Monday, August 7, 2017

Spending Time With Dad

Today I had to be up early, but wanted to sleep more. I did get up but I was playing too long and ended up getting late when I went to Cherrill's. What life! Anyway, I finally finished with Cherrill and then came back to leave for the folks house.

Mom and dad were up, eating breakfast. They were getting ready for PT. Dad didn't have any shoes on but we went to PT with his socks on. She wants him to start walking in shoes again. He had to take the compression sock off for the doctors, but had it on at PT. He was a little swollen again today. Not as bad as he was on Friday.

We got back to the house, and then turned around and went to dad's doctors appointment. He's passed with good points. The X-rays looked good. He's able to take aleve again. After the doctors appointment we went to Subway to get lunch. Mom went with to the doctors but she didn't go to the PT appointment. She left as soon as we got back home.

My nephew showed up with mom and dad's new dog. She's Daisy and about 7 years old.

She's real needed at times.

Mom's taken to her right away. She loves to cuddle and was letting mom know she was there when she was playing on her tablet. It was cute. Funny though, I'm not that crazy about this dog. She's a little like the one my mother-in-law had. Wasn't too crazy about her either. Guess I'm not a dog person.

My piece is growing. I like how it's coming along.

Life is good, I can hope tomorrow will be to myself - but we all know how that goes!

Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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