Friday, March 7, 2025

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do. 

About the time he returned, I was heading out the door to see Colleen with garage sale stuff and a box for her. I also picked up a quilt from her. We chatted for a bit and then I had to head to Debbie's to see what we could do with the quilt she's working on for a veteran friend of hers. We didn't take long to decide what to do. Then we sat down and worked on the meeting information. Once that was done, I was on my way home. I did forget to get the backing and batting to Colleen, so will do that on Monday. I may end up going to moms Monday because Sandy won't be at the BE meeting. The other 2 won't either. 

Came home and wasn't home 30 minutes before we headed to Olympia to the Outback Restaurant. It was really good this time! I was surprised. Last time it was "ok" but this time was better. Our waitress was so good that Patrick gave her a big tip for checking on us and giving us an iced tea to go (no charge). It was good, iced tea! 

Came home and figured I didn't have much time to work on anything. So, I played my games. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time To Clean My Mess

This morning, was a quiet morning. Patrick was up before me and watching TV, usually it's the other way around. I have just been sleeping in later. But today I didn't get much sleep last night, so I still got up earlier than usual. 

We were having breakfast when we received a text that Uncle Bob passed away. I didn't take it as bad as I thought I might. It's sad, but because we didn't get a long all that well, it wasn't as sad as Dad and Uncle Bill. I felt guilty I didn't have tears for him. Maybe when they bury him in Tahoma I will. My brother Patrick was on the road to see him and about 30 mins from their place. He's helping them with getting him into Tahoma's military cemetery. I think he picked that because dad is there. He was originally going to be next to Uncle Bob and his parents in Seattle. Not sure why he changed his mind. Uncle was in the Army in the 60's but only for 4 years. May he RIP. 

I went downstairs to get some bread from the freezer and decided right then and there, I needed to get those boxes of material put away! It's been there for a week, and I kept putting it off. Sue is coming next week, and it needed to be put away!

Started with this mess! I took a couple of the flat boxes and got started.

I got moving and was getting a lot done when I was talking to Colleen. I told her there is a lot of scrap stuff but I'm not going to give them all to her. I kept some for mom to cut into strips or squares. I am going to have to work on a few scrap quilts and that's not my thing. But Colleen doesn't need to do them all. 

I put those boxes in the bookshelf. Debbie was laughing and said I had the one shelf that would make more room. I told her the person who has that shelf probably wouldn't give it up. Sure enough, Patrick looked at me like I was crazy and said to "deal with it." lol I did. See the bolts on the left side? 

They are now on the table. The floor is clear and the fabric is all put away. My cutting table is back to normal and I can finish the quilt top I have on the wall. 

Now I can get back to this and get to work again. My foot is still having issues, but I will deal with it and move on. I want to get this going. The quilt is going to be a "sideways" quilt. I love this panel. We will see how it goes. The panel box is full and I need to get working on more quilts. Hopefully others will get moving as well. Connie has decided to take a break, hence why I had all that stuff. I also worked on garage sale stuff since we have our garage sale on the 28-29th. I will need to borrow Patrick's truck, ugh. 

After all this was done, so was I! My leg said, "Enough!" So, I came up and played games while chatting with friends. I have boxes of stuff for the garage sale and a box for Colleen. I will go to her place around 1 pm tomorrow. I need to get it out of the house. I have a bag of material for mom and Nancy to cut into 2 1/2" strips. I have an idea for a quilt that uses strips. It will take a bit for me, because I really don't like doing that, but I will. Scraps are going to be the death of me yet! We have more fabric than we know what to do with. It's going to be awhile before we get all this into quilts. But I am going to have to try and get some done! 

Even though I wasn't stitching or sewing, I was working on QOV stuff. It still doesn't make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording. 

Patrick went golfing and when he got back, we headed to Lucky Eagle casino to play. We actually came home with more than we took. We are still way ahead. We played 7 different games and most of them were hitting some. Good Cents - not so much. But then again, the jackpot was won while we were there. It was fun and I find that we enjoy the time together - even though we spend 24/7 most of the time together. It was a good 5-6 hours of fun. Now I know why they don't have clocks around the casino - they don't want you to leave. lol I did figure out, if you go not worried about losing the money you take (have a set amount) then you do better. It's just the way it is. When I fretted over losing the money, I would lose it. Days like today, I didn't care, and we played a lot better. Go figure. 

My shingles are going away. It didn't hurt sitting back on the chairs. It did hurt last night while I slept and woke up because of the pain. But the rest of the day was fine. It feels good to be getting rid of the pain in my back I had for a good week or more. It's funny, but I didn't think I was very stressed. Then again the doctor said it's in our system and when it wants to come out it will. Lucky me! 

Came home and I'm back on my games. I'm just enjoying the evening with Patrick. Even Sophie had to get her TLC time in. Then she went back to her place to sleep again. lol 

Not a day for me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Have Shingles!

 This morning, I was up and enjoyed sleeping in a bit. Not much but enough to not worry about my doctor appointment today. 

We left to head up to Olympia in pouring rain! I hated the drive. Trucks galore! That never helps when you're trying to get passed them. We made it though. Life is good. I didn't have to wait long. I chatted with my doctor before the physical. I told her about my foot, and she had me go get an X-ray. I told her about my "bites" and how they infected. She said it's not a bit, it's Shingles! Asked me how long I had it, and told her this is the second week. I had the hurting feeling across my back that felt like I scrubbed my back too hard. I remember asking Patrick if it was red back there and he said, "No." About 2 days letter the scabs started showing up. I put cream on them. I even took some itch medication. I worked hard to get rid of them, and whatever I did, kept them from getting too big. Still painful, but it's starting to go away. What a shock! Not fun. Talked to her about a couple other things. I told her she wasn't giving me very good news with all the stuff I was talking to her about. We laughed. 

Came home in the rain. When you have to travel 45 mins in the pouring rain and very mindful of other drivers, it's not fun. We were half way home when something flew up and hit the side of Patrick's door. it sounded like it hit flat. Patrick said the car to the left of us ran over it, throwing it in the air. It came at us. He thought it might have been part of a tire. I wasn't paying attention till it hit. Patrick jumped and leaned my direction. Thankfully there wasn't any damage. 

Got home, picked up the 3 quilts I had, and headed to the museum to meet up with Debbie and Carol. We counted the quilts. Talked about the next presentations. Then Debbie and I worked with Tim on taking over Smiley's job. We showed him how the presentation worked. We walked through it with Sam as the "veteran" and it worked out great. Then we pulled some stuff out of the back for the garage sale. There is just too much stuff that was donated that we can use, so we will sell it at the garage sale. I need to drop this stuff off at Colleen's. I brought Debbie home. We stopped at Safeway first to get chicken. She did some shopping too. I was surprised but didn't bother me. We looked around for a couple things. The gal at the counter said the price of the chicken was on the app. Well, neither one of us had that one the app, but then we didn't have the same stuff on our apps as the other person did. Debbie's app was different from mine and the counter gal. The counter gal has a different app because she works there. She gave us a deal, which I was thrilled to get. Took Debbie home and then came back to come home. 

We ate, then I sat down and played. We didn't watch the presidents speak. I didn't want to be ticked off. lol We watched the nature show about America. It was interesting. Like we have done for centuries, we have taken the space where animal need to live. Rain Forests are dying because we care killing them off. What a shame. 

So, as much as I would love to say, I spend the day stitching, it didn't happen. As much as I would have loved to stitch, it didn't happen. May the rest of the week will give me time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Meeting & Nothing Day

This morning, I head to the post office to send out Bryan's stuff for the family history. Then went to DB to get my chai tea. Decided on iced tea. Then went on the grange where Sandy from Ocean Shores was waiting. We chatted a bit and then Sandy came with her arm in a sling.  Her surgery went well. We chatted out my family and all the issues there. We chatted about Sandy's surgery and chatted out Ocean Shores Sandy's husband and her wonderful time with her sisters. It was a very good catch-up meeting. I really didn't do anything. I took my cross stitch and didn't put one stitch in it! 

Came on home after that. Really didn't do much. I put my leg on ice and then had Patrick wrap it for this afternoon. I have my physical tomorrow and will ask about my leg. I thought it was my ankle but the more I move it's higher up. I will bring it up at my physical to see if it could be something else. 

Patrick and I chatted for a bit. I'm to the point of not listening to the news. I can't take the crap. There is supposed to be an "address" tomorrow and I'm not going to watch it. I will find something else to do or listen to, but I refuse to watch it. My life is depressing as it is right now. 

Talked to mom and she was having supper with Nancy today. She's sounding good. At least right now she's fine. She was thinking of the possibility of going to AZ if the funeral was there. I told her she didn't need to do that, and she didn't need to put herself at risk by going. The last time she was on the plane, she came back with a virus. I keep trying to tell her that if she keeps traveling on a plane, she's going to catch something that will eventually kill her. She always agrees with me and then does what she wants. So, I'm hoping all she has to do is go to Tahoma when he gets buried there. AND here I go, acting as if he's already gone! He's still kicking! But Patrick told me today that his sisters-in-law mother has quit eating as well. So, chances are they will be close together. My thought this morning was, "I wonder if he will go on the day Grandpa or Dad went?" What a thought! Guess March really isn't our best month and yet my daughter was born in March. lol 

So, NO, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

I Tried To Plan......But We All Know How That Goes

This morning, I was sleeping in. I couldn't seem to get up before 9:30 am. Patrick told me to go back to sleep when he got up, so I did. Then the phone was ringing. 

I checked my texts, as I had several dings around the time I finally got up. It was the family telling me my Uncle is on hospice and has cancer throughout his body. I wasn't surprised actually. This is my last Uncle, and the last time I saw him, he ticked me off so bad that I stopped being in contact. Which wouldn't have mattered because they haven't talked to me since then either. When I had my heart issue and breast cancer, he never bothered to call. Every time I saw him it was, "have you heard from your brothers?" Not, "how are you?" So, I keep getting messages and phone calls about how he's doing and that my family has called him and chatted with him. He's doing good. I'm sorry, I'm not going to call. I will know when the time comes and I'm good with that. 

Then I had a message that I wanted to answer on FindAGrave. So, I got a message from Bryan telling me the information he had for one of the "proofs" on FAG. They were asked for my sources, and I explained that Bryan and I are working together, and he has really good resources. I would have to text him and see what his answer is. He sent a long text, that I typed back to the person. Then Bryan called and we went over more stuff. He had to call twice this time. We got it taken care of, and I told him the family history for 6 generations is going to him tomorrow. 

By that time, I had to call my cousin in Tumwater and let her know about Uncle Bob. I also texted the one cousin on my other Uncle's side and let her know as well. Those are the only 2 in the family I contact for anything. I did let both know that moms 90th Birthday is coming up. Mom called me 3 times today. Once because she couldn't get into her email and the other 2 was because of Uncle Bob. She's emotional on this one. I didn't think she would be that emotional with Uncle Bob, but they do have a long history. He told me he knew her before dad did. He watched her father walk her to the bus in HS because they lived in the low-income area. He does have good stories on the family. 

Once all that was done, I played for a bit on the tablet as well as worked on laundry. I just couldn't work on my cross stitch because every time I thought about it; I gave myself an excuse about not having enough time to work on it. So, that made it very hard to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Trying To Move More Today

This morning, I was up and enjoying the morning. Patrick was going out to work in the yard and I wanted to get some walking in. I walked 3 laps around the neighborhood and was chatting with Ron on the phone. Made his day when I told him I was only getting 3 laps in. 

Came in to have the house to myself while Patrick was outside. Then halfway through my show, my cousin called, and I ended up spending close to 2 hours with him on the phone. We worked on the family history. I was entering information while he was telling me what he had. I must have entered 102 names! We got a lot of information into the program. Now he should be happy. lol 

Then after I worked on getting the information printed, for him to look over. Have it ready to go in the mail. I then ended up doing Patrick's croutons. There was one thing after another. I would just sit down to play my games and something else came up. I didn't get to actually sit and enjoy myself till about 6:30 pm. Our shows aren't on tonight, so it's an early Saturday for us. 

I was able to sit and enjoy working on Santa. I am getting there. Almost close to finishing his hood and greenery. Not much more to go. Then it's back to the staff. Not looking forward to that! 

As busy as I was, it felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do.  About the time he retur...