Thursday, March 20, 2025

Life Gets Funnier And Funnier!

This morning, we were up and relaxing till we needed to leave for Olympia. Patrick had his oncology appointment, and I was going to visit urgent care for my thumb and ear. Before we left, I had to make an appointment to the OBGYN for the hpv-16. Another TEST!! UGH!

We arrived in Olympia about a half hour earlier than needed because I thought urgent care would be packed. Patrick didn't think it would be in the middle of the day. I headed to urgent care with Patrick following. They were awesome! The guy at the desk didn't make a big deal out of wearing a mask. I was called in for an Xray and then was taken to my room. I didn't wait long. The nurse was writing down my doctors name and she walked in. We talked about my ear and then onto my thumb. It's "Trigger Finger" and she referred me to Ortho. They are supposed to call in the next 3 days. The nurse said he would call them if I don't hear from them. What in the world did I do to the universe to be getting all this stuff!! Now I have to see a doctor for my thumb. She looked at my ear and it's fine. Not an infection thank goodness. One more thing going wrong with me this year and I'm going to scream. I thought last year was bad, this year is coming in second right now! 

Came home and rushed over to Debbie's to get 2 quilts and some information on our group. I was hoping there were patterns in there, but not what I was looking for. So, tomorrow I need to go internet searching to find patterns to be able to do the kits for QOV. 

The good news is that Patrick's cancer dropped down some. It's looking good right now. We talked about this, and I think it's because he got his health back to normal so he could fight the cancer. His body didn't like what was going on and he was losing the nutrients he needed to stay healthy. He now knows what to look for and when he is slipping. So, now he can fight the cancer without having to feel so bad and be withdrawn. He's feeling better, back to golfing and wanting to get out. He has one more hurdle to get over and then HOPEFULLY he can get back on track.

In otherwards, Patrick is doing great - Lynn, Not so much! I've been having one thing after another lately. Not how I wanted to live my 60's out! Maybe when we turn 65 our body says, "Oh, goodie! We can fall apart now!" I will be 66 this year and I'm thinking this is supposed to happen when I reach 80, not 66! Then I look at mom and DANG! She's a heck of a lot healthier than I am or even my brothers! Why couldn't I get that gene?!

So, as much as I wanted to be, I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Presentation Day & Genealogy

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