Wednesday, October 18, 2017

While Waiting At The Service Station - Started Another Project!

Yep, that's what I said, started another project!

This morning I was over to Cherrill's before 9 am. Then we went up to Olympia to get her car serviced. We got up there, and she told them she was there for the recall and oil change. She had a 10 am appointment. We arrived early so they started early. The gal there told us it would be 3 to 3 and a half hours. UGH. Good thing I took something to work on. Cherrill brought a book, but we ended up talking most of the time.

I worked on a new project. I had to get all the stuff together before we left. I didn't have all the colors needed for the project, but I did have three of the colors needed.

I was able to get the left side of the spout done. I did have the green for it. Funny how I had three sets of the same color, yet the dye lot was completely different. Oh, well.

After 3 hours of waiting, my phone rang (we were in the waiting room), and asked to meet her at the cashier desk. We got up there and they didn't do the oil change. SO, we waited another 20 mins for them to do that as well.

When they were done, we headed over to Costco because Cherrill needed a new phone. She had a long story about how her phone quit working yesterday and her cell phone wasn't charged, so she didn't have a phone working all day yesterday. So, we bought a phone for her. Then got lunch. By the time we were on the road back home it was 2:30 am. Got home a little after 3 pm. UGH UGH UGH

Worked on my games for awhile then Patrick got home.

Went bowling tonight. Did pretty good tonight! I bowled a 189, 189, 178. So, the good news is that I went up 1 pin on my average. We bowled a good team but we were able to win 3 games. That is pretty good when you consider we were in 12th place out of 16 teams. lol

Life is good, I'm still happy, I know I have to learn to say NO, but I'm keeping the life around me Happy. That makes me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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