Monday, October 30, 2017

A Quiet Monday

Today I really wanted to sleep in. I got up anyway. I need to get up early tomorrow for my two appointments. Should be interesting. Then I have two more appointments on Wednesday. Doctors off called and wanted me to come in about my tests. Should be interesting. Guess that's my theme today - "Should be Interesting."

Came back from Cherrill's and vacuumed then got laundry going. I seem to have a heck of a lot of laundry after a weekend. All thanks to Patrick's cleaning. No worries.

Then, I got on the computer and worked on my family tree. I can't seem to put the Wineland's that lived in Oregon in the 1800's with my Wineland's from Kansas. I'll have to get a hold of my Wineland family connections and see if they can tell me where the connection is.

I then sat down and watch a movie on Hallmark Channel and worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on the brown hair. Didn't get a lot done, but will get more done tonight. I changed a brown in the hair. I wanted to have a red flare to the hair. So, I got a brown with red in it. It looks better to me. I didn't want it all brown. I like Katt's hair with the red in it, so wanted to try and get red in on tis as well.

I fired chicken tonight. I was hungry for it. I wish I had learned from grandmother how to make a good fried chicken. I cooked what I took out, but one of the chicken pieces was not cooked completely. So, I put it in the oven. Which pretty much meant I didn't get much to eat tonight. I just couldn't eat it after taking it out of the oven - something about seeing uncooked food that looses a appetite.

Now I need to get moving on my exercises and back to working on Andromeda. Should be interesting!

Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

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