Sunday, March 23, 2025

Did What I Said I Would Do

Today was one of those days where I could get stuff done. I cleaned up first. Had to get laundry going and clean the kitty box. Then I headed downstairs. 

I pulled out fabrics for the patterns we have to make quilts for QOV. I needed larger pieces of fabric, but that's okay, I worked with what we had. Patrick came down and he helped me out. He pulled a lot of the fabrics to go with the patterns. 

 By the time we were done, we had 6 quilt patterns with the fabrics. It's now ready for 6 quilt tops for anyone that wants to make them. The top one we did 3 times because it can be done so many different ways. 

Came back upstairs and got to work on my genealogy. I wanted to go through my MATHESON family that's in the email, but instead I went to my MOORHEAD family tree. I found them in findagrave where findagrave took over their care. I pulled my great grandparents out and put them in my care. I was surprised at how many were there. The person who had them hadn't been on in over a year, so they pulled them from him. He actually had a lot of information on the family and I wish I could contact him for more. Usually when they aren't on findagrave like that, chances are they also passed away. Time will tell. I hope he comes looking for me when he gets back on. 

When I could finally sit down and play my games, I couldn't get into the game I wanted to play. So, I'm in Seeker's Note. I may get that one done, but I haven't been on in a while so I think I needed more time and that was my own fault. 

I told Patrick today was going to be a day I could work on my stuff. I wanted to do the kits as well as get back to my genealogy. I wanted to get as much laundry as I could done. So, today, all in all, I did what I said I would do. 

Now it's just time to call it a day. I don't know if I can actually say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Presentation Day & Genealogy

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