Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Still Cross Stitching......

This morning, I enjoyed know I could sleep in. I actually did. We were laughing about me being able to sleep till 9 am yesterday. As a teenager, I would sleep till 1 or 2 pm on weekends. Then again, I stayed up till 1 or 2 am watching old movies I messed while we lived outside the US. I wanted to sleep till 10 am yesterday, but had to be up by 8 am. lol 

Patrick and I walked the neighborhood and checked water meters. It was halfway dry, but some areas still had the rainwater there. Since we have been having rain for the last week or so. Today was the first in a week that it didn't rain at all. That took an hour. We did get our walking in though. Patrick then worked on the reports for the state. I watched "Marple" on BritBox. 

While I was busy watching TV, I was stitching all day. 

I worked on the gold area. It was easier to work on today. Not a mess like the rest of it. I was able to work on the Beard. I did have to take out some below the greenery on the left. I must have taken that out 3 x's because I had a "x" that was off. I couldn't figure out where, so kept stitching and taking out till I found it. I rolled the piece today to get more room to work on. AND to reach better. It's coming along pretty good. One of the embroidery gals was looking for this pattern, so I told her she can have this when I'm done. I don't play to do it again. 

I do enjoy working on the piece. I'm getting a little excited about finishing this now. There are gold "x" around the piece, and I'm thinking I won't add that. It doesn't need it and I don't want the gold to show through on the piece in the front. When one runs a floss to another area that is 2" away, it tends to show through the fabric. I don't care for that. So, I'm thinking I'm not going to both with it. 

As today went, it was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Embroidery Day

This morning I headed out for embroidery.  I was on time today. Sandy was running behind.  She brought me tea and sausage biscuit. 

I brought my embroidery bag and worked on my moss.

I did one with both colors of yellow.  It's the bottom right one. I really like the way it came out. Still have at least 7 more to do. 

Stopped and got the car washed. Then got a tea from Dutch Brothers. Debbie was there too. 😅

Came home and watched TV with Patrick.  Pulled out my cross Stitch and got busy.  Had to use my magnifier to get the white, tan and off white done.

I had to take some out because it wasn't looking right. Must have taken one area out 10 times before I was Happy with it. I need to get more gold done as well. That will come too.

It turned out to be a fun day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Enjoyable Sunday - Via Zoom

 This morning, I was up early. Slept good but just couldn't go back to sleep. 

Sophie was waiting on me. She seems to love stretching out on the couch first thing in the morning. 

I played for a while. Patrick asked me to go walking with him, so we did 3 laps. He starting to join me in my walking. Surprising but nice. We chat about this and that. Almost like being in the car together. lol 

Came in and got busy on doing the billing. I needed to send out bills for the water. So, that took most of the afternoon till I was due to meet in our virtual stitching group.  I got a lot done. I even paid a bill to find out I got a $20 late fee because they didn't cash the check till after it was due. Actually, 3 of my checks didn't get cashed till a month after I sent them. I'm wondering if I will get another late fee on the other 2. Time will tell. I just paid the bill. I wasn't going to fight it, haven't done that in forever. 

Then we had our virtual meeting. There were 6 of us. Started out with 4 of us, then 2 more came later. We quit at 6 pm and I was good with that. 

I worked on the moss and got 2 more done. I have a few more to do and will work on them tomorrow. I am getting a lot done on this. Even though most of the work is while I'm at our meetings on Monday. 

Then I thought I would work on my cross stitching. 

The lighting was bad and when I'm working with white, it helps to have good lighting. I got about 100 stitches in. Really not a lot. I'm hoping to work on it tomorrow. I'm just happy to get what I do done on this. I would love to get closer to finishing it, but at this rate who knows. I do want to work on a different one, one of the days. I'm kinda tired of working on this. Maybe that is why I haven't gotten very far in the last year. At least I was enjoying my day and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Another Saturday Of Stitching

This morning,  we both slept in.

I was playing my games for awhile this morning. Then went walking.  Got my 7 laps in before it rained. It felt good to walk, haven't done that in a few days.

Came in and watched a few shows while stitching. 

I really have been getting a lot done lately.  I really hate doing the beard 😅 but I am getting through it. I am over half way done. I opened my pattern to find the half way point to find I am almost half way on the top half. Pretty soon the face will be showing up. I will need to work on more gold too. Not my favorite lol.

Today was another awesome day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Trip To Kelso

 This morning, I slept in and loved it. It felt good. I think I was awake around 4 pm and trying to get back to sleep. Must not have been as long as I thought because the next think, I knew it was 9 am. 

I enjoyed about an hour of just watching TV and playing my games. Then after I showered, I got busy with making croutons out of the bread that Geralyn gave us. It was awesome! 

Patrick had half the bowl eaten and has a little less than this left. He loves his croutons! I had a few at lunch time. 

Then I started in on baking White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies! I was hungry for them. Of course, I did such a good job, that Patrick even liked them. WHICH MEANS, they won't last long. He did put some in the freezer for later. Think he was afraid I would eat more than him. 

Debbie stopped by and gave me a gift. It was so cool!! A Dutch Brothers shirt that has Jeff Dunham's character on it. Really funny and yes, I will wear it!! I feel bad I didn't get her anything, but I will later in the year. 

Then we headed down to Kelso. Patrick wanted to take me to Red Lobster. We were glad to see it's still open. I believe the one in Olympia has closed down. The prices are higher, and the food is different, but it's still seafood. The combo meals on have shrimp now. They used to have other seafood but it's the shrimp specials. We did the combo meals. That was a good price, so no complaints there. I just can't see paying $45 for a plate of food for one person. I have a hard time paying $25 a person. We only had the $17 per person meal, so that was okay by me. I remember when most of the food at Red Lobster was a good price. The $20 meals are now $35 or higher. I still like their food, and will still go, but need to suck in my pride and just order. 

Afterwards, I talked Patrick into getting a holiday drink at Dutch Brothers there in Kelso. Since it was .3 miles from Red Lobster, he agreed. I wanted the 4x the points. lol We both got something with the gift card I got. Then we came home. It was dark and hard to see the lines on I-5. They need to paint the lines again. When it's raining and dark, those lines are hard to find. 

Came home and watch a couple Britbox shows. Then called it a night. I was happy to be able to enjoy baking today. I haven't done it for awhile, so I was thrilled to do something right today. lol As much as I wanted to be stitching, it didn't work out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Day After Christmas

Today I enjoyed sleeping in. Patrick even got up before me. Then I sat and enjoyed my breakfast and playing games. 

Then Patrick and I went through our Kitchen cabinets. We pulled everything out and then checked everything to see if they expired. Of course, some did. Found a spice that had 2009 on it. We were able to get rid of a lot of stuff. Then we rearranged the cabinets to work for us. Took stuff of the counters and put them in the cabinets for more room. My baking stuff is by my tea, since I do both of those in that area. Then my cooking stuff is in the area by the stove. We ended up with the top shelves having very little to them. They are too high for me to reach. Patrick said he would get the stuff down when I needed them. Which won't be very often. I do want to make some white chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts. I will do that tomorrow. We also cleaned up the cabinets toward the dining room table. Those have noodles, soup, and that kind of stuff. 

Once all that was over, I pulled out my cross stitching again today. 

Got this much done and then it was time to eat. We watched TV while I stitched. 

While watching the Seahawks, I worked on it some more. I'm happy with the way it's coming. I am not crazy about the white area of the beard. There is a lot of it, and it's a pain to work on. That area has white, off white, and tan in there. I understand why, but it's so much of it, that it can get confusing for me at times. At least I mark each row off that I do, so that I don't get the rows messed up. When I get to the top white in the right side, I will have half of this done. Bottom half in case it wasn't figured out. I worked on the gold. I don't care to work on that, but I did. At least the stuff I ordered came in, so I'm good and ready to get it done. I almost wish I had found a tan color that would have worked out better. I'm not crazy about the gold. I have a couple places to fill in and then I can continue on up the piece. It's coming along nicely. 

So, my day was pretty much being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 Today I wanted to sleep in. First time since forever that I wasn't excited about Christmas morning. I used to wake up and get excited about Christmas day. Since it was just the two of us, I guess it wasn't top on my list. 

When I did get up, I worked on making blueberry muffins made. Patrick went to get a shower while I worked on the blueberry muffins.  He did help a little, but I could have used his help more. We opened gifts from Katt and called her. I got a beautiful Winnie the Pooh necklace as well as a really cute cross stitch kit. I really want to do that one too! After we finished talking to her, we opened the rest of the gifts. Then texted Phil with thank You's. We saw them yesterday, so that was okay we didn't chat with them today. Sophie was checking everything out too. 

We spend part of the day watching Christmas movies, but after 2 of them Patrick gave up. We were watching Hallmark, and they really weren't "exciting" but "blah." So, Patrick said he was done with the movies. I agreed on that part, the movies weren't as good as they used to be. But then, this was done in about 2016. I am behind on the Halmark Christmas movies. If they are all this slow, then maybe it's a good thing I haven't been on top of them. I also just realized I haven't been on top of my shows since Patrick retired. It's all about his shows. UGH

I decided I needed to work on something today. Not stick with playing games. 

So, I pulled out my Forest Santa today and worked on it. I was able to get a lot done. I'm really wanting to finish this now that I have another cross stitch, I am itching to get to. 

We had King Crab for supper today. It was really, really good. I love me some crab! 

My day was pretty good. Not as much fun as in the past. Patrick was on another planet or something. He kept say he wanted to do what I wanted. That's not Christmas. But then I haven't really been in the mood since Thanksgiving. At least this turned out a 100% better than Thanksgiving did. lol 

That's how I can stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Sending Christmas Cheer!

 This morning, Patrick and I enjoyed being able to sleep in - but I didn't. 

Got to enjoy a bit of time on the tablet and then need to drop of Christmas gifts. We headed to Nancy's first and gave her her gift. Then we went to moms and dropped off her gifts. I was going to go to the mail box, but had the wrong key. I had Nancy's. Too funny. I don't know where mom put her key, so didn't bother. Patrick watered her plants. Then we headed to Phil and Emily's. Patrick and Phil were unloading his gifts from the car. I went in and chatted with Emily. She looks awesome! I had so much fun chatting about our crafts. She told me I needed to put 30 mins a day aside to work on my stuff. I told her I would try. 

Came home and watched a Christmas movie. Both the one today and yesterday, I already saw, but Patrick didn't and I didn't want to ruin it by telling him. We ended up having TV dinner for Patrick and salad for me. We really couldn't think of anything for supper. 

I then pulled out my embroidery and decided to work on that. 

I finished 2 of the moss. I am getting it ready for the lighter color tomorrow. If I work on it tomorrow. 

Patrick's sister called and I worked on the white flowers with the beads on the tip. There were 3 sets of 3 done. I have more to do, but it's a start. I do like doing them. At least it's one more step to being done. The moss above take a lot of time, because there are 3 different stitches to make that effect. I will try and get the red beads done as well. It's coming along and I'm happy with it. Told Emily I was making this for them. It may be for her Birthday at this rate. I was thrilled at how well she was and really enjoyed our chatting. 

So, after giving gifts and stitching, it made for a long-deserved day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Back To Olympia And Wrapping

 This morning, we were up bright and early. Patrick had his kidney doctor appointment, and it was at 8:30 am.  We were out the door in time. Got up there and were in and out pretty quickly. Even Patrick's blood draws were done fast. I like his kidney doctors, she's a kick and she's on it with his medications. She's the first one to call him when his electrolytes are off. Too bad she's not a GP, or I would go to her! lol 

We then went to Costco! OH, MY! It was crowded. I didn't get a couple things I wanted but oh, well. I wanted some of their cookies in the tin. I also wanted some chocolate nuts, but those were all gone. We got a pumpkin pie for Debbie since she forgot when she went last week. lol We picked up a few things for Phil as well. 

Came home and unloaded. It was pretty fast. We did get a couple things on sale. I was laughing with Patrick at how cheap I am. I look for deals and have a hard time buying things that are expensive. He reminds me we have the money and not to worry about it. BUT I do. I am always saving money when I can. I told him it was fun yesterday and yet to me it was expensive. I don't do it often but it was really fun. He told me, "Then it was worth it." I laughed and say, "Yeah, I guess but still think of ways to save money." What the heck! I had FUN and ENJOYED myself, so I should suck it up and not even think of what it cost me. 

Best time with Best Friends! Sandy E, Geralyn, Sandy V, and myself. It was awesome!

Time to wrap gifts. So, I looked for something I worked on to give to mom. I had plenty to pick from. The one that Patrick picked, I wanted to keep. This one we had to get it in the frame. It's a little wrinkled in the frame, but we tried. There wasn't much room in that frame for this piece. It was all we had at the last minute. I wanted to drop off moms gifts tomorrow, since she will be back the day after Christmas. 

I got my "winnings" from the drawing. They are embroidery works that Virginia Chapman made. She passed away this year. She also started BDEIG back in 1998 (I think). I know we are over 23 years. But can't remember when it was started. Virginia had gone to Brazil and found the embroidery works there. She bought a lot of the threads from Brazil and brought them back her to introduce to America. From there it grew. 

This is one of them. I sent the photos to my BFF's and they were to pick which one they wanted. I think this is going to Geralyn because she didn't reply as quickly as the other two. 

Sandy E asked for this one. 

Sandy V, asked for this one as well. 

I decided on this one. I like all the work she put into this one. More to my liking then the others. I did like the holly one as well. Since there are 4 of us and I won 4 designs she did - and they are her designs as well as made by her. 

I then wrapped gifts. I have them all wrapped and ready to go. Think we will drop the off tomorrow and get it over with. Nancy said there was something there for me at moms house. I will pick it up as well. Then we can spend the rest of tomorrow and Christmas with each other. It will be lonely without family, but I'm getting used to it anymore. 

At least I received some beautiful pieces of work from Virginia Chapmen which has me thinking I need to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tea With Good Friends

Back to forgetting to post at night lol.

Yesterday was cleaning up in the morning.  Trash day is today so needed to clean up. Played my games for an hour before I needed to get to the Brit Bites in Centralia.  We were early.  They were getting everything set up because the ones before us were just leaving.  They had it at 11 am and 2 pm. We did 2 pm. 

Sandy V, Sandy E, Geralyn and myself.  Geralyn and I had earl Grey tea while both Sandy's had a blackberry type tea. I am not a fruity tea person. More earl Grey and ceylon type teas. The thyme was Harry Potter. A few dressed the part. We just dressed up. 

British Bites does lunches too. This was what they had for sales. It's there when you walk in.

This is their restroom. It was a little hard to figure out, but love it! Dr Who box!

Two towers delivered to the table.  Sandy and I shared as she was across from me. Two of everything there. Brought some home for Patrick.  

This was the dessert.  There wasn't one thing we had that we didn't like. We'll worth it! Yes, expensive but good and worth it to talk and enjoy good friends.  We hope to do this again next year. 

Got home around 5 pm. Played and watched a Christmas movie.  Wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

A Special Presentation

Today I needed to get a few Christmas cards out. I still need to do a few more. As I was writing my cousin Cindy's card, she sent me a text wishing us a Merry Christmas.  Too funny how we tend to do that with each other.

Then it was off to the museum for a special presentation.  We honored Lee Boling and Roger Gonzales.  

Mrs. Braun made their quilts,  so I had her sign the quilts as well. We honored her husband as well. It was awesome.  

We had a cake made for them because of it being special. We were asked to provide for it. 

All was good today. Still not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tree Lighting Event

 Yesterday was one of those days, that when I got home, I went to bed. 

It started out with going grocery shopping and stopping to visit with Phill. It was good to give him a hug. We will trade gifts next week. 

Then we sat and watched TV and played games. I had to leave by 3 pm. I was picking Debbie up. 

I actually left a little bit earlier so we could check out the Brewery on helping us with donations. They were closed. We then went to Dutch Brothers and got our drinks. A couple of them are getting to know me and when I forget my "almond milk" they remind me. Then it was off to the Tree Lighting at Borst Park. The gal in charge of the Police Officer's Fund was there. We got everything going. She warned us of some venters that don't have a license selling around the tree lighting. About an hour before closing, they showed up and the police had to go after them. At least that was for her to do. We had eight of us. Four of us were from the group. Smiley was keeping track of buses, but we didn't get but two buses going through. Last year we had about five. 

The guys were to the left and Judy was on the right. She was counting the cars that went through. We had 494 cars go through. We had so many donations this year it wasn't funny. They gave me money and said, "don't worry about it." We had some that put the money out the window and moved on. It was fun! We gave candy canes to the kids. QOV flyers were given out. So, we had a good productive time. We even had a guy that was nude and didn't have any money, but I let him through as well. It was worth it. We had cars going through in a good rhythm that we didn't have any that were past the time. By 10 to 9 pm there were no more cars. We cleaned up and left. 

Like I said, by the time I was home, I as beat. Stood the whole time, even though I brought chairs. And NO, it wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Running Around Town Today

This morning, I was up early. Just wanted to be sure to be up when Debbie came. We were going to go to the museum to check on quilts, then to McMenamins for donations.  

Debbie arrived around 11 am. We headed to Dutch Brothers for our drinks. Then we went to the bank before heading to the museum. We figured we have 9 quilts for January and 6 quilts for February so far. Had to let Carol know how many we had to be able to set up awards. Then we headed over to the pub in Centralia that has Veteran's Night. They didn't open till 12:00 pm, so we headed over to Home Depot because her brother's rental had the frig go out. We looked at what they had. Bought one on sale. Then we had to figure out who was picking it up. She called her brother to bring her husband and load the truck. Instead, her brother went to tell Jim, then went back to work. Jim arrived and it was a bear to get it loaded because Jim had to buy the tools to keep it upright in the truck. and fasten it down. Once that was done, we headed home. I had her drop me off at the Jackson Hwy area where we live. Then walked up the hill to get home. Since I walked 6 laps, that made up for the 7th lap. lol 

Got home and Patrick was chatting with his dad. After that, we called Katt. She had food poisoning from the catering that was done yesterday. She said she ate about 2 hours after being delivered, but I'm thinking the food wasn't good before that, because 2 hours shouldn't have done it. 

Then I just sat to relax. It was a full day. Sophie wanted her attention and she kept my legs warm. 

I did get the 2 quilts ready for Saturday. The labels are on and ready to go. 

They were done by Marlo Braun. She made them for the two veterans. 

I like this one. It would be fun to do as well. 

So, I did have a few minutes of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Yet Another Trip To Olympia

 This morning I enjoyed not having to get up. lol

When i did get up, Sophie made sure I paid attention to her. I played for a bit but wanted to get laundry going. Then Patrick made a mess at lunchtime and I cleaned the kitchen.  

Then it was off to Olympia for Patrick's oncology appointment.  We left early. When we got there, he had blood drawn. Then went up to appointment to find they were 30 mins behind.  He will stay off Chemo till his infection is cleared up. 

We stopped at Dairy Queen for supper.  His tastes buds are back. At least till he starts back on chemo again.  

The day went fast, and it wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A Quiet Tuesday

This morning I slept in. Then we talked about what today and tomorrow will be like. I have stuff Friday to Sunday.  Patrick has his oncology appointment tomorrow. 

I pulled out my beaded ornaments and the bulbs for the Christmas tree. 

Asked Phil which one he was missing,  and found out he didn't get the snowman. So I will do one for him and then work on next year's ornament.  

Patrick pulled out the house boxes to put under the tree. We need to get another one, as this ones white sticks are falling off. There is one branch that is bare.

Then we had our water meeting tonight. Only about a third showed up. We had to raise rates. 

I was in the Christmas mood but didn't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Embroidery With Sandy

 This morning I was up early. One of those mornings, but I needed to be. I had things to do today. 

I headed to the bank to find out why 3 checks were not cashed. It was a month since I wrote the checks. Then I stopped at Phils to give him his ornament.  Once that was done, I headed to the grange. 

Sandy was there already and ironing her fabrics. I pulled out my bonsai tree embroidery and worked on it. 

 I worked on one light yellow and the dark yellow. I found I was using the wrong color for that area. But I also realized the dark yellow was too much for that area. Takes away from the tree. So, I'm going to use both the light yellow and the darker one. I was happy to see I did a better job on those two then I did on the one I did yesterday. lol I have another one ready to work on. This is really going to take time. 

Afterwards, I went to meet up with Debbie. The gal we were going to talk to wasn't in. So, we decided to go back on Friday before we have Borst Park to do. 

Came home after stopping at Rite Aid to get meds for Patrick. I was waiting 45 mins. UGH

When I got home, I decided I wasn't going to do much and pulled out the tablet for games. Patrick and I chatted for a while before I started to play. Then we watched a Christmas movie and called it a night. It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Back To Embroidery

 This morning I was up, played a bit, and went back to bed. Before I did, I wrote a piece in the kingdom chat letting them know how ticked I was that because I didn't spell out the name, and put "..." they assumed I said, "@%$!" which I didn't. I let them know who wrong that was to go after someone over spelling. I don't know it if will help - but it made me feel better and I went back to bed. I slept another 2 hours. lol 

When I did get up and become part of this world, I had to get my stuff ready for my zoom meeting with Debbie Goff. She was reviewing the flowers I forgot how to do. We spend an hour on zoom, and I really enjoyed chatting with her. She was in Japan too. It was fun to talk about where we lived and where she lived. We got down to business. 

We went over how to do the moss in this piece. This is the first one, and I think it could be better, but like we both agreed on, was that live plants are not the same. All are different, some pretty, some not. In this case, not, but I'm okay with it. I will do it tomorrow at embroidery. I have about 20 of them to do in that area. 

Then we went over the star flower. I had the stars done, but wasn't sure what to do with the bullions. She showed me how to add the beads at the tip and finish the bullions. I like this part. I wanted them to lay down together but they spread out. I have a few more of those to do as well. I'm really doing pretty good on this piece. I will finish up this soon, I hope. Maybe, just maybe, I'm back to enjoying embroidery. Time will tell. I do want to get this piece done. 

After that, I chatted online with a couple friends. Then I did a couple Christmas cards. I need to do more but will do that later as well. I also need to add the balls to the tree. May do that tomorrow as well. After doing 4 Christmas Cards, I went back to playing games and watching the Seahawks play. Not impressed. Packers were good but if Seahawks were paying attention they could have won. UGH. 

It turned out to be a good day for me. I got stuff off my chest, and I enjoyed working on my embroidery. What can be better than that? That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Busy Saturday - Cleaning And Baking

 This morning I was up and enjoying the morning, till Patrick got up 30 minutes later. I like to have time to myself for a bit, but oh, no, not today. 

He started going out to the garage and pulling out our Christmas decorations. OMG! I wasn't in the mood to do that just yet. Not only that, he insisted yesterday he wanted me to make pretzels this weekend. OH, where was I? Thinking I could pick when to make them, OH, NO! He wanted them today! Then I wanted to work on the laundry as it was getting too much for me. Plus I hadn't touched the kitty litter in almost a week, so needed to that. I can go on! So, I got testy with him. He backed off and figured to stay away from me with his needs. I told him I would do the decorating tomorrow or Monday. I really didn't care if we had a tree this year. We didn't have Thanksgiving, which is my favorite, and that's what gets me excited about the Christmas season. But NOPE, that didn't happen. 

I did what I needed to do - yes the pretzels! 

They were really good - the best I have done yet. But I was disappointed they didn't look like pretzels with the wholes. I tried. I will work on that next time. 

Then I was chatting of and on, on discord with the group that was kicked out of the kingdom. We are all fed up with the bullying. 

I have made it clear, more than once in that game, that I have dyslexia. I believe that is what got me into trouble when I posted something. I seriously don't care anymore. I wasn't asked about it. 

People with dyslexia are very self-conscious. We worry about everything. We think at times it's our fault and we worry about how people perceive (sp) us. - See like can't spell. As a child growing up with it, I was teased for being stupid. I had a teach yell at me saying I was dumb and retorted. So, I have heard it all. I live with people who think they are better or smarter than me. They tell me how I don't know what I'm talking about or that I'm doing things wrong. I look at life and everything differently than a normal person. I find easier and quicker ways to do things. I'm smarter than the average bear. AND I don't care for people who treat me with disrespect. So, with the game, I took it personally - which I shouldn't have - and I was fretting over this and that. Today, I told myself "enough of this sh**" and move on. I need to relax and not stress! I like relaxing games, which this was till a few days ago. Now, I have to deal with getting myself back to enjoying my day, even if I play games, and get away from bullying me out of the kingdom. Just get out. It was a game I played for over a year. Now I have other games I can play, so this is fine. I'm moving on. I'm okay with that. NOW I understand what social media does!! Man! I understand why some people think they need to break something or even commit suicide. OMG, that shocks me! So, I am just going to "chill" and play a couple other games, play in the other kingdom and slowly walk away from this. I don't need or want it in my life. 

So, today, I was being me. Baking, cleaning, fixing, and just chilling. It wasn't being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, December 13, 2024

As If I Don't Have Enough Stress!

 This morning I woke to get ready for Patrick's appointment in Olympia. Then I logged into my game - shouldn't have - and found I had been attacked. This game is frustrating!

We went to Patrick's appointment in Olympia. He got a doctor that was filling in. I couldn't believe her! She pretty much said the other doctors are on it and they will let him know. He asked a couple questions, and she didn't bother to answer them. She just wanted to know if he was feeling better after coming out of the hospital. She did add another test for when he went downstairs to draw blood. But she didn't do much. He asked about the medications, and she just nodded her head, not saying anything like why they dropped it or a reason for why he needed them. So, it was a waste to list off the medications when she wasn't even paying attention to what he was asking. Told him it was a shame he didn't get my doctor instead. 

We then went to the casino and played slots. We were winning, and losing. We didn't lose as much as we thought we would, but that's okay. Entertainment for us. 

Came home and got on the tablet to play. When I did, I was attacked, yet again. These people are trying to kick me out of the kingdom and since I HATE bullying, I'm stubborn and staying. I can rebuild and am doing that. They took 1m points off my score. That ticked me off too. 

So, that is stress I don't need. I SERIOUSLY need to stop playing the game, but DANG! I like playing in it. I just hate bullying and that's what ADULTS are doing - acting like teenagers! UGH

Not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Another Quiet Day - But Did Crochet

This morning I was up and dressed. I played my game for awhile and then one of the gals from another "alliance" got on her high horse and had me blackballed. So, It wouldn't matter how I played in that kingdom, I would be attacked. No one would take me. All over one comment about her changing her name and not letting me get horses. I was literally bullied out of the game. So, I deleted my 3 accounts and I will go to another kingdom that doesn't have to put up with one person taking over a kingdom. It's all too funny actually. 

So, I wanted to do more on my potholders today. I need to get a few done for Christmas gifts. I seriously need to do Christmas cards, but Patrick doesn't want me to say anything about what he's been through. I can deal with that, funny thing is, I talk on here. 

I finished the bottom one, started and finished the second one (too small for my liking) and started a third. So, I was moving along nicely with all the drama in the game. I'm happy to sit out for 15 days while my accounts get deleted. I was just thrilled I got that done. 

I realized I didn't post the quilts that I finished up and took to the museum on Saturday. They used one or two for the WW2 dinner. 

This one was given out. Connie made this. 

Another one of Connie's. 

This was JoAnn Wise's quilt. 

This was the block that we did here at the house. It was a group sew day. We got this done and Connie finished it up. Some of the stars got lost, but overall it's a pretty good quilt. 

This was another group quilt that they did at Connie's. I didn't go to that one. It turned out pretty good. 

So, I'm happy to say, I found time to be Happy Crocheting/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Too Quiet A Day

 Today I slept in. I'm finding I want to sleep more - than I used to. So, I almost stayed in bed till 10 or more. But I was finally up at 9 am. 

I picked up and got a few things done, but not much. Played games most of the day. Just can't seem to get in the mood to do much at all. I know what I should do, but not there yet. 

Found out a friend of mine has Lung Cancer - not what I wanted to find out. Too much cancer around me. I'm having a hard time at times with this cancer (shit!). 

So, no, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 9, 2024

We Are Getting There

Today I decided to stay home from embroidery. I ended up going out for groceries though. 

I headed to Dutch Brothers for tea. I ordered, got a sticker, and went to Safeway. Took a sip of my drink and it was COFFFEE! So, went into Safeway and got what I needed. Then stopped at Phil's and dropped what I got for him. Headed back to DB to let them know about my tea. They made another one for me. Then a gal behind me asked about the sticker. They just ran out of them. We chatted and she came from Bonney Lake to get the sticker. So, I went and got mine and gave it to her. She hugged me for it! 

Came on home, gave Patrick the COFFEE I got and he wanted in the refrigerator. I'm good. He slept the afternoon and I watched "Marple." 

I did get him to eat. Which is a great thing. He's been drinking and eating. That's what's getting him back to normal. I'm just thrilled things are going back to normal. We did end up with 5 different dates for doctor appointments. So, we are going to be busy next week and the following. Hopefully by then he will be doing better. 

Still hoping to get back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Back Home - Thank Goodness!

 This morning, I cleaned out the refrigerator and got the trash ready to go out. Trash day is tomorrow.  Then I checked to see if I needed to do anything else before leaving. 

I headed to McD's for sausage biscuit and couldn't believe how hard that was for them! They marked it as a McMuffin. I kept telling 3 people it was biscuit not muffin. They gave me a bag and I said muffin, which I replied, NO biscuit. So, had to wait for them to change it in the bag. They probably owed me money, but I didn't care at that point. Then I went to Dutch Brothers and was chatting with the gal about my going up to the hospital to get Patrick. She handed me my drink asked if I wanted a straw (which I did) and I was on my way. Not realizing till I was halfway up to Olympia I didn't pay. I wanted to stop by on the way home, but Patrick wasn't in the mood. So, I called Debbie to see if she was going there, said she already did. I told her what happened, and she told me they give a drink to people who are having it rough. I told her I need to thank them the next time I go. 

Headed up to Olympia arriving around 10:30 with Patrick making the comment, "Wonder where you were." UGH 

I ended up sitting there waiting. We chatted a bit. Then he wanted to shower, so helped him with that. He was excited to go home. Every time they came to do something, he told them no, he was going home. BUT we had to wait till 1 pm before they could do the blood draw. Once that was done, he could go. He got the notice of the blood draw, called the nurse to let her know. She came in and told him she had to get the okay from the doctor. That came around 2:30 pm. I went and got the car to find him sitting there with the nurse, waiting on me. He walked out of the hospital which was good. 

Got home and he sat in his chair, falling asleep at times. Then around 7, he went to bed. I chatted with Debbie and then had a few things to do on the computer. Once that was done, I came here to type. I'm calling it a night as well. I'm beat - and I don't think I will play or listen to my book. Not sure if I will go tomorrow either. 

It's been a long WEEK, let alone today! One day I look forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

When Life Gets In the Way

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been hectic and numb.  I have spent the last two days with Katt and trips to the hospital. It's been a blessing to have her here. She just left to head back to Lewiston, ID. It's a long trip for her. 

We spent the last two days with Patrick till he kicked us out. He is walking and I believe - in depression. I don't know what the doctors told him, but he is very emotional. I think it has to do with dialysis but not sure. He always said he would not do dialysis. We will have to see. I want to know though. 

So, as much as I would love to post how wonderfully I have been working on something, I can't. I haven't had the "mood" or "energy" to do anything but play games. I listened to my book last night and I finished it. 

Life is hard. But each day, we move on. I am thankful right now that we had a good Anniversary after 42 years. Thanksgiving really wasn't all that important since it was the two of us. I pray I have more time with him, but time will tell. So, when one asks me how I am doing, I answer either "fine" or "in limbo." In limbo is more my answer. I try not to show too much emotion and carry on. I am stressed and know it. I am losing my hair and know it. I keep cleaning, washing clothes, and picking up. Where am I going from here? I don't know, but there is a path I am supposed to take, and it will come. When it does, I hope I am ready for it. I found an envelope with my name on it with the wills. I dread having to read it. Things are easy till it is not. What to do? I don't know. I just know I will get through this, just like everything else. I remember as a teenager, I thought about suicide and found I was talking myself out of it. I got through it. I think of everything before I act. I will do that again. Life has a way of throwing you a wrench and then hitting the wheels that were working fine. This is another clock wheel that is breaking and will need to be fixed. I can get through this, and I will. 

So, my day today is to head back up to Olympia and see if he will be coming home. If not, I will be going back up tomorrow to see if he will be coming home. It's a wait and see game. I worry about him, and I know looking at the end of one's life is not easy, but he's lucky enough to know when others are killed and never knew. 

So, when I say I'm in limbo, I am. I don't know what's coming, I don't know where I am going. The highs and lows keep coming and I stay even on the map. I will have my low, but time will tell when that is. Limbo is a good place to be. I don't get excited about either high or low. I try not to stress out when the low is too low. Like last Thursday. I shook for having to call 911, but I had to. I have a very good support team. My brother called. I tell Katt what's going on and she does all the contacting everyone. It's rough, but it helps when she can do that for me. Again, that is life. I will get through this and be a better person for it. 

Yet, I need to find my happy place - which is being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Yesterday - Spend the Day In ER

 Yesterday - 

Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he was fine and not to bother. I slept when I could. Then at 6 am, I couldn't sleep anymore. So, I went downstairs and called 911 to come get him. I was so nervous having to do that. The arrived in about 10 minutes. Administered IV and then took him to St. Pete's. They told me he will probably be admitted. 

I cleaned and washed the sheets before heading up there. I called Nancy to see if she could go. She had church group that she was having at her place, hosting it. So, I went up on my own. Nancy called to say she could meet me up there. I thanked her and said thank you but when I got up there, I was allowed in the room with Patrick. So, called to let her know I was fine. She called to say she was on her way, and I told her it was okay, I was with him, and she didn't need to come. 

In the meantime, I was chatting with my daughter and son. I let my in-laws know.  So, I sat with Patrick who was asleep most of the time. After they moved him to another area in the ER, I then came home. After 4 hours in the ER, I decided to call it good. 

Stopped and got gas, then came home. Katt arrived around 8:30 pm and we chatted. I played games before and after she came while watching "Shetland" on Britbox. So, I really wasn't in the mood to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Made A Point To Do Something Today

I slept in. Patrick wasn't doing so well today. He's balance was off. At least he came into the living room.  Unfortunately he slept on the couch.  

While he slept,  I watched "Marple" and "Father Brown." 

Then I pulled my crocheting out.

I finally finished the one I started a week or more ago. I then started another one.  I felt good about getting something done today. It made me Happy Crocheting/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Cooked My Turkey Today

I have been sleeping in lately. I think it's helping me get though the day. Patrick is slightly better but still not back to himself.  

He slept on the couch while I cooked the turkey and got the Thanksgiving meal done. I played games in between.  I had thought about getting back to crocheting but that didn't happen.  I will get there.

Supper was good but not as good as it could have been. I like it better with both of us cooking. He could even eat much of it. So, I cooked and cleaned up. I was missing my French style green beads. It's amazing what I didn't have for Thanksgiving dinner. Guess I wasn't prepared after all. 

I will get back to normal,  I need to. 

Set up a meeting date for the water. Patrick canceled his doctor appointment.  I have a Christmas party on Friday and next Thursday.  Hope I can do it. 

I have been watching "Marple" lately.  And it's still not getting me to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 2, 2024

Still Dealing With Illness

This morning was the first time in 3 weeks that I was able to sleep till 9:30 am with a peaceful sleep after 1:30 am. 

Patrick is doing better but not much. It's a guy or stubborn thing with him. He's "fine" or he's getting "better." I gave up and spend the day cleaning or playing games. I am getting tired of this way of things. 

At 2 pm he had a video conference with a doctor at Swedish to do the Soundwave on 1 or 2 of his tumors. The main one is close to his artery and has a thrombus (sp). That is the one they won't touch. He was so bad, even the doctor commented on his being in bad shape.  Patrick didn't talk much. I just watched. So now they are setting up a date for him to go up and get it done. They are admitting him because of only having 1 kidney. They will do it in Jan. 

Then he slept on the couch while I washed the bed linens. 

I pretty much keep an eye on him and watch my shows on Britbox.  Not in the mood for much else. My nerves are going crazy and I know more hair is going to fall out. 

But then, that's my life right now. I will get though this and pray he will get better. I am not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Still Not There Yet

This morning I was up while Patrick slept.  He spent most of the day in bed. He did come out to the living room for a bit. 

I pretty much played my games and watched TV with the shows on Britbox. 

I decided to start another puzzle.  The first one I wanted to do was all put together and was told to makes sure it's all there with the alphabet on the back, then take it apart.  I was half way with taking it apart and called it done. Then went downstairs to get another one. 😅

I'm still not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, November 29, 2024

Another Bad Day

This morning Patrick was up and down. He didn't get much sleep and neither did I. 

I made him stay in bed most of the day. Kept bringing him something to drink or eat. He wasn't doing much of either. He is way too weak for my liking.  His back is a little better, but stiff. Around 3 pm, I had him coming into the living room so I could change the bedding.  

I pretty much cleaned up and played my games. I didn't want to make a lot of noise and I kept busy with laundry.  

After supper,  I finished this puzzle. It was fun to do. May pull another one out to work on tomorrow. 

It was another bad day which left me no so Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...