Wednesday, October 11, 2017

QOV, Cleaning and Bowling Day

This morning I was up thinking I needed to get to Cherrill's before I do much else. She called to say I didn't need to go, so I went downstairs and starting cleaning. Since my father-in-law and sister-in-law are coming tomorrow night, I figured I better have a cleaner room than normal.

There was a bigger mess - but I did work on cleaning it off.

I had a ton of stuff on my cutting board, so I started looking at what I had. Then thinking of where I could put them. Most stuff I had a place to put away, but some was little and hard to decided what I wanted to do with it.

Didn't take long and I was done! I like what I did, but then realized that pile on the far side still needs to be gone through as well. I will work on it.

I will work on that later.

At least my boxes are organized!

Then I headed upstairs to get a few more things put away. I had to work on the computer room as well. I decided to clean it and then I balanced both check books.

Once that was done, the room looked a heck of a lot better.

I found this cross stitch and realized I made it for Phil. It was done in 1994. Still looks pretty good. Surprised I used a pink for the background though.

It was now about 11 am and I needed to get moving. I cut my thumb (pretty badly). So, I had to stop at Safeway for band-aides and then go to Patrick to put it on my thumb. I had already done it once but my thumb was still bleeding. After that, stopped and got a burger, then picked up my books and pattern.

Then it was on the road to Olympia. I didn't know it, till I got there, but I was early. We were presenting quilts to 36 veterans! It was awesome! We did pretty good and it went pretty fast.

Homeless Veterans honored. I am in there at least twice.

Came home by about 3 pm. Relaxed till it was time to go bowling! We bowled with a good team. We all had fun! I bowled a 194, 169, and 192. Not bad. I went up 3 pins. I'm happy. Patrick almost got his 600 series but missed it by 4 pins. We had a good night of bowling and it was so much better than Sunday night.

Tomorrow I'm off to the doctors and then moms. After that we will be on the road to get my in-laws. It's going to be one thing after another, but life is good and we can do this.

I'm missing my stitching time and I'm excited to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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