Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Day of Cleaning

This morning I was up and ready to go. I enjoyed a walk over to Cherrill's and helped her out. Then came back home.

I got laundry started. Even took a couple loads of towels out to the line. I was able to get a lot of laundry done, which was well needed.

I watched a couple flosstube video's. I am surprised at how a lot of people can watch all those. It takes a good morning just to watch about 4 of them. I have 30 on my list of "watch later" and more keep coming out every day. How does one keep up?

This is where I finished yesterday before putting it away. I'm thinking it's going to come out pretty soon! lol

This is the fabric I got in the mail yesterday. I love them! Not sure what I'll use them for, but I will figure it out. I love these! I'm going to keep ordering from her. I just love the colors she has.

So, I worked on this again today. Not getting very far on it. Found a few parking areas that were wrong, but fixed them. It's a little harder to stitch on this piece. I'm getting there.

Walked with Cherrill this evening and enjoyed a great walk.

Life is good, things are going great.  Prayers go out to my friends that live close to the fire in Ground Mound area. I'm hoping they can still be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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