Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Had A Fun Day!

Today I actually relaxed for the day. I enjoyed having a day to myself.

I started out with enjoying my game time. Then I decided it was time to watch a few shows that I didn't get to see earlier. Love taping them for later. I watched 3 of them and deleted them when I was done.

I was actually trying to figure out how I could cross stitch and video tape at the same time. That way people could see how I do it. Not sure how it will work with the camera I bought. I'm a little ticked with the camera because it's not matching my voice with my mouth. I'll probably try it out on Friday. We are going to my great niece's 1st Birthday party tomorrow. Which means we are going to Vancouver WA.

I'm almost to the point of starting the skin. I have another set of rows to do, then I'll be at the skin point.

Yesterday I wasn't able to do much of anything. I took Art to the Casino.

I was doing pretty good with walking today. Didn't make the 10,000 steps, but getting close. I'm still getting my 250 steps an hour when I can.

Life is good, and all going great! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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