today I didn't seem to be in the mood to quilt.

I took the quilt outside to see if I could get a good photo.

This is the quilt that we finished for QOV.

It only got a blue ribbon at the fair. I really don't care. I made it for the QOV quilts. The eagles are the ones I made, Donna put the blocks that were donated. I like the way it came out.

After taking pictures, I worked on the applique pieces for the next block. These are ready for me to work on at our meeting tomorrow. I wanted to be ready with something to work on.

Between laundry, I was watching the shows I have on the DVR. I've been watching the "VERA" show that's on public channels. It's pretty good. I do like it. I started to watch a movie that I taped but it was time for Patrick to get home so I wasn't able to see rest of it. Will try and watch the second half of it tomorrow when I get home.

I started the cross stitch at this point,

and ended at this point. I will be working on it here in a few again. We had to leave to the bowling alley to attend our meeting. We start bowling soon. I don't care for this group, but I'm only bowling because of our partners wanting to bowl.

Today was a busy day, a good day, and I was getting caught up on a few things! Happy Quilting!

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