Tuesday, October 3, 2017

QOV meeting and New Glasses

This morning was a good one. I was up and over to Cherrill's in time. I came home and worked on my tablet for awhile before it was time to go to Olympia.

I went to Starbucks for tea, because the weather was so cold and a good hot tea sounded good on the way up to the meeting. Our meetings are held at the Ruby Street Quilt Shop in Olympia. It takes me about 35 to 45 minutes to get up there. On the way up there, I realized I was tired. No clue why but I was. I was also glad to get to the shop. That actually got me back to normal.

They are going to do the Drexel House in Lacey. We have 50 recipients that will be given a QOV quilt. They are all homeless vets. We have been working on this for over a year. It will be nice to see it come to a close. They will be filming it for the news station. Should be interesting.

I bought 9 yards of fabric for some more quilts for QOV. I need to get a top done. I also need to get another eagle ready to applique.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch.

This is going pretty good.

While watching TV, I got the call that my glasses where in. So, I went to the eye doctors and picked them up. I may need to go back and get them tightened again.

Came home and worked on my cross stitch with my new glasses. They did help some. Not as much as I was hoping. I do like how they did help. I could actually see the stitches for the skin area. I really like how it's coming along. The leg is looking good.

Life is good, Life keeps going, and we all work hard to get where we are. Life is great being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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