This morning, I had some time to play my war game. Then we had to leave for Olympia for Patrick's scans. I had to do my blood tests as well. We were up there by 11 am. While Patrick was getting his scans, I was waiting by the pharmacy, where a gal fell down the stairs. They had to wheel her to the Urgent Care unit in a gurney. Think she broke her arm or something.
We then head over to Xfinity to get the new gateway to update ours since we are having trouble with casting to the TV. We thought about getting a new TV since this one is old. But we will just get a casting part and try again. If that doesn't work, then we will go get a TV. He ordered another one, but we returned it, didn't work. He ordered a second one when we got home, and it will be here tomorrow.
We stopped at Costco for a few things and looked at TV's. The trouble is the stands for the TV's are at the ends of the TV. Our TV stand is smaller and the stand for this TV is in the middle. Now we have to look for another TV stand that will be able to handle a new TV. - Nothing ever goes right! One step at a time. If the casting part he ordered doesn't work, then we will buy the stand and a TV. I think we will end up buying a new TV anyway, which means we really won't need the casting device, but I'm not going to tell him that. He was having a bit of trouble putting the gateway in as it was.
Came home and it was already later in the afternoon. I needed to get something done on my game, so ended up playing on the tablet. When I thought about working on something it was already too late. My blood tests came in, and they don't look good. I'm sure my doctor will be getting ahold of me tomorrow.
My cousin called and we went over our Matheson family. We are working with the Matheson's from NC, and working our way forward. He does have a lot of information. The person on Findagrave was clearing their records to stay with just family members. I gave him/her my family names of Matheson, Elder, Campbell, and True. They must have send me about 50 names already. I'm hoping to get them connect to our tree here soon. That's more work for me again. At least Bryan has been a HUGE help with the family history. I need to get moving on that.
Debbie called and told me about the meeting. It sounded like it went great. I was glad to hear that. Our presentation is Saturday. My sister-in-law will be here tomorrow night. So, we will be busy all weekend. I'm okay with that as well. I just might not be able to do much stitching. Which won't make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
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