Yesterday, we took Sue to the airport. She was heading out at 10 am, so we left around 8 am to get her there. She was keeping track of the flights since she goes standby in her uniform.
After dropping her off, we went to the casino on the way home. Ilani was tight! We did okay in one game, but the rest took it in a short time. We ended up home around 5 pm. Then we watched some TV before calling it a night. I was so tired that I even turned out the lights at 9 pm when I usually go to 11:30 pm.
This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I stayed home. I enjoyed having the morning to myself and didn't do squat. I thought I should vacuum or do something, so I did laundry, big whoop!
He came home and we waited a bit before heading to Wally World. Not my favorite store! He had to get some oil for the car. So, we picked up a few more things too. Walmart wasn't as crowded as it normally is, but we ended up behind someone in line that was having trouble with their card. We moved to another station.
Came home and I played on my tablet. Not in the mood for anything today. I was so tired of running around with Sue, and doing the presentation on Saturday, that I just didn't do squat. It is what it is. I'm pretty much thinking of getting kits together for QOV patterns. The gal that had 2 quilts made for us, gave me an idea. I just need to get some patterns and start putting them together. I ordered some Ziplock bags that will hold the kits. I will have to work on fabrics - as if I don't have any - and may need to iron them. I can get a couple ready and have a couple for mom or Nancy to cut. Then we will have the kits for anyone wanting to do them. Shame I just didn't do it today to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
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