Friday, March 21, 2025

Casino Day

This morning, Patrick wanted to head to the casino. So, I got ready and we were out the door by 10 am. The casino had a crowd because of the contest with slot machines. It was a little frustrating because the gal calling everyone to the machines was LOUD. We couldn't talk when she was announcing. We played on the usual machines. Only 2 of them was "hitting." 

We were ready to leave, with our tails between our legs for losing, when I told Patrick I really wanted to play the bull machine that we usually play but hadn't. We weren't on it 5 minutes and I won $500. Then we played more. I even got all the "bonus'" on that machine which had it at 10X the amount. Of course, I had to hit the $15 one. But $150 isn't bad either. We then moved to the dragon machine that is similar and won there as well. We ended up $500 ahead by the time we left. I did talk Patrick into getting a card. I had it in my name since we both play together. We racked up points. He decided he didn't mind that after all when he found out how much money was on the card by the time we left. I just wanted it for food, where we only pay 50% of the food. Always the saver!

Came home around 5 pm and watched our shows. 

Debbie did stop by, and we cut her backing and batting for her quilt. Then we cut another set for the quilt top the gals did at sew days. I was showing her the box down there of fabric from Theresa's family. I understand there will be more. I need to send a thank you to them. 

Tomorrow, I need to work on the family history, so I will plan on it. I hope my thumb will let me type, because it's a little uncomfortable right now typing this. Which really isn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Presentation Day & Genealogy

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