Sunday, April 26, 2015

Awesome Day for Applique

I played some games this morning while I waited for Patrick to get up. He enjoys sleeping in on the weekend. I just can't get there. I remember as a kid I would sleep till 1 pm. Today I can't sleep any longer than 8 am. Oh, well.

I cleaned up the kitchen by emptying the dishwasher. Had lunch and then went off to my cousin's house to do some sewing together. I had an awesome time! We talked about different quilts, and she has a lot to teach me when it comes to mixing fabrics together. She is more "scrappy" than I am but her scraps are awesome!

I marked and started work on another eagle pattern.

This is a Jeannie Austin pattern. Jeannie has a lot of eagle patterns that are so pretty. I'm doing this one for QOV. I'll probably do another one to make into another quilt for myself. I gave Donna my quilt block of the other eagle so she can put it into a quilt.

I'm going to work on it some more tonight. I really do want to get the wings done. The lighter brown is for the body and part of the wings. I need to bate some leave on here. There are leaves and grapes. The "legs" of the eagle looked a little off, so I decided to go without them. It shouldn't be a big thing.

I worked on this block and finished it last night.

I am happy with this, but I just noticed in the photo that one of the pedals looks bigger than the rest. Oh, well. The embroidery was quick and easy. This gives me 7 or 8 blocks that are done.

Here are three of the others done. I'll have to check my flowers and see which ones I missed taking a photo of. I'll add them tomorrow. I realized in one of my baskets I basted the leaves on, but forgot to baste the stem. Which means I need to take the basting out and put the stem in. 

I'm getting there. I'm enjoying every step of applique. I'm hoping to get back to quilting on the quilts as well. Donna has a PVC pipe quilt frame she loves. I may have her bring it so we can do quilting at the retreat as well. We even talked about getting a group together that would be quilting bees. I would love that. We'd get more quilts done faster. - All hand quilted too!

Okay, time to call it good and get back to applique. Happy Quilting!

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