This morning, I was up and enjoyed sleeping in a bit. Not much but enough to not worry about my doctor appointment today.
We left to head up to Olympia in pouring rain! I hated the drive. Trucks galore! That never helps when you're trying to get passed them. We made it though. Life is good. I didn't have to wait long. I chatted with my doctor before the physical. I told her about my foot, and she had me go get an X-ray. I told her about my "bites" and how they infected. She said it's not a bit, it's Shingles! Asked me how long I had it, and told her this is the second week. I had the hurting feeling across my back that felt like I scrubbed my back too hard. I remember asking Patrick if it was red back there and he said, "No." About 2 days letter the scabs started showing up. I put cream on them. I even took some itch medication. I worked hard to get rid of them, and whatever I did, kept them from getting too big. Still painful, but it's starting to go away. What a shock! Not fun. Talked to her about a couple other things. I told her she wasn't giving me very good news with all the stuff I was talking to her about. We laughed.
Came home in the rain. When you have to travel 45 mins in the pouring rain and very mindful of other drivers, it's not fun. We were half way home when something flew up and hit the side of Patrick's door. it sounded like it hit flat. Patrick said the car to the left of us ran over it, throwing it in the air. It came at us. He thought it might have been part of a tire. I wasn't paying attention till it hit. Patrick jumped and leaned my direction. Thankfully there wasn't any damage.
Got home, picked up the 3 quilts I had, and headed to the museum to meet up with Debbie and Carol. We counted the quilts. Talked about the next presentations. Then Debbie and I worked with Tim on taking over Smiley's job. We showed him how the presentation worked. We walked through it with Sam as the "veteran" and it worked out great. Then we pulled some stuff out of the back for the garage sale. There is just too much stuff that was donated that we can use, so we will sell it at the garage sale. I need to drop this stuff off at Colleen's. I brought Debbie home. We stopped at Safeway first to get chicken. She did some shopping too. I was surprised but didn't bother me. We looked around for a couple things. The gal at the counter said the price of the chicken was on the app. Well, neither one of us had that one the app, but then we didn't have the same stuff on our apps as the other person did. Debbie's app was different from mine and the counter gal. The counter gal has a different app because she works there. She gave us a deal, which I was thrilled to get. Took Debbie home and then came back to come home.
We ate, then I sat down and played. We didn't watch the presidents speak. I didn't want to be ticked off. lol We watched the nature show about America. It was interesting. Like we have done for centuries, we have taken the space where animal need to live. Rain Forests are dying because we care killing them off. What a shame.
So, as much as I would love to say, I spend the day stitching, it didn't happen. As much as I would have loved to stitch, it didn't happen. May the rest of the week will give me time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
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