Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet. 

Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for coffee. I got Debbie's coffee and my tea. Then head over to the museum. Since Debbie couldn't be there when I was, I had to do a lot of the work on my own. I asked the gals to change the tables for presentation and get the quilts ready. They folded them wrong, so asked them to fix it. Then thanked them for the work. That didn't seem to keep them happy because they were complaining about stuff. I decided not to both with the complaints because I would have said something I shouldn't. When Debbie got there, she straightened a few things out. Donna did her first presentation and did an awesome job. She was really good. 

We had 6 veterans. After we were done we realized one already received a quilt from us in 2020. So, we need to pay more attention to that. I had one certificate I need to re-do. We had a good time. They were: Gerard J. Fiola, Dennis Lampert, Ray Landes, Michael T Knapp, Bill Mattos and Jill Wheeler. 

Came home and worked on genealogy, which is keeping me busy. 

Patrick was laughing at me because his cupcakes were on both sides of me. Good thing they had peanut butter frosting or I would have eaten a couple of them. He brought them in here last night because he didn't want Sophie to get near them. I just moved them over and got to work on my computer to get more names entered. I was working on Patrick's WOODLEY and BERGSTADT families. I found one of the Bergstadt gals to be interesting. I think she was a dancer, but not sure. The photo of her and her husband looked that way. She later divorced him. Remember back in the 1920's that was rare. Newspapers tell of the divorce. Just like the one I saw yesterday of mom's Uncle who married 7 times. One of them was divorce, because I found the newspaper on him. lol I still don't know the last name of his wife though. 

Today was busy and kept me going. Tomorrow will be busier, and I hope we get it done so we can have Thursday to ourselves. I don't care for being this busy in a week. Garage Sale is Friday and Saturday at the Oakview Grange. I hope we get a lot of people. 

I'm still not there yet to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Did What I Said I Would Do

Today was one of those days where I could get stuff done. I cleaned up first. Had to get laundry going and clean the kitty box. Then I headed downstairs. 

I pulled out fabrics for the patterns we have to make quilts for QOV. I needed larger pieces of fabric, but that's okay, I worked with what we had. Patrick came down and he helped me out. He pulled a lot of the fabrics to go with the patterns. 

 By the time we were done, we had 6 quilt patterns with the fabrics. It's now ready for 6 quilt tops for anyone that wants to make them. The top one we did 3 times because it can be done so many different ways. 

Came back upstairs and got to work on my genealogy. I wanted to go through my MATHESON family that's in the email, but instead I went to my MOORHEAD family tree. I found them in findagrave where findagrave took over their care. I pulled my great grandparents out and put them in my care. I was surprised at how many were there. The person who had them hadn't been on in over a year, so they pulled them from him. He actually had a lot of information on the family and I wish I could contact him for more. Usually when they aren't on findagrave like that, chances are they also passed away. Time will tell. I hope he comes looking for me when he gets back on. 

When I could finally sit down and play my games, I couldn't get into the game I wanted to play. So, I'm in Seeker's Note. I may get that one done, but I haven't been on in a while so I think I needed more time and that was my own fault. 

I told Patrick today was going to be a day I could work on my stuff. I wanted to do the kits as well as get back to my genealogy. I wanted to get as much laundry as I could done. So, today, all in all, I did what I said I would do. 

Now it's just time to call it a day. I don't know if I can actually say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Genealogy And A Movie

 This morning, I had planned to work on quilt patterns and genealogy. Patrick said we could go to the movies at 2 pm, so I needed to get moving for the movies. 

I entered the information that Bryan sent to me this last week. I knew he would be calling me. 

I have probably entered about 50 to 100 names today. Filled in more information and then decided to get back on ancestry to get more documents to prove what I have. 

We the headed to the movies. We were watching "Snow White" and it was great! I loved the movie! It is worth seeing again. Then again, I LOVE Disney movies. It was well worth going to! One of the better ones this year that I have been to. 

Came home and after supper, got back on the computer and entered more. Then Bryan called and we entered more information and checked some stuff online. He was asking about some family members, and I was looking for them. After he got off, I went to my email and started checking the findagrave.com family members that were transferred to me. I wanted to check the information before deleting the email. I need to make sure I update what isn't there and check to see what I don't have on them. It works both ways. I was able to delete about 7 of them. I have a lot more to go. MATHESON is the family I'm working on right now. Since I now have ancestry back up and running, I will be working on different families as well. I'm not going to let the rest get away from me. Patrick's family needs more attention as well. I think ancestry has more information than they did a couple years ago. I do love having the newspapers.com and fold3.com as well. I can check on family records, which I really want to do. 

I also printed out free patterns for QOV and will get the fabrics together for those quilts. I plan to spend a little time tomorrow and getting them done. Then I will check with mom to see which ones she wants to cut the patterns for. I have plenty for kits now. But that still doesn't count as being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Casino Day

This morning, Patrick wanted to head to the casino. So, I got ready and we were out the door by 10 am. The casino had a crowd because of the contest with slot machines. It was a little frustrating because the gal calling everyone to the machines was LOUD. We couldn't talk when she was announcing. We played on the usual machines. Only 2 of them was "hitting." 

We were ready to leave, with our tails between our legs for losing, when I told Patrick I really wanted to play the bull machine that we usually play but hadn't. We weren't on it 5 minutes and I won $500. Then we played more. I even got all the "bonus'" on that machine which had it at 10X the amount. Of course, I had to hit the $15 one. But $150 isn't bad either. We then moved to the dragon machine that is similar and won there as well. We ended up $500 ahead by the time we left. I did talk Patrick into getting a card. I had it in my name since we both play together. We racked up points. He decided he didn't mind that after all when he found out how much money was on the card by the time we left. I just wanted it for food, where we only pay 50% of the food. Always the saver!

Came home around 5 pm and watched our shows. 

Debbie did stop by, and we cut her backing and batting for her quilt. Then we cut another set for the quilt top the gals did at sew days. I was showing her the box down there of fabric from Theresa's family. I understand there will be more. I need to send a thank you to them. 

Tomorrow, I need to work on the family history, so I will plan on it. I hope my thumb will let me type, because it's a little uncomfortable right now typing this. Which really isn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Life Gets Funnier And Funnier!

This morning, we were up and relaxing till we needed to leave for Olympia. Patrick had his oncology appointment, and I was going to visit urgent care for my thumb and ear. Before we left, I had to make an appointment to the OBGYN for the hpv-16. Another TEST!! UGH!

We arrived in Olympia about a half hour earlier than needed because I thought urgent care would be packed. Patrick didn't think it would be in the middle of the day. I headed to urgent care with Patrick following. They were awesome! The guy at the desk didn't make a big deal out of wearing a mask. I was called in for an Xray and then was taken to my room. I didn't wait long. The nurse was writing down my doctors name and she walked in. We talked about my ear and then onto my thumb. It's "Trigger Finger" and she referred me to Ortho. They are supposed to call in the next 3 days. The nurse said he would call them if I don't hear from them. What in the world did I do to the universe to be getting all this stuff!! Now I have to see a doctor for my thumb. She looked at my ear and it's fine. Not an infection thank goodness. One more thing going wrong with me this year and I'm going to scream. I thought last year was bad, this year is coming in second right now! 

Came home and rushed over to Debbie's to get 2 quilts and some information on our group. I was hoping there were patterns in there, but not what I was looking for. So, tomorrow I need to go internet searching to find patterns to be able to do the kits for QOV. 

The good news is that Patrick's cancer dropped down some. It's looking good right now. We talked about this, and I think it's because he got his health back to normal so he could fight the cancer. His body didn't like what was going on and he was losing the nutrients he needed to stay healthy. He now knows what to look for and when he is slipping. So, now he can fight the cancer without having to feel so bad and be withdrawn. He's feeling better, back to golfing and wanting to get out. He has one more hurdle to get over and then HOPEFULLY he can get back on track.

In otherwards, Patrick is doing great - Lynn, Not so much! I've been having one thing after another lately. Not how I wanted to live my 60's out! Maybe when we turn 65 our body says, "Oh, goodie! We can fall apart now!" I will be 66 this year and I'm thinking this is supposed to happen when I reach 80, not 66! Then I look at mom and DANG! She's a heck of a lot healthier than I am or even my brothers! Why couldn't I get that gene?!

So, as much as I wanted to be, I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Last Two Days - Nada, Zip

 Yesterday, we took Sue to the airport. She was heading out at 10 am, so we left around 8 am to get her there. She was keeping track of the flights since she goes standby in her uniform. 

After dropping her off, we went to the casino on the way home. Ilani was tight! We did okay in one game, but the rest took it in a short time. We ended up home around 5 pm. Then we watched some TV before calling it a night. I was so tired that I even turned out the lights at 9 pm when I usually go to 11:30 pm. 

This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I stayed home. I enjoyed having the morning to myself and didn't do squat. I thought I should vacuum or do something, so I did laundry, big whoop! 

He came home and we waited a bit before heading to Wally World. Not my favorite store! He had to get some oil for the car. So, we picked up a few more things too. Walmart wasn't as crowded as it normally is, but we ended up behind someone in line that was having trouble with their card. We moved to another station. 

Came home and I played on my tablet. Not in the mood for anything today. I was so tired of running around with Sue, and doing the presentation on Saturday, that I just didn't do squat. It is what it is. I'm pretty much thinking of getting kits together for QOV patterns. The gal that had 2 quilts made for us, gave me an idea. I just need to get some patterns and start putting them together. I ordered some Ziplock bags that will hold the kits. I will have to work on fabrics - as if I don't have any - and may need to iron them. I can get a couple ready and have a couple for mom or Nancy to cut. Then we will have the kits for anyone wanting to do them. Shame I just didn't do it today to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, March 17, 2025

BE Meeting Day

Patrick and Sue went for doughnuts, and I headed to our meeting.  I had to stop at the post office first. And of course, I had to get my tea for the meeting. 

Arrived before everyone else. Geralyn and I were there first and chatted. Then Sandy V and Sandy E arrived. We pretty much sat down and chatted. We didn't work on anything! It's been a while since we all have seen each other. We don't know if we will be meeting much for the next month. Sandy is going on a cruise, I think, and Geralyn will be flying back and forth from AZ and then maybe off on a cruise too. Hard to say. Sandy E's job moved over this way and they want her to work on Mondays. So, it's a wait and see. 

After our meeting I headed to moms to pick up some garage sale stuff. Filled my car! Then I stopped at Colleen's and drop them off. She's got most of the stuff marked and labeled. So, next Tuesday, Patrick and I will go and fill the truck and then deliver the stuff on Wednesday to set up. Colleen has a ton. I told her I would not bring anything for her to work on because she has enough stuff going. 

Came home and we sat and watched a couple movies. Sue is leaving tomorrow morning. So, maybe after she leaves, I will be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Enjoying Our Visit With My Sister-In-Law

This morning, everyone was up before me. lol I laid on Patrick for a bit and fell asleep. Poor guy didn't get to go back to sleep. 

We all watched how things are made on the TV. Sue was showing us how to work the Roku. Now we are set. Best part is that we don't have to mess with the tablet or the phones to turn on the shows we want. 

Later we went to Talking Cedar (Distillery) and had supper. I ordered a friend chicken salad, and he even asked me about the dressing. When the order came, it was a Fried Chicken with mash potatoes and veggies. They also messed up Sue's order because she didn't get the cold slaw. I don't care for the gravy they have on the fried chicken. So, I scraped it off and brought home what was left. Patrick didn't care for the soup. It was okay, but not the best. Worst part was it cost $95!!! And they didn't even give me a discount for screwing up my order!!

Came home and watched two "chick flicks" or "rom coms." They were really good. Had the same guy in both of them. 

Now it's bedtime and I didn't do a darn thing! I played on my tablet all evening. Guess I'm having a hard time getting back to what is needed. Which seems to be - NOT - being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Presentation Day

This morning, I was up early. Just couldn't sleep well. I did sleep till about 6 am but after that was useless. 

I headed over to the museum to get our presentation done. We needed to be done by 2 pm for Smiley's Birthday party. Our volunteer ended up doing 10 veterans for the first time. He did an awesome job. 

They were a lot of fun! 

After the presentation, Smiley's party started. They came up early. We didn't even get a chance to remove our tablecloth before they started putting the food down. So, I had to ask Chip if he would get it for us. I didn't stay long, because Patrick and Sue were waiting for me to get back and head up to Shelton area for the BBQ place. I was home by 3 pm. I didn't eat at the party but guess I was hungry because I ate too much at the BBQ place. 

We came home and watched a movie. After that we called it a night. So, another day of not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Moms For Quilting And Portland Airport

 This morning I picked up coffee for Nancy, tea for mom and myself. Then I headed over to moms. We chatted about a half hour before the rest of the group came. We only had 6 of us. It's getting smaller as time goes on. I didn't do anything. I just sat and chatted with Penny and the rest. We talked about her health since she is going through more heart issues. I can be thankful I don't have half the issues she does with her heart. 

Came home and cleaned up. Had some clothes to fold, as Patrick did the laundry and left that for me. I'm okay with that. He had the house pretty much cleaned up by the time I got home. Then I baked a Blondie Bars with white chocolate and macadamia nuts. 

I had to get certificates for the veterans done. I worked on that and ended up trying to get 2 more veterans to keep Kristi happy. I'm getting tired of it. That was some major work getting 2 more veterans, let alone it is taking 2 quilts that we needed for April. But we got it all done by 8 pm on my way home. 

By 4 pm we were off to pick up Patrick's sister, Susan. It was a fast trip. We were home by 8 pm. Patrick suggested we stop at McD's for supper before we head down there. We did, and it was awful! The food was luke warm. I did the survey to let them know it was awful. I used the app and got 20% off, but still, it wasn't good. Don't think I will get food there again for a while!

Now it's getting ready for tomorrow and then calling it a day. It wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trip To Olympia AGAIN

 This morning, I had some time to play my war game. Then we had to leave for Olympia for Patrick's scans. I had to do my blood tests as well. We were up there by 11 am. While Patrick was getting his scans, I was waiting by the pharmacy, where a gal fell down the stairs. They had to wheel her to the Urgent Care unit in a gurney. Think she broke her arm or something. 

We then head over to Xfinity to get the new gateway to update ours since we are having trouble with casting to the TV. We thought about getting a new TV since this one is old. But we will just get a casting part and try again. If that doesn't work, then we will go get a TV. He ordered another one, but we returned it, didn't work. He ordered a second one when we got home, and it will be here tomorrow. 

We stopped at Costco for a few things and looked at TV's. The trouble is the stands for the TV's are at the ends of the TV. Our TV stand is smaller and the stand for this TV is in the middle. Now we have to look for another TV stand that will be able to handle a new TV. - Nothing ever goes right! One step at a time. If the casting part he ordered doesn't work, then we will buy the stand and a TV. I think we will end up buying a new TV anyway, which means we really won't need the casting device, but I'm not going to tell him that. He was having a bit of trouble putting the gateway in as it was. 

Came home and it was already later in the afternoon. I needed to get something done on my game, so ended up playing on the tablet. When I thought about working on something it was already too late. My blood tests came in, and they don't look good. I'm sure my doctor will be getting ahold of me tomorrow.  

My cousin called and we went over our Matheson family. We are working with the Matheson's from NC, and working our way forward. He does have a lot of information. The person on Findagrave was clearing their records to stay with just family members. I gave him/her my family names of Matheson, Elder, Campbell, and True. They must have send me about 50 names already. I'm hoping to get them connect to our tree here soon. That's more work for me again. At least Bryan has been a HUGE help with the family history. I need to get moving on that. 

Debbie called and told me about the meeting. It sounded like it went great. I was glad to hear that. Our presentation is Saturday. My sister-in-law will be here tomorrow night. So, we will be busy all weekend. I'm okay with that as well. I just might not be able to do much stitching. Which won't make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gone Most Of The Day

 This morning, we were up and pretty much ready to go. Patrick wanted to go to the casino today. Before we headed out, we stopped a couple of times to get stuff done. 

Once on the way, it was surprising how much traffic there was. I remember when that much traffic used to be on weekends. Now it's everyday and weekends are a lot worse. 

We got to the casino and played our usual games. Lucky Eagle was "tight" today. Not many winnings happening. We played awhile but ended up losing a lot of money. Which was okay because we are still ahead of the game. But it does suck when the winnings aren't happening to us or the people around us. We then had supper there before coming home. 

Debbie stopped by and picked up a quilt and the box that we carry around for QOV. She's handling our meeting tomorrow. Should be interesting. I am kinda glad I don't have to do it. 

Tomorrow we are going up to Kaiser for blood tests and Patrick's scans. I will probably be having another appointment since my HPV scan came out "abnormal" and I had that last year. I hate that test! It hurt so bad last year. I'm not looking forward to it. Guess I can't win with medical issues! I was hoping it was just Patrick with issue! That's what happens when you get old. I saw my friend in ID had lost his job and can't support him and his wife. She can't work. It's a total mess for him. I feel for them. Those are the times I'm thankful for what I do have. Life can be hard. I also feel for all those government workers that have been fired without review. Things are going to get worse before they get better. UGH!

I played games after supper. I didn't have much time to do anything else. We think our TV is going, but not sure. It could be the monitor for comcast. We will take it up to Olympia and see if we can get another one. We haven't been able to "cast" to the TV lately. Which means BritBox and Netflix are offline and we are paying for it! Oh, well. 

As much as I would love to say I was - I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Visitors Today & Quilting

 This morning, I was ready for Jo to show up. She brought her quilt she finished hand quilting for QOV. She needed a label. I gave her the 3 labels I had. She picked up a backing and batting for her quilt. I ended up giving her the 6 yards of fabric that we bought for the panels. She's going to use that for the backing. Debbie wasn't happy with me when I gave her that fabric. But it was the best for that quilt. We still have 3 yards of that fabric. I told Debbie to check with Gee Gee's to see if we could get a bolt from them. It's fabric we will be using for sure. 

Then I decided to work on the quilt panel I started on. Once I got started, I realized the stars wouldn't work on that panel because it would make it too big. So, I had to think of something else and hollered at Patrick to help me. 

He came up with this idea. I will do this on the bottom as well. Then I will end up using the printed fabric on the top and bottom with a thin strip on the sides. Once that is done, I will border it in blue or the green. I haven't decided which will work yet. At least it works. At first, I wasn't crazy about the idea, but looking at it in a photo, it looks better. I had to cut the printed fabric in pieces because 1/3 of the strip has the letters floating upward. The 2/3's have them straight. It just looked weird. 

I was doing all that before supper. At least I'm back to doing quilts. I need to see what I can do with getting this finished and moving along. We need more quilts. Panels need to be coming in again. Now that we have plenty, it will work. 

The gal that was supposed to come today around 2:30 didn't show up. So, I'm going to have to wait. Maybe she will drop them off at the museum. Hard to say. 

I had to get a few things done for Debbie since she's doing the meeting. I need to give her the bag with all the QOV stuff. She's working on her list of things to ask and talk about. I need to do the certificates. Debbie has stuff to drop off and pick up tomorrow. Patrick wants to go to the casino. So, it will be after all that. Don't know if I will get anything done tomorrow. But at least today, I was very Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Visiting And Spending Time With Mom

 This morning, Patrick woke and went back to bed. He was going to golf this morning but decided it was too dark and cold to go. I got up a little later and the left to pick up Sandy. We (I) decided to go and have a drink. We went to Fiddler's in Centralia were people go to get coffee/tea and can sit in the lounge as long as they want. I found a couple people who were studying and then fell asleep. lol We were there a good 2 hours just chatting and munching. Sandy and I haven't been able to just sit and chat for a long time. We've known each other for close to 25-30 years. We had a gab of about 7 years, but when we got back together it was like we'd been friends the whole time. It felt good to just sit and relax with a friend. 

Took Sandy home and then headed to moms. I got there and she was working on the baby quilt for the little boy that was born a few months ago. He's the only true Taylor boy in all her grandchildren. She does have 3 other grandboys but they are from a niece, so don't count as true Taylors. 

I worked on the computer and fixed the speed a little. It was lagging badly. So, I deleted a lot of stuff she didn't need or want. I also worked on her apps that she couldn't get into. It's funny how she has all this stuff and I know she knows how to use it, but pulls the "I'm sorry I'm so stupid" card. I hate that because I know she knows what she's doing. I do know that most people don't know how to clear their computer but that an easy fix and I don't mind. I had to find it first, because she has a MAC. I hate MAC computers. 

Picked up some stuff at Safeway and came home. It was late by then. Debbie stopped by and chatted about the sew days they had today. I didn't realize it was still going, or I would have stopped by. I guess they have a few quilts done which is awesome. 

By then, I was done. I had visited with friends and had fun. I had a good time at moms and we got some stuff done for her. All in all, it was a good day, but not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Had Other Things To Do Today

 This morning, Patrick was up before me. He came in to tell me it was 9 am. Of course, we had a time change to move forward. UGH I would have been better off going backwards in time. 

I made cinnamon rolls today. It turned out really good. A little on the sweet side for me though. 

I got a text from my sister-in-law asking if I found those photos of mom that she asked for. I had to go down to the boxes of photo's downstairs - nothing there. I saw some of the photos not too long ago and wondered why mom's pictures keep popping up. Of course, now I couldn't find them. So, I looked in the genealogy stuff, find photos I didn't realize I had and need to put them with the names on my program. Patrick was worried about me looking around that he went out in the garage and came back in to say he found a box with what I'm looking for. The top stuff was more recent, and she wanted more of mom when she was younger. I pulled out the photo albums that were in there. One was dads, one was mom's pictures of us kids. Then the next one was of her as a baby and up to about 12 years old. 

That's mom in the front. Not sure who all the other kids are but wondering if they were in school or something. Nothing was on the back. 

I believe this one is one of her modeling photos. She was going into modeling when she married my dad. Since he was in the military, she wasn't going to be a model. She was signed up for modeling school in both Seattle and LaGrande, OR area. I was surprised when I saw that in the paper. She told me about it when I asked. I also asked if Aunt Doreen was in modeling school, and she said no. Funny part is that Aunt Doreen put my cousin Susan in modeling school as well. Susan was in pageants as well. Interesting how that all came about. 

So, after 3 hours of searching and sending them off, I gave up. I was looking at my ornament pattern and will see if I have the beads, I need to do one. If it's as easy as it looks, then I will do fine. I will do the earrings first, I think. We'll see. I just need to finish Santa before I got off on another project. 

So, as it turned out, genealogy was my focus today, not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sore - But Stitching Anyway

This morning, my hip (other side) was hurting. I had to get up! Once I did, I was playing games. I also got some laundry in. 

Then around 1 pm I pulled out my cross stitching and worked on it. My leg was sore today. I think it was mad at me for going all over the place yesterday. I know it's not broken, but the soreness is like a rope pulling on me - at least sometimes. It's hard to describe. 

Santa is now finished. I need to add the white in the owl's eyes and then it's done as well. I cut the gold off because it frayed so much. I will now start working on the staff. I need to figure out where I left off and then start it back up again. It felt good to get Santa done. Not that much more to do, but I hate working with the gold. So, let's see how long it takes me to get back to it. I will feel lost once it's done. But it needs to get finished. 

I need to order the beads for my Christmas ornaments too. They are different from the panel ornaments. I still need to do the Snowman for Phil and Emily. That's the one they don't have. These are going to be different, and I will have to find an orange that would work for Katt. First, I need to do one to see if it's easy enough to do. 

Oh, I got a call from Gene Anderson, letting me know his wife, Theresa, passed away 3 weeks ago. He has some fabric for us and wanted to know what to do with it. I told him he could take it to the museum and we can get it there. Then when I got on the computer, another gal asked if they could donate material as well. I sent a message letting her know what we need and will see what happens. Not like we need more fabric right now. 

We watched a movie and then found out our shows aren't on tonight, so we are calling it a night early. I'm just happy to finally be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do. 

About the time he returned, I was heading out the door to see Colleen with garage sale stuff and a box for her. I also picked up a quilt from her. We chatted for a bit and then I had to head to Debbie's to see what we could do with the quilt she's working on for a veteran friend of hers. We didn't take long to decide what to do. Then we sat down and worked on the meeting information. Once that was done, I was on my way home. I did forget to get the backing and batting to Colleen, so will do that on Monday. I may end up going to moms Monday because Sandy won't be at the BE meeting. The other 2 won't either. 

Came home and wasn't home 30 minutes before we headed to Olympia to the Outback Restaurant. It was really good this time! I was surprised. Last time it was "ok" but this time was better. Our waitress was so good that Patrick gave her a big tip for checking on us and giving us an iced tea to go (no charge). It was good, iced tea! 

Came home and figured I didn't have much time to work on anything. So, I played my games. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time To Clean My Mess

This morning, was a quiet morning. Patrick was up before me and watching TV, usually it's the other way around. I have just been sleeping in later. But today I didn't get much sleep last night, so I still got up earlier than usual. 

We were having breakfast when we received a text that Uncle Bob passed away. I didn't take it as bad as I thought I might. It's sad, but because we didn't get a long all that well, it wasn't as sad as Dad and Uncle Bill. I felt guilty I didn't have tears for him. Maybe when they bury him in Tahoma I will. My brother Patrick was on the road to see him and about 30 mins from their place. He's helping them with getting him into Tahoma's military cemetery. I think he picked that because dad is there. He was originally going to be next to Uncle Bob and his parents in Seattle. Not sure why he changed his mind. Uncle was in the Army in the 60's but only for 4 years. May he RIP. 

I went downstairs to get some bread from the freezer and decided right then and there, I needed to get those boxes of material put away! It's been there for a week, and I kept putting it off. Sue is coming next week, and it needed to be put away!

Started with this mess! I took a couple of the flat boxes and got started.

I got moving and was getting a lot done when I was talking to Colleen. I told her there is a lot of scrap stuff but I'm not going to give them all to her. I kept some for mom to cut into strips or squares. I am going to have to work on a few scrap quilts and that's not my thing. But Colleen doesn't need to do them all. 

I put those boxes in the bookshelf. Debbie was laughing and said I had the one shelf that would make more room. I told her the person who has that shelf probably wouldn't give it up. Sure enough, Patrick looked at me like I was crazy and said to "deal with it." lol I did. See the bolts on the left side? 

They are now on the table. The floor is clear and the fabric is all put away. My cutting table is back to normal and I can finish the quilt top I have on the wall. 

Now I can get back to this and get to work again. My foot is still having issues, but I will deal with it and move on. I want to get this going. The quilt is going to be a "sideways" quilt. I love this panel. We will see how it goes. The panel box is full and I need to get working on more quilts. Hopefully others will get moving as well. Connie has decided to take a break, hence why I had all that stuff. I also worked on garage sale stuff since we have our garage sale on the 28-29th. I will need to borrow Patrick's truck, ugh. 

After all this was done, so was I! My leg said, "Enough!" So, I came up and played games while chatting with friends. I have boxes of stuff for the garage sale and a box for Colleen. I will go to her place around 1 pm tomorrow. I need to get it out of the house. I have a bag of material for mom and Nancy to cut into 2 1/2" strips. I have an idea for a quilt that uses strips. It will take a bit for me, because I really don't like doing that, but I will. Scraps are going to be the death of me yet! We have more fabric than we know what to do with. It's going to be awhile before we get all this into quilts. But I am going to have to try and get some done! 

Even though I wasn't stitching or sewing, I was working on QOV stuff. It still doesn't make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording. 

Patrick went golfing and when he got back, we headed to Lucky Eagle casino to play. We actually came home with more than we took. We are still way ahead. We played 7 different games and most of them were hitting some. Good Cents - not so much. But then again, the jackpot was won while we were there. It was fun and I find that we enjoy the time together - even though we spend 24/7 most of the time together. It was a good 5-6 hours of fun. Now I know why they don't have clocks around the casino - they don't want you to leave. lol I did figure out, if you go not worried about losing the money you take (have a set amount) then you do better. It's just the way it is. When I fretted over losing the money, I would lose it. Days like today, I didn't care, and we played a lot better. Go figure. 

My shingles are going away. It didn't hurt sitting back on the chairs. It did hurt last night while I slept and woke up because of the pain. But the rest of the day was fine. It feels good to be getting rid of the pain in my back I had for a good week or more. It's funny, but I didn't think I was very stressed. Then again the doctor said it's in our system and when it wants to come out it will. Lucky me! 

Came home and I'm back on my games. I'm just enjoying the evening with Patrick. Even Sophie had to get her TLC time in. Then she went back to her place to sleep again. lol 

Not a day for me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Have Shingles!

 This morning, I was up and enjoyed sleeping in a bit. Not much but enough to not worry about my doctor appointment today. 

We left to head up to Olympia in pouring rain! I hated the drive. Trucks galore! That never helps when you're trying to get passed them. We made it though. Life is good. I didn't have to wait long. I chatted with my doctor before the physical. I told her about my foot, and she had me go get an X-ray. I told her about my "bites" and how they infected. She said it's not a bit, it's Shingles! Asked me how long I had it, and told her this is the second week. I had the hurting feeling across my back that felt like I scrubbed my back too hard. I remember asking Patrick if it was red back there and he said, "No." About 2 days letter the scabs started showing up. I put cream on them. I even took some itch medication. I worked hard to get rid of them, and whatever I did, kept them from getting too big. Still painful, but it's starting to go away. What a shock! Not fun. Talked to her about a couple other things. I told her she wasn't giving me very good news with all the stuff I was talking to her about. We laughed. 

Came home in the rain. When you have to travel 45 mins in the pouring rain and very mindful of other drivers, it's not fun. We were half way home when something flew up and hit the side of Patrick's door. it sounded like it hit flat. Patrick said the car to the left of us ran over it, throwing it in the air. It came at us. He thought it might have been part of a tire. I wasn't paying attention till it hit. Patrick jumped and leaned my direction. Thankfully there wasn't any damage. 

Got home, picked up the 3 quilts I had, and headed to the museum to meet up with Debbie and Carol. We counted the quilts. Talked about the next presentations. Then Debbie and I worked with Tim on taking over Smiley's job. We showed him how the presentation worked. We walked through it with Sam as the "veteran" and it worked out great. Then we pulled some stuff out of the back for the garage sale. There is just too much stuff that was donated that we can use, so we will sell it at the garage sale. I need to drop this stuff off at Colleen's. I brought Debbie home. We stopped at Safeway first to get chicken. She did some shopping too. I was surprised but didn't bother me. We looked around for a couple things. The gal at the counter said the price of the chicken was on the app. Well, neither one of us had that one the app, but then we didn't have the same stuff on our apps as the other person did. Debbie's app was different from mine and the counter gal. The counter gal has a different app because she works there. She gave us a deal, which I was thrilled to get. Took Debbie home and then came back to come home. 

We ate, then I sat down and played. We didn't watch the presidents speak. I didn't want to be ticked off. lol We watched the nature show about America. It was interesting. Like we have done for centuries, we have taken the space where animal need to live. Rain Forests are dying because we care killing them off. What a shame. 

So, as much as I would love to say, I spend the day stitching, it didn't happen. As much as I would have loved to stitch, it didn't happen. May the rest of the week will give me time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Meeting & Nothing Day

This morning, I head to the post office to send out Bryan's stuff for the family history. Then went to DB to get my chai tea. Decided on iced tea. Then went on the grange where Sandy from Ocean Shores was waiting. We chatted a bit and then Sandy came with her arm in a sling.  Her surgery went well. We chatted out my family and all the issues there. We chatted about Sandy's surgery and chatted out Ocean Shores Sandy's husband and her wonderful time with her sisters. It was a very good catch-up meeting. I really didn't do anything. I took my cross stitch and didn't put one stitch in it! 

Came on home after that. Really didn't do much. I put my leg on ice and then had Patrick wrap it for this afternoon. I have my physical tomorrow and will ask about my leg. I thought it was my ankle but the more I move it's higher up. I will bring it up at my physical to see if it could be something else. 

Patrick and I chatted for a bit. I'm to the point of not listening to the news. I can't take the crap. There is supposed to be an "address" tomorrow and I'm not going to watch it. I will find something else to do or listen to, but I refuse to watch it. My life is depressing as it is right now. 

Talked to mom and she was having supper with Nancy today. She's sounding good. At least right now she's fine. She was thinking of the possibility of going to AZ if the funeral was there. I told her she didn't need to do that, and she didn't need to put herself at risk by going. The last time she was on the plane, she came back with a virus. I keep trying to tell her that if she keeps traveling on a plane, she's going to catch something that will eventually kill her. She always agrees with me and then does what she wants. So, I'm hoping all she has to do is go to Tahoma when he gets buried there. AND here I go, acting as if he's already gone! He's still kicking! But Patrick told me today that his sisters-in-law mother has quit eating as well. So, chances are they will be close together. My thought this morning was, "I wonder if he will go on the day Grandpa or Dad went?" What a thought! Guess March really isn't our best month and yet my daughter was born in March. lol 

So, NO, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

I Tried To Plan......But We All Know How That Goes

This morning, I was sleeping in. I couldn't seem to get up before 9:30 am. Patrick told me to go back to sleep when he got up, so I did. Then the phone was ringing. 

I checked my texts, as I had several dings around the time I finally got up. It was the family telling me my Uncle is on hospice and has cancer throughout his body. I wasn't surprised actually. This is my last Uncle, and the last time I saw him, he ticked me off so bad that I stopped being in contact. Which wouldn't have mattered because they haven't talked to me since then either. When I had my heart issue and breast cancer, he never bothered to call. Every time I saw him it was, "have you heard from your brothers?" Not, "how are you?" So, I keep getting messages and phone calls about how he's doing and that my family has called him and chatted with him. He's doing good. I'm sorry, I'm not going to call. I will know when the time comes and I'm good with that. 

Then I had a message that I wanted to answer on FindAGrave. So, I got a message from Bryan telling me the information he had for one of the "proofs" on FAG. They were asked for my sources, and I explained that Bryan and I are working together, and he has really good resources. I would have to text him and see what his answer is. He sent a long text, that I typed back to the person. Then Bryan called and we went over more stuff. He had to call twice this time. We got it taken care of, and I told him the family history for 6 generations is going to him tomorrow. 

By that time, I had to call my cousin in Tumwater and let her know about Uncle Bob. I also texted the one cousin on my other Uncle's side and let her know as well. Those are the only 2 in the family I contact for anything. I did let both know that moms 90th Birthday is coming up. Mom called me 3 times today. Once because she couldn't get into her email and the other 2 was because of Uncle Bob. She's emotional on this one. I didn't think she would be that emotional with Uncle Bob, but they do have a long history. He told me he knew her before dad did. He watched her father walk her to the bus in HS because they lived in the low-income area. He does have good stories on the family. 

Once all that was done, I played for a bit on the tablet as well as worked on laundry. I just couldn't work on my cross stitch because every time I thought about it; I gave myself an excuse about not having enough time to work on it. So, that made it very hard to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Trying To Move More Today

This morning, I was up and enjoying the morning. Patrick was going out to work in the yard and I wanted to get some walking in. I walked 3 laps around the neighborhood and was chatting with Ron on the phone. Made his day when I told him I was only getting 3 laps in. 

Came in to have the house to myself while Patrick was outside. Then halfway through my show, my cousin called, and I ended up spending close to 2 hours with him on the phone. We worked on the family history. I was entering information while he was telling me what he had. I must have entered 102 names! We got a lot of information into the program. Now he should be happy. lol 

Then after I worked on getting the information printed, for him to look over. Have it ready to go in the mail. I then ended up doing Patrick's croutons. There was one thing after another. I would just sit down to play my games and something else came up. I didn't get to actually sit and enjoy myself till about 6:30 pm. Our shows aren't on tonight, so it's an early Saturday for us. 

I was able to sit and enjoy working on Santa. I am getting there. Almost close to finishing his hood and greenery. Not much more to go. Then it's back to the staff. Not looking forward to that! 

As busy as I was, it felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Is Here - Where Was I?

 Today, was quilting at moms. I took my bread over and checked with mom to see what she needed before  everyone came. We ended up working on it for a bit after they arrived. She needed me to help her with a couple returns - that she actually already took care of - and getting her password to use on her accounts. I told her to stop logging out of her stuff and let the computer bring her back to it. Every time she logs in, does what she needs, then logs out. AND every few weeks she complains that she can't get in. So, we have to keep changing her password. I told her to stop messing with what works. She can never remember the new password or she forgets to put in in the passbook. Frustration at times. Then she wanted me to do something else. Once that was done, I sat down with everyone and listened to the conversation. 

Penny and I stayed a little longer than everyone else. Penny is worried about her heart surgery. We changed about that. Then about the time Penny left, I went to Amazon to find a jigsaw puzzle board for mom. Nancy got one, and of course, mom wanted one. So, I went looking for one that would work for her. One had too many screw knobs that would give mom a headache each time she used it. So, we found a pretty wood one that should work fine for her. 

Came home and just sat. I have a couple spots on my back and tummy that have infected. Either Sophie's claws did it or I was bit by a bug that infected. Either way, it's not pretty and it's not comfortable. I am working on trying to clear it up. I took a pill that I had for itching and MAN! am I tired. So, today I'm calling it done early to sleep. I need to remember the only time to take it is at night to sleep. 

I check how we did with Panda and we ended up with $273 donation. That's awesome! Now we really don't need any more money for a while, but if we get it, I won't complain. 

I have in "blah" all day. I want to crawl up in a ball and sleep. I couldn't even decide what to work on while at moms. I took my cross stitch - and not one stitch was put on it. UGH BLAH!

I saw the news, and I am so embarrassed to be an American right now! Our President (nameless) is rude, crude and just an ASS! Our country is in trouble. Enough said. 

I was sorry I couldn't get in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hello Thursday

 This morning, I needed to be out of the house by 9 am. I had another dental appointment. I was a little early, sat down to play my games, and was called in. They wanted to numb me up and I remembered him saying last time, I wouldn't need it. I told him if he didn't have to do it, I didn't want it. So, they didn't numb me up and I didn't have any issues. I usually have issue when they do. It was a small cavity in the back tooth. Not worth drilling for. I was happy to have it caught early and wasn't ready for having a fat lip. It went fast, about 10 mins once he got started. I was thrilled it was that easy. 

Came home, shaped my bread for later. Mom wanted bread for tomorrow and I said I would. I had to make it today because it wouldn't work out if I tried first thing in the morning, since we generally eat at 11:30 am. 

The I worked on the laundry I forgot. Patrick went outside and was having trouble with his Weed Wacker. He then ended up taking it into town to get fixed. Two hours later, he came back and said that was a waste of two hours. I think they still have it, because they called to tell him how much it would cost to fix it. Almost as much as buying a new one, but he told them to fix it anyway. 

I watched TV. At first it took me 30 minutes to figure out where I was on the "Vera" shows. I am on the last two seasons. I understand she's quitting the show, so it won't be on much longer. 

Santa got worked on while I was watching TV. I was able to get most of the greenery on the right side done. I'm going back to the red now. I was happy to get as much done as I did. 

Mom called to say Georgie's husband passed away two days ago. She was going to call her. I told her to give her my love. I need to send a sympathy card out. I let the rest of the group know. 

Then I went to my games, and found that one of my "castles" was still in the kingdom I am in. So, dummy me, went and retrieved it. It was cleaned out, but I can work on it. It's not like I need 6 castles but that's what I have! I started over 20 of them, but most of them are gone. I will work on it and see where I get with it. It's more a "farm" than a castle. 

Then it was time to bake the bread. I waited as long as I could before baking it. So, about 7 pm it was baked and now it's ready for tomorrow. It will go good with the soup. It's sourdough bread. I like it the most. I found that it keeps the sour flavor if I don't use tap water. Tap water has chlorine in it, and that kills the sour taste. I have been using bottled water, even when I refresh the dough. 

So, today started out early. It was shocking to me how much I got done before noon. It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Part Of The Day To Myself

 This morning, I was woken up by the phone ringing. It seems to keep ringing around 7 am in the morning. No clue who is calling because there isn't a message. So, I'm going to have to turn the sound down on my phone to keep from waking up at the 6-7 am time. 

Patrick was already up. He was getting ready for golfing. I was playing in the morning, because we had to "gates" that I wanted to participate in. Once that was over, I turned the TV on to the saved showed. I watched the show on "Lockerby (sp) Flight 113" and found it interesting. I remember some of the stuff going on. I would have been like the rest of the families left behind. I would want answers and someone to be accountable. I watched the first 3 shows and will watch the 4th later. 

Patrick came home about that time. Then we watched my genealogy show. While we were watching that, I was stitching. 

I found a few mistakes and ended up taking about 50 stitches out and putting them back in. I'm getting farther along with this. I worked on the greenery on both sides. Then I worked on the hood. It's getting there. I need to get to the top of the hood before I can say I'm close to done. That staff is going to be a pain, but I can't wait to get over there. 

My brother sent an email about his nose surgery. Sounds like it helped him. Time will tell. Then we got a text that my sister-in-law's mother broke her hip and is in the hospital in MI. One thing leads to another. Sandy's surgery went well, and she texted she was doing better. 

Debbie came over for some fabric. Patrick helped us out and got the fabric she needed. I need to sew downstairs, but that will have to wait. Still having a little trouble with the foot. I was telling her, I think I actually sprained it and didn't realize it. I'm working on getting it better. BUT DANG, it's taking too much time! Then mom called and asked me to make bread for Friday. We are having soup. I said I would, so had to start that up as well. One thing leads to another.........

At least I enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

One Of Those Days - Casino

This morning, I was moving so we could leave early. Ilani casino is about an hour and a half away. It was a long drive in the rain. I didn't realize it rained so much. All the rivers were up today. Plus, the rock wall we pass had 4 waterfalls coming down pretty good. Usually, it's just 2 of them. 

 Today wasn't a day for the casino. They were so tight! We didn't last 2 hours on the money we took. I kept hoping it would change, but I know better. So, we went through some of the money we have for gambling. Next time it's Lucky Eagle again. 

On the way home, I had a call from Connie that I returned. She said she was taking a break, and had stuff for me to pick up. I told her we were on the way home and would come get it. 

This is all the stuff she gave me back. So, now I have to go through everything and put it away. Not really wanting to but will do. I don't know if it's all here, but I will be happy with what I got back. I thanked her for helping us over the years. Plus, she said it will be a few months before she will return. I'm okay with that. She's still going to do sew days with the group, and that's a plus. We can use all the help we can get.

Debbie was working on her quilt too. I told Patrick, I need to get my butt downstairs and get busy again. Trouble is, I'm not there yet. I need to be. 

For some reason, I wasn't there today either. I'm slacking off my duties! I need to get moving and when push comes to shove, I fall back and can't move. What good am I? UGH

So, after today, I hope to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Embroidery Day - AND I DID Embroidery Today

 This morning, I had to collect everything for embroidery. I grabbed my embroidery bag and forgot my cross stitch stuff. 

First things first, I had to stop at the bank, then head to Dutch Brothers for coffee and tea. Then had to swing by moms to get the quilt that was done and give her the puzzle I took apart to return. She wasn't sure who she had to return it to, but she'll figure it out.

Mom wanted to show me the quilt she's hand quilting. This is the piece that we worked on together. She's really enjoying this. Found out while I was there, we have a baby show for my niece down south. It's a 2 hour drive for us here. Mom is going to want to go because it's her favorite. I don't want to go 2 hours and then have to stay 1 hour and back home. It's an all day thing for me. It's in April, so we will have to wait and see. 

 Arrived at the grange about 3 mins late. Not bad considering I was running late. 

Geralyn and I chatted and worked on our stuff. She was stitching the stars I gave her last time and I was working on my hummingbird embroidery. 

I worked on the leave up top. I was surprised I got as many as I did, done. It felt good. But I'm really not crazy about the instructions. I do love the piece though. It won't get done anytime soon. 

As I sit here typing this, the wind is blowing, and I hear the trees moving. There is something outside that is moving around as well. Guess we have a warning, so it will be interesting tonight. 

After leaving the grange, I met up with Colleen and Debbie. We talked about what's going on with the quilts. I brought 3 home that are done, gave Colleen 3 more. Plus, I want to get mine done, so may be dropping it off next week. All depends on my foot. We figured out the meeting for QOV is when Patrick has his MRI and CT scans. So, Debbie is going to handle it for me. 

Came home after getting the car washed and stopping off at Safeway and Phil's. By that time, I was tired of all the running around. So, I played on my tablet. I was thinking I should plug my tablet in and stitch and realized it was time to call it a night. Patrick reads for a bit and I listen to my books and play more.  Patrick wants to go to the casino tomorrow and I asked if we could go to Ilani down south. He was okay with that. I know he wanted to go to Lucky Eagle but I want something different. Plus a couple game are there that we can't get up here. 

Even though it was a busy - running around - day, I was glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Another Lazy Day - With Stitching This Time

This morning, we cleaned up around the house like we do every Sunday. We used to do that on Saturdays and I called a stop to that. My kids probably hated Saturdays because Patrick always wanted to clean that day. Now we do it on Sunday and it doesn't take that long. I worked on laundry, cleaned the kitty litter, and vacuumed. 

I headed downstairs to get the backing and batting ready for another quilt. I have to drop them off tomorrow at Colleen's. I am going to be busy tomorrow! I have to stop at moms, Colleens, and Safeway for Phil (maybe). 

Once all that was done, I played games. I'm trying to get my challenge done in Seeker's Note. I'm close. Then after watching a good movie on Netflix, I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

 We watched the show that Tom Hanks narrated about the America's. It's interesting, but like Patrick said, I would have liked a little more time and information on some of the animals. I had questions by the time they moved on to the next one. 

I worked on the red to the right. Then I worked on the greenery as well. I didn't get a lot of stitches in, but I did work on it today. Every little bit helps. I'm thinking of taking it with me tomorrow to work on. At least two of us will be there tomorrow. Which means I will get more done and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lazy Day - All Day

This morning, I was on the tablet playing a war game. Then I pretty much did that all day. Not just a war game but some others. I wasn't in the mood to do anything but laundry. Hard to believe. I just watched TV and played games. 

We did go out to Panda Express for lunch. Shocker! Patrick bought some food and liked it. He doesn't do Chinese or Japanese food, so this was a surprise. Even more, it was a surprise he would go with me. I had planned to be on my own, since he doesn't eat that kind of food. We ran into Debbie and her husband, and she gave me some money that someone gave her for a donation to our QOV group. 

When I got home, I entered the information and sent out an email to everyone wondering if we will have to do another presentation. We have too many priority veterans right now. Oh, well. Wait and see what the answer is. 

As much as I wanted to be, I was too dang lazy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Being Lazy - Not In The Mood - But Still Stitched

 This morning, I was up early. Kept waking up and then slept for 10 minutes before waking up again. Gave up after doing that twice. 

I played on my tablet. Wasn't in the mood to do much else. Then Patrick suggested we watch a movie. We did. Not as good as I thought. Could have been done better. But it was okay. 

I made myself work on the cross stitching. It won't get done if I don't. The hair is now done. It's now up to getting the hood done as well as the greenery. Once that's done, I could work on the gold "staff." if I said that right. When that's done, then it will be finished! I can't wait. 

There is a list of stuff I SHOULD be doing. There is a list of stuff I NEED to do. And yet, I don't. I have genealogy that needs attention. I have cross stitching (another one) that needs attention. I have quilting stuff that need attention. And yet, I sit here playing games, or just doing nothing important. I think of what I SHOULD be doing, and we all know where THINKING about it goes. If I had a trash can by my head, I would be seeing all my ideas drop into the trash and a stupid look on my face of, huh? 

I did work on my bookkeeping today, so I guess I wasn't all that bad. I could have had a lot more done on the cross stitching, but I guess I'm just thankful I did what I did. Lazy is Lazy! And lately, I'm really LAZY!

But, hey, at least I was trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Quiet Day Of Stitching

This morning, it was nice knowing there wasn't anything scheduled today. 

So, I played for a bit on my tablet and then decided to sit and watch TV while stitching. 

I worked on the white hair. I like how it's coming alive. I have more to do, but will work on it tomorrow. We don't have quilting at moms tomorrow, so it should be another good day of getting more done on here. I worked on the red to the left as well. I need to get this done and work on that awful gold. He is slowly getting finished. I can't wait!

My brother called and we chatted for a bit. It was nice hearing from him as we haven't been hearing from him in a while. I know my daughter wants nothing to do with my family, and that's her right. A couple years ago, I would have been the same way. But not they are trying, and I will let them. I remember how close we were as children, and that is always there with me. 

So, even though I don't have much to say for today, I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dentist And Casino

 This morning I had my appointment with the dentist. Patrick decided to go along with me so we could go from there to the casino. I had a good check up, but need to go back next week to get a small filling. I have the receding gum lines like my dad. So, yet again, hereditary issue and AGAIN, dad's side. UGH My dad and Uncles had the same issues. 

We went to the casino at Lucky Eagle. It was fun and we spend about 4 hours there. We came home with more than we took, so I'm happy about that. I was surprised at how much I really wanted to play. But Patrick was getting tired of it, and we headed home. 

Had leftovers for supper and I pretty much spend the rest of the evening playing on my tablet. Wasn't in the mood for anything today. 

Val dropped off a quilt top while we were gone. It needs backing and batting, which I will do. I have 2 quilts now that need to be quilted. If I finish mine, then we will have 3. May ask the church to quilt one for me. 

In otherworld's I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Time To Sew

 This morning, I was waiting on Jo to arrive. She was due at 10 and Debbie around 11. Before Jo arrived, I got my batting out and ready to cut. It takes time to get it out of those mailing bags. It took a little to get it out but now we are on our way of cutting more batting. Jo brought her quilt top she finished, and I LOVE it! It's the ship panel and she did an awesome job on it! We cut the batting. Then we tried to figure out a backing for it. We ended up with the grey that was donated to us and didn't know what to do with it. She checked it out and she will sew it together for the back. We talked about me needing to get a grey backing for some of those panel quilts. Jo is hand quilting this quilt for a veteran. 

Debbie came about an hour after Jo. She needed backing for her quilt. I was getting the star blocks "squared up" before I started to work on the quilt. I hate squaring up other peoples blocks. I wish they would do it, but they don't, so I have to. I ended up cutting a few of the points of because the size I wanted and the size I had to cut down was different and hard to fix. When Debbie arrived we worked on the backing for her quilt and I cut her a batting as well. Debbie took one of the quilt tops with backing and batting to give to her cousin, Jeannie. She said she could do it in about a week. If we get all these scrap quilts done, we will have plenty for the next presentation. 

After Debbie left, I got busy with starting to work on the quilt I had on the wall. Or at least the design for a quilt. I had Patrick help me with what to do. 

I had the greenish color already decided. Then Patrick suggested I use the blue (didn't have the lights on), as a second border before putting the stars around it. I got to work on it, but after this far, my foot was telling me enough! So, I stopped. I will add the blue and then get to work on the stars around the next border. They will go in the corners, then in the center of the sides. I think it will be pretty. Then Patrick told me tonight, he should be the QOV designer for the quilts. Since everyone asks his advice. lol 

After Patrick got home, I got started on fried chicken. He likes my fried chicken, but I'm not that crazy about my own cooking when it comes to chicken. 

I am getting better at it though. Even Katt thought at looked good for fried chicken. We didn't have much other than the chicken. I would have loved to have the potatoes and gravy with this, but we decided not to. We didn't need to eat "heavy."

So, I spend the evening playing on my games. At least I finally went downstairs and worked on the quilt top, which turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...