Tuesday, October 31, 2017

One Thing Leads To Another

This morning I was up right after Patrick left. Then over to Cherrill's.  Next off to the dentist.

Now, what is it about dentists I don't care for??! Hum, lets try the part of scrapping teeth. The cleaning went well. I was happy I didn't have any problems with my teeth. I waited 20 mins for the dentist to check my teeth. Yea, that's the part I don't like. He put two teeth on "watch" which have been on "watch" for at least 2 years now. Then there was the telling me my gums in the front of my bottom teeth was red. That means I need to "message" the area better. Okay, I get that. Now, I've always been that person (or kid) that would put the pink tablet in my mouth and couldn't for the life of me get that out of my teeth! On top of that, I do everything I need to do for my teeth and every time I go in, there is something that I'm doing wrong. After umpteen years of this, it is really getting old. UGH

I worked on my Brazilian embroidery while waiting at the dentists office. Was missing my color for the flowers.

About an hour and a half later, I was on my way to Centralia for my message therapy. Got into town and there wasn't any power. The power was out. My therapist asked if I was okay with doing the message with the power out. Heck yea, I'm okay with that. I can live with no power. He was having a cow about this being the third time the power has been out. I just laughed. I'm okay with no power for awhile. Half way through the message, the power came back on. Went across the street to KFC, but they didn't get their power back on yet. Across the street had power for 20 mins and KFC - again - across the street, had no power.

So, headed to Safeway on the way home and got some Chinese food for lunch as well as milk.

Finally made it home. Still no message from mom or phone call. Think she's ticked at me. She called to say they were back yesterday and then was upset that I didn't take her clients pills to him. She got off the phone. I said to the hung up phone, "welcome back." Decided to wait for her to call.

Got home and worked on the cross stitch.

I figured out where I went wrong on the leg, and it's coming along fine. I like the way it's coming out, and it's not a big enough "boo boo" to be saying "here I am."

My magnifying glass ran the battery out, so no lights. I had to take a break and power it up. I really need to find something that works for a magnifying glass. The one I have doesn't stay on long, and moves around too much. Plus the light keeps going out. UGH -

So, today - not my day - but that's Life! I'm keeping busy and tomorrow will be just as busy as today. Fingers crossed and life is good. Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 30, 2017

A Quiet Monday

Today I really wanted to sleep in. I got up anyway. I need to get up early tomorrow for my two appointments. Should be interesting. Then I have two more appointments on Wednesday. Doctors off called and wanted me to come in about my tests. Should be interesting. Guess that's my theme today - "Should be Interesting."

Came back from Cherrill's and vacuumed then got laundry going. I seem to have a heck of a lot of laundry after a weekend. All thanks to Patrick's cleaning. No worries.

Then, I got on the computer and worked on my family tree. I can't seem to put the Wineland's that lived in Oregon in the 1800's with my Wineland's from Kansas. I'll have to get a hold of my Wineland family connections and see if they can tell me where the connection is.

I then sat down and watch a movie on Hallmark Channel and worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on the brown hair. Didn't get a lot done, but will get more done tonight. I changed a brown in the hair. I wanted to have a red flare to the hair. So, I got a brown with red in it. It looks better to me. I didn't want it all brown. I like Katt's hair with the red in it, so wanted to try and get red in on tis as well.

I fired chicken tonight. I was hungry for it. I wish I had learned from grandmother how to make a good fried chicken. I cooked what I took out, but one of the chicken pieces was not cooked completely. So, I put it in the oven. Which pretty much meant I didn't get much to eat tonight. I just couldn't eat it after taking it out of the oven - something about seeing uncooked food that looses a appetite.

Now I need to get moving on my exercises and back to working on Andromeda. Should be interesting!

Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Seahawks Won & I Stitched

Today I slept in longer than I have before. It was nice.

Patrick worked out in the yard, and I baked some cookies for Dan. They were gluten free because I didn't have flour to bake with other than gluten free. They actually turned out great because I eat 5 of them before going bowling tonight!

While the game was on, I worked on my cross stitch.

I got started on the hair today. I've got a few more stitches for the hair, then I can go back and work on the left side. She's coming along nicely.

While I was working on this, I got really tired. I kept feeling lower, so I crawled up on the couch. Patrick was watching the game, and I watched 2 quarters. Then fell asleep on the couch. I slept a good 2 hours. Couldn't believe it, and really didn't want to get up when I woke up. Fixed dinner and was ready for bowling.

Today we were next to the "mean" team. The team they bowled ignored them. Most of the league is ignoring them. There was talk about a team captain meeting, but that didn't happen. Life Patrick and I said, if they don't get mouthy, then we can bowl around them. Just won't talk to them. I bowled a 171, 172, 180. I blew a good game on the last one frame of the last game. I missed my 7 pin and I usually don't do that. We lost all 4 games because the team we bowled all bowled 30-40 pins over their averages.

Life is good, we were busy. Didn't post yesterday because it was the "same-old-same-old." Hopefully I'll stay awake tomorrow and get back to enjoying my stitching. There is a reason we say Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Looking into History

I was up later then I usually am and ended up being late to Cherrill's. She was waiting on her brother-in-law and wife to come get her. She was heading to Raymond, WA to visit the cemetery of family. It's been 3 years since Tom passed.

Came home and played on the tablet. Then went on the computer and printed out some information for Patrick. We need to get a meeting going for our water system. We have new members in the neighborhood, and need to get them to our meeting to see what we do. Hopefully someone new will help out where needed.

Then I decided I wanted to get a few letters typed and put on my "Letter's From the Past" blog. I did get a few done. I have a ton more to do and may try to get another one done tomorrow. I should try to get at least one a day done, but I can't seem to keep up with that. Hard enough at times to remember to write on here. Then I saw some information in the letters that made me want to check and see if they are in the family tree. Of course, that put me into checking out the newspapers as well.

Patrick got home when I was just getting into getting information from newspapers. So, tonight was "date night" and we went to McMenimens for dinner and a movie

We watched the Tom Cruise movie that's based on a true story. It was pretty good. Not a movie that we would normally see, but was worth it when we had movie and dinner at one place.

Now we're home and watching the Halloween Wars on TV. Life is good! Tomorrow I'll get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

One Appointment After Another!

This morning I was up after Patrick, and out the door by 7:30 am. I had to go for my ultra sounds. I had one on my thyroid and the other was on my lungs. I got there and waited. While I waited I worked on my embroidery. Then after it was over, I was supposed to wait till 10:30 am for my mammogram. This was 9:15 am. They had a cancellation, so I was able to go right in for the mammogram. As much as I hate that test, I know it's needed.

After all that, I went to Starbucks and got myself some tea and a muffin. Their pumpkin cream cheese muffin is awesome! That got me to go back toward the hospital to get to moms. I needed to water the plants. As I pulled up into the yard, I got a call from the imaging center telling me they missed one of my ultra sound tests. She said I didn't have to worry if I eat already, because that test didn't matter if I did. Told her I would be there soon. Got back in the car and went back. It was another 20 mins there. Headed back to moms and watered her plants. Then it was off to the quilt shop for our quilt meeting.

I arrived there around 10:30 am. There were three of us, but more came as the time went on. I could only stay till about 11:40 am because I had another appointment - message therapy.

Between waiting in my appointments and being at the quilt shop, I was able to get the handle close to being done. I like the way it's coming along and it really doesn't take long. The flowers are going to be fun, but right now I don't have the colors I need. May have to go through my floss and see what I have that is close.

I missed out on the groups pot luck. I had to leave before they started. Disappointing but that's okay too.

Had to go to Safeway for milk. I picked up some candy for Tuesday while I was at it.

Came home and got caught up on a couple of my games. Then I sat down to work on my Andromeda gal.

Even though it doesn't look like a lot, it's about 75 stitches worth. It's all in the 1 over 1 area. That goes fast, but doesn't look like it. If I had stayed with the 2 over 2 then it would be going a lot faster. I do like the difference. The lighter colors is where I had a little trouble, and it looks that way. Hoping when the beads and outlines go in, it will look better. If not, I will probably be taking it all out.

Life is good, Life is busy, But Life is still going! In the meantime, looking forward to working on Andromeda and staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Wednesday Of This And That

Went to help Cherrill this morning. I saw a mouse running around in her rocks in the back yard. He was cute, but at the same time, not good to have. Shame Kitty isn't around, she would have taken care of it. The mouse was grey, black, and white.

Came home and worked on laundry, then cleaned up the house a little. I even got the vacuuming done. I was surprised at how much I really wanted to clean the house. But then I was wanting to get my message therapist figured out. I finally got a message therapist. I'm going in tomorrow for that. As well as having two ultra sounds done. Tomorrow isn't going to be my favorite day, but oh, well, that's life.

Then when I finally calmed down, I sat and watched Murdock Mysteries and worked on my Andromeda piece.

She's looking good. Got about 300 stitches in today. Don't think I got a lot more than that. I'm happy with the way she's coming out, but still wish I used the darker purple then the grey.

We had bowling tonight. I bowled a 154, 209, 211. That's the third 211 this year. We won all four games. Patrick beat me by 27 pins. Now he's a pin higher than me in average. I'll get there yet!

Life is good, we had a wonderful day! Life is still moving along and I'm moving along with it. Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Casino And A Finished Project!!

Today was my day with Art at the casino. We spent the morning at Red Wing Casino. I didn't do so good today. I'm okay with that. What I lost, Art won. So, that's fine. I only won $4 on my Keno. LOL Can't win every time! I'm still ahead for the year.

Stopped and picked up my folks mail. Then I stopped and got myself a Chai tea! Called mom and they said they are thinking of coming home on Friday. Should be interesting as to why they were coming back early.

Came home and worked on my Brazilian embroidery.

This is the true colors. I'm happy to say it's finished.

This is a better photo. I finished up the branches, eyes, and put french knots for pine cones in the trees.

Life is good, I'm happy to be done with a project! Looking forward to working on my next "finish" and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day

This morning I didn't want to get up, but I did. I headed over to Cherrill's to get her socks on and head to Brazilian embroidery meeting.

Cherrill and I sat together. She needed some help on her piece. I helped her out and cleaned up her back. Pat seems to be teaching a little off for me. I asked for some help on my piece. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the tree branches. So, I got some good advice and worked on it.

I worked on the first part of the branches while there. I really like the way it came out. Now I'm going to work on more. I'm hoping to get this done by tomorrow. Actually thought I would have it done today, but realized I needed to make my yellow bird a little bigger and I had to do the tail.

So I added the tail and made the yellow bird in the back a little bigger to be seen better. I think it came out pretty good. I have all The branches done. At first I couldn't figure out why the branches weren't coming out right and then realized the bird house is smaller than the birds. I remember we had a size goof at Seminar. The birds are bigger than they are supposed to be. I'm okay with that.

I needed to get some walking in to get my 5,000 steps in, and just had to take a photo of sunset.

Saturday was my nieces big day! She got married in Las Vegas where they live. My brother looks awesome in his uniform! I love the photos I've been sent. Guess we were the only ones that didn't show up. Shame we had so many appointments this week and last.

The happy couple! I wish them all the best!!

Life is good, Life is fun, Life can be busy, and Life can be awesome! Enjoying my time being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Good Day - Seahawks Won And More

I didn't sleep very good last night, so was up earlier than usual. Never fails.

I enjoyed the piece and quiet first thing in the morning. After Patrick was up, I took a walk. I wanted to get some walking in. Told Patrick I wouldn't be long, but then I ended up stopped at Cherrill's to give her dog the new toy he left in the street. Then chatted about going to Brazilian Embroidery tomorrow. Then I went walking again, and ran into Ruth's neighbor and stopped to chat with her. By the time I got back to Patrick, he was about ready to give me a call to see where I was. Funny part was I didn't take my phone so he wouldn't have gotten me.

Then I sat down and watched the Seahawks win. Not the best game they played but they pulled it out in the end.

While I was "enjoying" the game, I was cross stitching!

I figured out where my mistake is, and I'm not ready to take out about 50 to 100 stitches of the 1 over 1 stitches. So, I'm going to work with what I did, and work it back to the original pattern. It won't take too much trouble. The knee is just a tad bit bigger. I can deal with it, and chances are no one will know what happened. I was able to get another 400 stitches in. When I do the 1 over 1 stitches, that's 4 stitches to one. So, even though it doesn't look like I did a lot, I really did.

Then it was bowling time! Went bowling and actually did pretty good. Bowled a 186, 190, 181. That's a pretty good game. We even won all 4 games. Patrick beat me by 30 pins. I beat him the first game but then he bowled a 245, which kicked my butt. Then in the last game I blow it by bowling a 9 and a miss in the 9th and 10th frame. I could have beat him, and I could have had a 200 game. Oh, well. The team that we had trouble with a couple weeks ago, got into the teams face they were bowling tonight. They called them cheaters to their face. Guess it had something to do with a missing pin. They were stirring problems again. They keep that up and they will find out no one will bowl them. Kim can't wait to bowl them in December so she can get in their face. This is a gal that is so positive and so sweet, that rarely has bad things to say about anyone. But she can fight back if she needs to.

Life is good, Life is fun, and Life is busy. This week will be interesting and I'm looking forward to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Another Saturday - With Cross Stitching!

This morning I slept in - or at least tried. Why is it, when we want to sleep in, we can't, and when we don't want to or can't, we want to sleep longer? UGH

Patrick got up and we went to the casino. We did pretty good. We came home with more money then we took. so that's a good thing. I've got to take Art this week. Should be interesting. Hope I don't get stuck like last time, but then again, I did come home with more money then I took.

We got back home after going to mom's and cleaning out her frig. She left some milk and half and half for us. It wasn't any good when I went, so cleaned out the stuff that won't last till she gets back.

I played my usual games and then pulled out my cross stitching.

I think I know where my mistake is, and I'm trying to correct it as I go. Hoping it will work out. I kind'of wish I had used a darker purple for the grey areas. I got about 400 stitches in tonight so far.

I fixed my fitbit and it's still having a hard time staying charged. I've written to the company and hope it will be fixed. I did get to load the two weeks that didn't get posted. Now, I am almost back to a working fitbit, but I have a feeling I'm going to need a replacement at this rate.

Okay, time to get back to stitching! I'm so happy to be back to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Back On Track Friday

This morning I had a wonderful call from Katt. She called about the time I was deciding if I was going to get up or sleep more. We chatted for a good hour. I enjoyed the conversation we were having. She was in Walla Walla for the Balloon Festival. They ended up canceling it again today. She took the two days off to see the balloons. They didn't go off though. That would be the pits!

I went over to Cherrill's to help her out. Came home and got some more laundry going. I did put the quilt in the wash before I left though!

I finished the binding last night. Yep! I actually worked on it last night!

This is yet another QOV quilt. I'm taking it back to our meeting. The gal that made it will put the label on it.

Then I worked on this piece.

This is what I did get done. Just realized I have this sideways. I have found a mistake in there but can't figure out where I went wrong. The counting is going fine, but the color isn't coming out right. Oh, well, I can get this! I think the leg is off by one. Not sure but keep counting it and it keeps coming out wrong. Where wrong, not sure. Hate that.

Life is good, we're going to a play tonight.....life is fun! I'm back on track and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Time Flies When On The Computer

Today I was up early. Would have slept in, if I had known I didn't need to go to Cherrill's today. Oh, well.

I relaxed in the morning, thinking of what I would do. I figured I would finish the binding on the quilt......best laid plans......

I was on the computer, telling myself I would be off in an hour....then another hour......then, OH CRAP, it's 6:30 pm.

I was working on my family genealogy - newspapers.com to be exact. I was finding a ton of family members in the papers. Then I found a few I know are related, just need to figure out where. I found a story about a William (James) Wineland. He killed a man (Dietz). The Dietz' adopted son at the age of 12, killed him. It was about 3 months between the 2 events. It was interesting to see how revenge worked out. Dietz told the son on his death bed to promise he would not go on without killing Wm Wineland for him. Guess he honored that.

There are a ton of stories in the newspapers. I can find new members at the same time. Before I realized my PLANNED 2 hours of research was over and I was onto 5 hours of research. So, I decided (right now) that I'm going to close up the computer and get the binding done on that QOV quilt. Then I can wash it and have it ready to go back to our meeting the first week in Nov.

Life is good, Life goes FAST, and I'm still moving! It's time to get back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

While Waiting At The Service Station - Started Another Project!

Yep, that's what I said, started another project!

This morning I was over to Cherrill's before 9 am. Then we went up to Olympia to get her car serviced. We got up there, and she told them she was there for the recall and oil change. She had a 10 am appointment. We arrived early so they started early. The gal there told us it would be 3 to 3 and a half hours. UGH. Good thing I took something to work on. Cherrill brought a book, but we ended up talking most of the time.

I worked on a new project. I had to get all the stuff together before we left. I didn't have all the colors needed for the project, but I did have three of the colors needed.

I was able to get the left side of the spout done. I did have the green for it. Funny how I had three sets of the same color, yet the dye lot was completely different. Oh, well.

After 3 hours of waiting, my phone rang (we were in the waiting room), and asked to meet her at the cashier desk. We got up there and they didn't do the oil change. SO, we waited another 20 mins for them to do that as well.

When they were done, we headed over to Costco because Cherrill needed a new phone. She had a long story about how her phone quit working yesterday and her cell phone wasn't charged, so she didn't have a phone working all day yesterday. So, we bought a phone for her. Then got lunch. By the time we were on the road back home it was 2:30 am. Got home a little after 3 pm. UGH UGH UGH

Worked on my games for awhile then Patrick got home.

Went bowling tonight. Did pretty good tonight! I bowled a 189, 189, 178. So, the good news is that I went up 1 pin on my average. We bowled a good team but we were able to win 3 games. That is pretty good when you consider we were in 12th place out of 16 teams. lol

Life is good, I'm still happy, I know I have to learn to say NO, but I'm keeping the life around me Happy. That makes me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Not Really What I Planned

This morning I was up around 8. I seems to want to sleep in longer. Unusual for me. Went to see Cherrill. She was eating her breakfast. So, I was there over an hour.

Came home and started in on the laundry. I had three sets of sheets to wash, a pillow, and the usual laundry. So, I did about 4 different loads. Still have more to go.

Then I got working on my YouTube video. That took awhile. I was then listening to the other videos that I was following.

I did get some stitching in last night, but not really today.

This is the QOV quilt I'm binding. I really needed to get downstairs to work on some more projects for QOV.

I did work on our family tree. I worked on the newspapers that link to the family members. I'm finding out more stuff on the family that way. Worked on the Wiltzius family. I need to start putting all the information in a book form. I seem to be doing more genealogy lately. I should be getting back to my crafts......Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 16, 2017

A Slower Day - With QOV

This morning I was up as usual. Went to see Cherrill before heading to the sew days with QOV members. I was surprised, I had tea with her and by the time I came home it was 11 am!! I couldn't believe I was there 2 hours!

So, then I wondered if I really needed to go to sew days. I promised I would go to help one of the gals with her binding on the quilt. That meant I needed to get lunch and go back up to Olympia! I was on my way by 11:20 am. I got up there after trying to figure out where the Elks hall was. Once I found it, I was thrilled to see quiet a few members there working on quilts. I sat down to help with the binding. The gal that made the quilt had broke her wrist - her primary hand. So, I told her not to worry, I will do it and get it done for her. I got 2 sides done by the time I left. I have about 1 and then some of a side to work on. I'll take it back to our meeting next month. It was nice to see everyone there.

Came home around 3 pm. It was nice to be back home. I decided I was going to email all the quilters that goes to moms and let them know there won't be any quilting this week. I also told them I would let them know when mom gets back so they know when the next meeting will be. I'm not going to cater to mom's quilters. Half the time they don't show up.

I have been going through my email and cleaning it up. Now it's time for exercises and watching Dancing With The Stars.

This is my family! Phil, Patrick and my father-in-law Wayne. They look alike!! I couldn't believe it, it's like looking at the young one, middle one and older one of the same person! Too funny!

Life is great, life is fun, and life is volunteering to help! May we all be HAPPY QUILTING/HAPPY STITCHING!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Family Has Left

This morning we were up at 5:30 am and out the door by 6 am to get my father-in-law and sister-in-law to Portland airport. We arrived at good timing. I enjoyed having them. We had an awesome time together.

After dropping them off, we were on the way back and thought we would check out the new casino down in the Longview area. We had heard some bad things about it, but we thought we'd check it out and if we were only there a few minutes, that would be fine. As it turned out, we left there around 11 am. We came home with $400 more then what we took. We had a set amount of money in mind and we didn't even spend $20 before we started to win. We keep going on the winning money and called it good at $400.

Came home and had lunch. Patrick took a nap while I worked on the Wiltzius family history. I was working more on his mother's JOHN family. I found a HUBBARD in their tree and was working on that as well. Since we believe there is a Hubbard in my TAYLOR family, I wanted to see if I could work off the Hubbard name and see if Taylor comes up. It will take a while but I'm working on it. I spend the afternoon working on family history.

By the time I was ready to take a nap, it was time to go bowling. I didn't do great, but I did do pretty good considering. The bad news was the team that we bowled last week didn't quit after all. BUT they were better today and behaved. I wasn't too thrilled to see they were behaving, because I was hoping the team captions would vote them off the league. Our team did decide we would bowl them again. We bowl them in Feb. So, I bowled a 169, 172, and 141. My whole team kicked my butt!! I couldn't believe I was that bad! Dropped another pin! UGH

Life is good, family is important, and we're all doing great. I'm looking forward to being happy Stitching/Happy Stitching!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Hard to Believe It's Friday

I was up at my usual time. It was after everyone else was up. We picked up my father and sister-in-law last night about 10 pm. We arrived home around 1 am.

Patrick and I made a big breakfast for everyone. We had bacon and waffles.

After all that, Patrick, his sister and father went golfing. So, I was cleaning up, getting a roast in the oven and working on laundry. It was a busy day for me.

I was able to get about an hour in on my cross stitch. I wanted to get more in, but they arrived about the time I was done with everything.

We chatted about our ancestors and just chatting about "stuff." After supper, we played a game. Then when we were playing, mom called to say dad forgot his med's. So, I ended up going over to their place to look for them. Couldn't find them. Called mom back and said not there. She'll check tomorrow morning and call me back. We'll see if they are in the suit case or not, tomorrow.

Came back home and got my cinnamon rolls ready for tomorrow morning.  Should be awesome!

Life is good, life is busy, and life is funny! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Packing Among Other Things

This morning I was up and out the door for my doctors appointment. I have got to get an ultra sound for my thyroid and lung. What fun! I can get through this. lol

After my appointment I was over to the folks. Mom had called me yesterday to come and help her pack. I was packing for both mom and dad. Since mom's back was pretty bad, I helped her out. I had to wait on dad to get the suit cases and then I had to wait on mom to get everything she wanted. She was getting something else ready. I stayed till about noon getting them ready for the trip. They decided they will be going in the afternoon tomorrow.

Stopped off and said hi to my quilt friends. I would have been quilting today but had to go to moms to help her out.

Came home. Cleaned the kitchen, baked a cake for when Patrick's dad gets here. We found out they won't be in till 10 pm, so we went out to eat and will be leaving in a while to go pick them up.

Came home and I worked on my cross stitch.

I finished up the back, and I'll be working on the upper part of the back. I'm happy to be back to working on this.

Life is good, life is awesome, and life is unpredictable. With or without health issues popping up - thanks to age!!!! - I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

QOV, Cleaning and Bowling Day

This morning I was up thinking I needed to get to Cherrill's before I do much else. She called to say I didn't need to go, so I went downstairs and starting cleaning. Since my father-in-law and sister-in-law are coming tomorrow night, I figured I better have a cleaner room than normal.

There was a bigger mess - but I did work on cleaning it off.

I had a ton of stuff on my cutting board, so I started looking at what I had. Then thinking of where I could put them. Most stuff I had a place to put away, but some was little and hard to decided what I wanted to do with it.

Didn't take long and I was done! I like what I did, but then realized that pile on the far side still needs to be gone through as well. I will work on it.

I will work on that later.

At least my boxes are organized!

Then I headed upstairs to get a few more things put away. I had to work on the computer room as well. I decided to clean it and then I balanced both check books.

Once that was done, the room looked a heck of a lot better.

I found this cross stitch and realized I made it for Phil. It was done in 1994. Still looks pretty good. Surprised I used a pink for the background though.

It was now about 11 am and I needed to get moving. I cut my thumb (pretty badly). So, I had to stop at Safeway for band-aides and then go to Patrick to put it on my thumb. I had already done it once but my thumb was still bleeding. After that, stopped and got a burger, then picked up my books and pattern.

Then it was on the road to Olympia. I didn't know it, till I got there, but I was early. We were presenting quilts to 36 veterans! It was awesome! We did pretty good and it went pretty fast.

Homeless Veterans honored. I am in there at least twice.

Came home by about 3 pm. Relaxed till it was time to go bowling! We bowled with a good team. We all had fun! I bowled a 194, 169, and 192. Not bad. I went up 3 pins. I'm happy. Patrick almost got his 600 series but missed it by 4 pins. We had a good night of bowling and it was so much better than Sunday night.

Tomorrow I'm off to the doctors and then moms. After that we will be on the road to get my in-laws. It's going to be one thing after another, but life is good and we can do this.

I'm missing my stitching time and I'm excited to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Visiting With Mom

Today I was up shortly after Patrick. I went to Cherrill's and then to the doctors office. I arrived at 8:23 am and found a sign that said, "Staff meeting - closed till 8:45 am," so I had to wait. I sat in the car for awhile. Once I was able to get in there, I was lucky enough to be first with the blood test. So, I got in and out in short order.

Went to see how mom was doing. I was shocked when I saw mom. She looked like she was putting on a front. She was in pain and I could see it. She's not supposed to be walking or standing. I stayed to help a little. Helped dad with changing the bed. She's using a walker again. It does look like she damaged her back. It's hard to figure out what she did. They are still planning on going to the wedding in Las Vegas. Driving on Saturday is going to be very hard on mom. Sat with mom and her show she likes. I enjoyed it too, but it's on Netflix. Enjoyed spending time with them. Brought them a loaf of bread that I baked last night for them. I also dropped on off to Art.

 I decided to head home around noon. I stopped off at Office Depot to drop off some books to get the binding done. I also left a cross stitch pattern to be enlarged. Told him he could do parts of it and I'd tape them together. We'll see how it goes, I may end up going to Staples instead. We'll see, I pick them up tomorrow before going to the presentation in Olympia.

I had to stop off at Sunbirds for mom. Sent a photo to my brother, then went to the Thrift shop that was around the corner. I couldn't believe this beautiful cross stitch was for sale for $2.99! It was well done and has been signed. I really was shocked! Makes me wonder what mine would be worth if my kids get rid of them. I now I do stuff they don't like, so I'm sure most of my stuff will be in the trash or sent to good will. Oh, well. At least I enjoy doing the work.

Came home and decided to work on the birds.

I want to try and get this done. So I worked on the feather and the feed on the shelf.

Patrick liked the tail feathers. He wanted to have the arrows. I'm not sure how I like them, but I do.

I worked on laundry (which reminds me to get back to laundry).

Life is good. I'm getting stuff done even when it feels like I'm not. I'm happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 9, 2017

BE Meeting, Busy Day

This morning I was up and ready to go. I went to get Cherrill for our meeting, but she was going to go on her own. I helped her with her socks.

Then I headed off to our meeting. I had to stop at Safeway on the way home. Arrived to find a couple members already there. I was waiting on Sandy and her sister. It was good to see Jeanette again! They gave me a book for needle sizes. I love the book. I need to go and get a bigger binding for it. I'll do that tomorrow.

I got the back feathers done. I'm happy with it. I had to try and see if I could get it right. I took out the first one and tried again.

When it was time to leave, I went to Safeway. Came home and made "Scotch-a-roo's" for Patrick - they will be gone in about a day and a half!

Then I worked on another thing of bread. I want to take them to the folks tomorrow. Mom's not doing good with her back. Guess she messed up her back - but she's determined to go to the wedding in Las Vegas. She's really going to be in pain!

I started working on the laundry as well. Seems like there was something today to keep me busy. I'm okay with that.

Now I can hope to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

A Full Day Of Bowling (Yesterday)

I woke early to get ready to meet the gals at our usual place. Patrick got up after I did. He always takes me to the pick up point. We car pool. I don't drive because they live a little more south of the area then I do.

We had a good ride down to St. Helen's OR. I didn't realize it till after we got down there, that we had to go through Rainier, OR to get to St. Helen's OR.

We arrived on time with a few minutes early. The bowling alley forgot we were going to be there, so we needed to try to be done by 1 pm if possible.

We started bowling and I bowled a 127. That ticked me off, so I called Patrick and wanted to see what he thought I should do. I tried everything! OR at least I thought I had. He told me to move 2 boards over and move my mark 2 boards over as well. I said, "I did that!" Then when I when I went to bowl, I did what he said. Danged if that wasn't what I needed to do!! Then I bowled a 199 and a 177.

After bowling we went out to eat lunch - at 2 pm! We stopped off at Taco Bell. We sat and ate there. On the way home, we come to Longview where Virginia and I asked about DQ! We wanted some ice cream, after hearing it from Theresa. We stopped off at DQ in Longview and had a great chat. We were laughing half the time. We had such a good time that we didn't realize it was 4 pm when we left the area.

We met up with Patrick around 4:45 pm. By the time I arrived home, it was 5:15. That didn't give me much time for anything.

It was time for bowling. We headed over to the bowling alley. We were setting up to bowl. The other team hadn't arrived yet, so we did the practice. Then they arrived. They were able to practice for a little bit, but then had trouble sticking. So, I went to the desk and asked them to wipe down lanes. Well, they put alcohol on the lines which made it even more sticky! Even I had a hard time, so I put some powder on my shoes and the "wife and mother" started barking about how my putting stuff on my shoes was bad for everyone! She "bitched" & "bitched" about it, till I told her I wiped it off. That was the beginning of a very bad night. I couldn't believe the tension in there! I wanted to do the scoring and when my team mate got it and gave it to me, I was informed they were keeping score. I told her because she wasn't bowling, that she couldn't do that. I was team caption and I would do the scores. I was yelled at and was told "YOUR A PIECE OF WORK!" My reply was, "Yes, I am." I gave them the score board because her husband on the team said he was team caption and he gives her the right to do the score board and to give it back to her. I tried to tell them that's not how it works, but they started to tell me "F** off." So, I gave it to her. I bowled a 182. More tension went on through the night and I was not doing so good at calming down. I bowled a 119, and a 136. Patrick did a lot better. He's used to tension at work. The other bowlers got into it with Theresa, and the young gal bowling (19-22 in age) told Theresa (secretary) to "grow up." One does not tell Theresa to grow up! She turned around and informed them that they all were causing problems and that if they didn't straighten up, they would be asked to leave. After we finished bowling, I received a text stating "THEY QUIT!" I was thrilled. I told everyone last night I would not bowl with that team again. I guess they have been a major problem for our league since they joined in Sept. I had not see so much rudeness or foul language from a young person as this one! I was so shocked that the mother was part of the problem as well. They would sit there laughing at us, no clue why. They would look at one of us, turn around and start laughing. Reminded me of bullying! I was so shock an adult was asking like a 5 year old!

So, needless to say, I did not have a good time bowling last night. I hope I can have fun next week, but I'm going to feel weird going in there, or bowling against another team that is new. UGH!

I'll stay with my crafts and be Happy Stitching!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Tried Something Different Today

This morning I woke to find Patrick on the couch. Guess my allergies were making me snore all night. Poor guy!

Today was a good day for enjoying the day at home. Patrick worked out in the garage. He was cleaning up his golf clubs that he bought. Come to find out, he got a couple clubs that were $250 clubs. So, I guess one can say he did pretty good looking for clubs.

While he was out there, I was in here working on laundry and decided to bake some bread. I wanted to try something different with the sour dough. I used the bread machine this time to knead the bread. It actually did a good job of kneading. I was really surprised. It still came out "sticky" and was easy enough to shape. I made two batches. One was the whole wheat and the other was regular white. I did put some "old" yeast in the dough to see if that would help a little. I know that's not how sour dough is supposed to be done. But it actually helped a little.

This was done the regular way and the other batch (forgot to take a photo) was done in the cast iron pan I have. It turned out good too. Patrick thought it was light like angle food cake. I was surprised to hear that.

While they were baking, I worked on my cross stitch. I'm getting the itch to start something new, but I know I have a couple things I need to do first.

The leg is coming along pretty good. It's going pretty fast when I can work on it. I've been trying to get more done, but I can't seem to sit down and work on it. It's either too busy or I'm at the stage of wondering what I want to do next. Hate that.

I got my fabrics from

I love the colors! Can't wait to see what will work with these!

We went out to eat and I was surprised at how I didn't eat much. I brought most of it home. Patrick will have something for lunch tomorrow when I'm off bowling for travel league.

Life is good, I'm having fun! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Another Interesting Day

Today I was up at the usual time. Patrick was up and out the door. I thought he was taking the day off. It turned out that he was taking half the day off.

I was working on my games to get them done before Patrick got home. No clue what he had planned but  knew I would be doing something.

Patrick came home and had the weekend planned - even my bowling on Sunday. First he wanted to put the pumpkin from our garden outside for everyone to see. It must have been a couple hundred pounds because he couldn't lift it.

Next he decided we would do the casino today and then go to a movie tomorrow. So, we headed over to the casino and spent a good three hours. Afterwards we went to Good Will for some golf clubs, we went to another shop for golf clubs. Patrick has his set and needed to more for his dad and sister who are coming to visit next week. They'll be here for the weekend. He was lucky to find a full set of clubs and another partial set. So, now he just need one club and he's good. It was funny how he could get what he wanted. While he looked for those, I looked for the craft stuff. I only found some yarn and a few other things. The one place wanted 39 cents for floss. To me, it would be better to go to Walmart or Michael's for the right stuff then to get them there. I did find some rope that will work great on my embroidery piece. I only paid 39 cents for that. I did pick up some blank cards that were in awesome shape.

We came home and fixed supper. I worked on my games - on a timer for a couple of them. Finish the one game and need to work on my farm. I'm doing Hay Day and it's on the derby. I'm so far behind it's a pain in the rear!

As for the rest of the night - good question! Not sure if I'll work on my cross stitch or something else. Time will tell. Still loving life and still very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Fun

This morning I went to help Cherril and then go to our BE class. Cherrill's wrist wasn't able to hold anything after her fall last week, so I went without her.

I arrived early, but mom had called to ask me to cancel her quilt group meeting tomorrow because her leg was still bothering her. She was going to physical therapy for 2 hours tomorrow. They have to wait till next Saturday before they can leave. They were checking to see if the pain is due to her back. So, I made a few phone calls and told them the meeting was canceled.

Virginia Chapman came to teacher class. She is the founder of BDEIG.

We were given a pattern and a doodle cloth to work on our stuff. We went from 10 am to 5:15 pm learning new stitches.

She brought a lot of her patterns.

I bought a few and also picked up a couple for Cherrill.

Donna brought some of her husbands wood tools. I bought a beautiful crochet set and a couple other things. Cost a lot but I wanted the crochet set.

It turned out to be an awesome day. Got home and we had company at 6 pm.

Life is good, life is worth living for and we all need somthing to keep up Hapoy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Quiet Before The Storm

Today was one of those days where I didn't want to get up. I woke up, close my eyes and 10 minutes later, thinking I need to get up, but then I closed my eyes a couple more times.

I enjoyed having today to myself. I helped Cherrill then came home and was wanting to do something. I had a couple ideas, then I had  hard time trying to decide what I wanted to do. Thought about it, and thought about it, still not doing it! Then I pulled out my light box, went downstairs to see if I could put one of my three or four panels together.....nope. I gave the half square triangles to someone, because they were not in the box. So, then I thought I can just work on my eagles. If I get a couple more eagles done, then Judy will have about 4 or 5 to work with. That would be a good presentation for 4 or 5 vets. I'm good with that. So, I traced three eagles on the back of three fabric pieces. That went really well.

I had everything ready to go.

Was happy I was able to get 3 of them ready. That was the end of that fabric. So, I'll have to use another fabric next time. I may try to do a red or blue for the background, so I'm thinking.

Then I went back downstairs to iron the wings on the fabric that I'm making the bird. I only did one for now. I want to get the wings sewn on first, then I can use the light box to put them on the fabric with back basting. I think I can do all three at one time, but we'll see. I will have to back baste some pieces on the background, but and to wait till the wings are done. Then I can do more at once. So, I keep telling myself that.

After I did all that, I went back to doing my cross stitch. I couldn't figure out what I DID WRONG!! I kept getting the counting off. The leg was coming along great, but when I got to the last two rows in that 10 x 10 area, I figured out I was off. I had an extra row!! How in the HECK did I do that?!? So, in counting, checking, counting, checking, and counting again, I realized I had been working 11 stitches across. So, I was not working in my 10 x 10 area, I was doing 11 x 10 instead. So, I know what I did wrong, and I can fix it as I go. If I took it all out, it would be one big mess. Taking out 1 over 1 is NOT neat or easy. So, it's an easy enough mistake that I can do it without it being obvious.

We had bowling tonight. I bowled a 148, 178, and 173. We took 3 games! We lost the one game by 2 pins - and we bowled the VACANT team!! I couldn't believe it! We were so close. That means we were done early. I was happy to be done early. We left while everyone else was in their 2nd game.

Tomorrow is a class at Brazilian Embroidery. Virginia Chapman is our teacher. I'm going to try and remember to take photos! Friday is quilting at moms. Next week is going to be one heck of a BUSY week. Really not looking forward to it!

Life is good, Life is busy, and Life is unpredictable. Best wishes! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

QOV meeting and New Glasses

This morning was a good one. I was up and over to Cherrill's in time. I came home and worked on my tablet for awhile before it was time to go to Olympia.

I went to Starbucks for tea, because the weather was so cold and a good hot tea sounded good on the way up to the meeting. Our meetings are held at the Ruby Street Quilt Shop in Olympia. It takes me about 35 to 45 minutes to get up there. On the way up there, I realized I was tired. No clue why but I was. I was also glad to get to the shop. That actually got me back to normal.

They are going to do the Drexel House in Lacey. We have 50 recipients that will be given a QOV quilt. They are all homeless vets. We have been working on this for over a year. It will be nice to see it come to a close. They will be filming it for the news station. Should be interesting.

I bought 9 yards of fabric for some more quilts for QOV. I need to get a top done. I also need to get another eagle ready to applique.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch.

This is going pretty good.

While watching TV, I got the call that my glasses where in. So, I went to the eye doctors and picked them up. I may need to go back and get them tightened again.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch with my new glasses. They did help some. Not as much as I was hoping. I do like how they did help. I could actually see the stitches for the skin area. I really like how it's coming along. The leg is looking good.

Life is good, Life keeps going, and we all work hard to get where we are. Life is great being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...