Saturday, August 12, 2017

Enjoying A Cool Saturday

This morning I went to the couch to sleep. My back was bothering me. Funny, but I actually slept till 8:30 am on the couch. Now that was a first in a very long time. I'm usually on the couch for an hour tops.

We did the usual trip to the casino and they had a car show going. We couldn't find a place to park, but once we did, we ended up staying 3 hours. We did pretty good today.

After the casino we headed over to Ann's house. She and her husband were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. We had a little bit to eat and then watched a video about the wedding and 50 years. I was surprised they didn't have more in the middle - like having their daughter and things they did while married.

Then we came home and I baked a Blueberry Bowtie Cake. More like a coffee cake. Got a good recipe from my daughter in law that I use. It's really good.

After that I played a few games. Now I'm about ready to head to my chair and work on my cross stitch. I haven't touched it in awhile. I'm getting withdrawal from my cross stitch.

Still need to do the next needle case for my cross stitch. My beads haven't arrived and I'm debating if I'll add the bead before I finish or wait till the end. I'm thinking it would be better to wait.

Life is good, life is fun! We all deserve to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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