Monday, October 2, 2017

God Bless The Victims In Las Vegas

This morning Patrick woke me up to tell me I needed to get up. There was a shooting that happened in Las Vegas. Knowing my brother and his family live there, I had to get up.

I sat in shock watching TV. It took me about 30 mins to finally texted my brother with "is everyone safe?" He came back with yes. Relief! I actually thought my niece and her fiance' would have gone to the concert. They do attend a few. Instead, they were called to work. They are ER personnel at two of Las Vegas' hospitals. I later found out that Alicia was sent to her fiance's hospital which is right there where the concert happened. They worked all night! I feel for them, as they saw so many die as they came in. My brother's plane was in the field where a lot of the survivors went to escape. He had some trouble getting to work, but he was able to get there.

I also heard a story about one of my parents neighbor's daughter's family went down there.  They separated and the granddaughter with her friends went to the concert. The friend was shot in the foot and they think the two men that were with them or near them, where on top of them to save their lives. The men were killed. I haven't found the whole story or the truth of it, but that sounds like what so many have been saying. I'll find out more when things calm down and the family gets back.

I was in a fog all day. I turned the channels and I watched movies or worked on my cross stitch!

I'm getting closer to the face area. I'm looking forward to getting closer to finishing this.

Tomorrow I have QOV meeting. Not sure if I'll go, but thinking about it.

Life keeps going....Life is good....We can get through this! Stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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