Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday....What Is There To Say..........

As I sit here, I can't come up with what today was. I usually have a good idea of what I'm going to say for the day....Nope, not today.

So, I'll work on what today was being lazy till around around 11 am. Then I got moving....not saying much for me.

I took the two quilts to Ethel. She is going to do the bindings on the two quilts. Once I get them back, I will wash them and take a photo before taking them to the museum to wait till they are given out. I'm really happy with the way they came out.

After that, I was off to Dian's to help her out. I'm so happy that she's starting to get back into quilting!! She's been away from quilting for so long. After Willie died, she lost all interest in anything. She's been getting back into being herself again. I'm so thrilled she's going to start quilting again. She's going to work on her own stuff. I was happy to help her take the quilt off and get it ready for her to clean the machine. Once that is done she will can get moving. I showed her how to get her gmail going on her phone.

Came home to Sophie giving me a hard time for being gone all day. She didn't like me cooking, because she wanted the attention she didn't get today.

I received another request for a quilt. So, I'm getting more requests. This one is one of Faye's friends and we will do her in January. I will check with Jim about getting his friend to the museum in January to be presented as well.

The black and white area is now done!! I'm now working on quilting the border. I'm going to do 4 needles at a time going around the quilt. Then I'll do them again till I get it done. I'm hoping it will go quickly. I can't complain, as it's easy enough to do. I'm just thrilled the black and white part is done. If I can finish the quilt, then I can get back to my cross stitching at night. I do the quilt tops during the day. I have another top that needs to be finished as far as quilting goes, so if I can get my SAL done, I can finish that quilt.

Life is going, I'm still very emotional when it comes to talking about dad or thinking of giving dad's military worker a quilt. I'm having a hard time with it, but I'm going to try.

Life is being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Off And Running

Today was another one of those days - don't PLAN!!

I was off to moms house to be there for  the maid. I arrived early and went to get mail. Sherry arrived and I thought she would be only about an hour or two. So, I called mom and did a few things for her while she was on the phone. After that, I played some of her games on pogo. Then I looked at my watch and two hours has already gone. I needed to go to Sharon's to get my quilts! I didn't think I would be that late. At first I thought I would be there at noon. NOPE, that time went by. It was 1:00 pm before I could leave.

Once I was on the road - eating the snacks in the car that are there for when I can't get lunch! I finally made it to Sharon's. Bill showed me his quilts. I got the three that where ours, and I liked the pattern he used on another one. It turned out great - but I didn't get photos, will do that tomorrow.

While I was there I was checking with Sharon on the beading patterns and kits. She told me one of the websites disappeared. We went online to check a few to see if they were still there. I'm going to check those out.

On my way home, I stopped at Whalen Quilt Works to drop off Susy's quilt. She wanted to do the binding. I need to call Ethel to see if she wants to do the binding on my 2 quilts.

Finally, got home at 4 p.m. I really haven't felt like doing much today after getting home. I will work on the quilt downstairs - tomorrow.

So, don't have much to say, just been running around all day.....So, looking forward to getting back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Day Of Sewing.....

Yep, I know - I don't sew! But I did today. I went downstairs and got the quilt ready to go to the quilters tomorrow.

I was having some help while I was cutting my quilt out.

I was cutting the one with stars. I wanted to have it cut and ready for when I felt like working on another quilt top. I will cut a few of them out for awhile.

I texted Patrick these three choices to see which ones he liked.

This one wasn't my favorite.

But this one is the one I liked and Patrick agreed. So, I worked on ironing the background fabric for the quilt I'm taking to the quilter - in between sewing these together.

I got a few of the rows done. I did sew the top two together. The next three rows are sewn together. I'll put them together tomorrow or Friday. Depends on how the day goes.

Then it was bowling time. I bowled a 171, 178, 180. I did drop a pin. The gal that was going to replace Fred can't replace him after all. She bowled today, but she won't be bowling with us after today. She got a job. So, we are back where we started from. Fred is thinking of bowling with his left hand. If he does that, it would work. It will take time to see if he does. We lost 3 games, and our handicap was higher than the other team. Go figure! They just did better then we did.

Tomorrow may or may not be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

No Donations Were Made To Help Us

This morning I slept till 9 am because I didn't get to sleep till 3 am. It was awful.

I checked Facebook to see if donations were made to be matched....NOPE. So far my children where the only ones that donated. I told my son not to donate and if he really wanted to give me the money I would use it in the quilts I make. He said he would do that. We could have used the money in our group, but that's the way it goes. I may try to get donations later after the first of the year. Then again, I'm a little miffed my brother's didn't donate since I donated to their children's stuff. Oh, well. What we got I'm very thankful for!

I ran over to Judie's to get the backing and batting for 2 quilts. I have one ready to go to Bill, and I'll pick up the three as I drop off another one. I then went to Whalen Quilt Works and picked up 5 yards each of a blue and red. I needed that to do the quilt top I was thinking about yesterday.

Patrick and I decided I would do a row of red and a row of blue, doing the blocks as every other. I know that doesn't make sense but I know what I need to do. I have to measure the blocks, then I can cut the same size of the red and blue.

Came home and found out one of our military friends that lives in Olympia requested a quilt. I worked my magic to get it to our group. I want to honor him, as he served with my father. Of course, that made me very emotional today. I haven't been doing very good today, as the tears are coming all over again. ugh. I decided I'm going to work on another eagle for him. Mike needs an eagle like the one I did for dad. I can do this!!

I then sat down and worked on Kaatt's quilt. The Black and White quilt is getting done. I'm at the last few stitches! Then I will be doing the border and calling it done! I'm almost jumping for joy!! I really do want to get this done for Christmas now. I don't have much time, but if I keep doing the stitching at night, it will get done.

Mom called and said she's having a great time. She's been enjoying her visit. She bought herself a new laptop and a new phone. All expensive, but that's what she wanted.

I tried puff pastry again today....not so good, but I'm getting there and it's going to take time to figure them out. Once I do, then I think it will be awesome!! Can't wait to get the kinks out!!

Loving being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Another Monday.....Being Lazy

This morning I enjoyed laying around before getting moving. I didn't have much to do or lets just say, I wasn't planning on doing much.

So, I didn't do much. I played games for awhile. Then I got moving on my puff pastry before going downstairs to cut out another quilt top - that didn't last long. I cut out some of the pieces for a quilt, but then I cut the wrong size, and now I have to fix them by sewing a couple pieces together to make up for what I did wrong. That ticked me off, so I decided to give it up for today.

I sent Patrick these photos to see what he liked better for what I wanted to do. I decided I'm not making anymore blocks, so I have them set like this for a sashing. He told me he couldn't see the sashing - which is actually there. It's a lighter color.

He suggested a tan color, so I put my tan fabric out there, and I wasn't crazy about that one.

This didn't work out at all. 

Then I showed him what little I had of the blue, and he liked that better. Actually I do too. Trouble is, I don't have enough of that fabric, so I'm going to need to go buy some navy blue to finish this up. I decided to put the blue blocks in the middle - that would be 2 x 3, but a sashing there, and then put the three on the side with a block in the corner. After that, I'll border it again, maybe with a white strip and then blue again. That way it will be the size it needs to be for QOV. I really didn't want to do any more blocks for this. I think it will work out great. I can hope! So, next time I go out, I'll get 3 yards of fabric for it. 

Then I decided it was time to give it all a break and go back upstairs to quilt. I'm quilting on the black and white quilt, and it's really getting closer to being done. I don't have a long way to go. I'm thinking of the lines I'm going to do for the border. I need to get them close enough. 

Even though I was lazy, I did get a few things done. I'm looking forward to tomorrow in hopes of getting more money to our donation. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 is the national Day for Giving to charities
 and organizations that serve the community. We sincerely hope that you will
 join this holiday tradition and support the QUILTS OF VALOR 
FOUNDATION (QOVF) with a donation that will help us in our work to honor
and award our Veterans and Service Members across the United States 
of America.
Click Here for Facebook Donations!

Thank you to those of you that donate - it's greatly appreciated.
I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

It Turned Out To Be A Quiet Day

Today I was up early - as usual. Enjoyed the hour to myself before Sophie and Patrick woke up.

I went on to find some more QOV quilt patterns. Not like it's a special pattern, but I didn't want to try and design one myself. I may do that yet though. I found a few patterns that I really like. I will cut some fabrics and get them ready for sewing. I want to have a couple of them cut before I start.

Bill called to tell me all three quilts are done. I need to go get them. I also need to get the quilt top I finished ready to take to him. I will clean the back up a little and then get it ready to go. Called Judy and told her what I needed for a background, and batting. Now I just need to hear from Judy to find out when I can go get the fabric and batting.

The afternoon, I sat and worked on Katt's quilt. Guess I'm not as close to finishing it as I thought I was. I'm going to work on this all week, as I want to have it done for Christmas. She thinks it will be done by her Birthday.

At least I'm to the last corner. I'm getting there. This is where I am right now on this. I will try to finish the corner and get moving on the border.

Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled a 183, 195, 161. Kinda bombed the last game. At least my average stayed the same. I'm hoping next week I can get it up again. We lost 3 games. The other team just out bowled us all. The last game didn't help, I wasn't the only one that bombed that game. It was fun, and that's all that matters.

So, I'm keeping up with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

It's Saturday...Still No Shopping ....But A Movie

I was up and enjoying my games. Patrick stated we would be going to the movies around 11 am.

We headed out and stopped at Patrick's work to check on things. Then we went to the movies. Our movie was "Reckit Ralph goes Internet" and I really enjoyed that movie. It was a little better than the first one. I really did like the way it went.

After the movies, we headed to moms to clean out her deck. Patrick put the dead plants and pots in the back of the truck. I got her mail and cleaned out her refrigerator. I also picked up my black fabric she had. I bought a brand new bolt and she had already used some of the fabric. That's fine. Her white that we were supposed to share was taken to her quilter that does her basting. So, I won't get any of it. I paid for the black and she paid for the white. We were going to split them between us. Oh, well. I needed the black for the binding of this quilt, so brought it home.

Got home and we watched the news and the sad news of WSU getting beat. I really was hoping they could pull this out! UW isn't that good this year, so WSU got "screwed" yet again. UW always seems to kill WSU's dreams.

Sophie is trying to get rid of a cold. She's been sneezing for the last 24 hours. She's doing okay otherwise. She does want a lot of attention though. So, she sat in my lap for the past 2 hours while I played on my tablet.

Now I'm going to get moving on Katt's quilt. I have a lot more done.

I'm on the last corner. I hope to have that done tonight or tomorrow. Not sure if Patrick has plans for tomorrow, but I'm hoping I can sit and quilt before going bowling.

Looking forward to being busy quilting tonight. That will definitely keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

It is Black Friday - and we didn't go anywhere! I hate long lines and crowds. I did black Friday before I married Patrick, and I couldn't understand why people got up at 4 am to go shopping to fight the crowds. I HATE crowds. I remember too many times getting lost in a crowd when we lived in Japan. I would get pushed and pinched. They would even pull my hair (I was blonde - now I'm white! lol ). So, I stay far, far away.

I went downstairs first thing this morning and finished stitching the quilt top I was working on. I don't have a photo because it was raining today. I will get a photo of it when the weather gets better.

This is the one I finished. It really looks good. Now I need to contact Judy to get the backing and batting to get it quilted. So, when I go pick up the quilts, I'll drop this off. I'm going to do another one, because I really do need more quilts done for our group.

We watched a couple movies. I quilted.

I turned it over to see how I was doing. The good news is that I'm close to finishing this! Well, not quiet, I still have to borders to do. But the center part is almost done. I'm actually trying to get it done for Christmas.

It's nice to know I'm that close to being done. I love this!

Poor Sophie - she hasn't been feeling good. She's been sneezing all day. She started up last night. So, the poor thing has been sleeping most of the day.

Love how she covers her eyes when she sleeps.

So, today has been one of those days....not doing yet doing a lot! It keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, November 22, 2018


To all my friends and family HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Even if I don't know you, I wish you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Today was the first Thanksgiving Patrick and I were alone. At second thought, it may be the second one. I think the first Thanksgiving alone we went to the casino for supper. I remember thinking it would have been better to have our turkey at home, for left overs. Now, I know what it's like with all the left overs. We have tons!

We cooked all the fixings. I got up early to do the stuffing because I forgot to prepare it yesterday. The day didn't start off right, because I almost burned our breakfast muffins. Let's just say they were a little darker than they should have been. Then when I was doing the stuffing, Patrick suggested I use English muffins instead biquits. I toasted them, and added them. Then realized I really don't like stuffing with I made sure I had more corn bread then muffins. It turned out better than I thought, but I won't do that again. Then Patrick thought he took out the giblets and heart, but actually took out the bag that was a gravy mix. So, the bag he needed to take out of the bird, was still in the bird. At least it was in the back end.

Over all it turned out a lot better then it would have the way the day was going. The food was good and I stuffed myself. Now I feel way too full.

While the day was going, we watched 2 movies and a few short stuff.

I worked on Katt's black and white quilt. I really am getting a lot done! It's coming along great!

When Katt called, she stated at this rate I will have it done by her Birthday (March). I said, "Yea, I think so." Now that I'm looking at it, I think I might actually have it done for Christmas. So, if she doesn't read this, she might be surprised at Christmas time.

TODAY IS A DAY OF FAMILY! My family called and we talked. Mom called to figure out how to get into my Ancesty account. They were sitting around and chatting. My older brother and mom wanted to compare family history.


As for me, I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Day Before Thanksgiving

This morning I had therapy again. So, that was at 9:30 am. I was out the door early. After therapy, I went over to moms. I checked to make sure she had her ipad and phone in her bag. She didn't, so I had her put them in. I didn't want to have to send them to her. lol

I took off to Phillips afterward. From there I headed to! NO parking, it was that busy. So, I parked over by the dentists office. It was okay, I needed the walk. All I needed was milk. I did pick up some orange rolls and heavy cream. Good part was getting out of there pretty fast, since I only had 3 items.

Came home and baked a lemon merange (sp?) pie. It didn't work out that well. I had too much going on at once. Oh, well. I ended up cleaning up the mess.

Today was our 36th Wedding Anniversary. Patrick came home early and gave me a beautiful necklace. I love it!! I gave him a Galaxy tablet just like mine. It turned out great. Then we went to Dairy Queen for supper, since the freeway was packed. We were going to go to the Outback, but neither one of us wanted to get stuck in the rush. It was just easier to go to Centralia.

Patrick worked on his tablet, has a few tricks that I didn't know. He's pretty good about that. He's happy with it. I played a few games while he was doing that.

Now I've got the quilt out and will put a few stitches in it. Really didn't do that much today. Wish I did, but can't say I did. I cleaned the house so that tomorrow won't be cleaning before eating. lol

I'm going back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday Before Thanksgiving

Today I ended up going to moms. She wanted help with making her bed. The mattress is so heavy. I helped her. We even went to her quilt group so she could say goodbye for awhile. Since she's not coming back soon. We re-packed her suitcases (actually our suitcases she's borrowing). Amazing what all she's taking to my brothers. I said my goodbyes to her.

I have 2 Facebook accounts and posted the donation page. So, I have 2 of them open. I put $5 on one of them, and my kids shocked the crap out of me! My daughter donated $200, and that is awesome. So cool! I sent her a copy of the article on the group. She texted me and said it was a good article and she was proud of me. That touches my heart. Now she's donated to our group. How cool is that?!?

Mom was working on Katt's quilt today. I had to take a few photos. Katt is waiting on the white on white quilt that mom has for her. This is getting done first. She'd rather have the white on white lol.

Mom will have this done in no time. Funny part is that I think it's half done, but she's leaving it till she gets back. So, this won't get done till around Katt's Birthday.

When I got home I went to the bathroom to do my hair up, and had the water going. Lately it's a game for Sophie.

She's trying to figure out where the water is coming from.

Then she started playing with the water. I'll give her credit, water doesn't seem to bother her. I laugh every time we go through this. Then she gives me a bad look for turning it off. Once that happens she leaves. This from a cat that follows me everywhere.

I was able to get more quilting done last night. I'm happy to say, I made it to the side. Now I'm going back the other way. At this point, I'm 2/3's done with the quilt. I have one more corner to finish and then it's done. Except for the border. Katt wants me to just do straight lines in the border. I'll think about it.

I'm Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Monday, November 19, 2018

It Was A Good Day

Today was a good day, all in all.

I started out by running just a little behind, but I made it to the Brazilian (BFF) embroidery group.

This is fun. The move I do the more I can't wait to finish it. 

After our group, I headed over to Faye's to drop off the quilt mom cut into a kit. I told her that way she didn't have to think about what she wanted to do next. So, if she wanted to work on something during the holidays, she didn't have to think about it, it's all right there for her. Told her no hurry. And there isn't. I'm working on stuff this holiday season because my family won't be around. That way those who have family don't have to worry about it. 

Came home and played a few games. 

Patrick brought the mail in, and this arrived. I'm looking forward to reading it!

I posted on Facebook our QOV fundraiser. I hope people wait till tomorrow, but if they don't that's okay too. This way we can start getting funds to help us out. We need money for the supplies. 

Tonight will be a night of quilting - again. I've been trying to get as much quilting on Katt's quilt as I can. Lately it's coming along pretty good. I really need to finish this and mail it to her. 

That makes me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thursday - What Can I Say....What A Day!

This morning I was out the door about 5 mins after Patrick. I was at the therapists at 8 am. Much too early for my liking. The gal wanted me to show up at 7 am and I looked at her and asked if she was crazy! lol

Then I was off to my massage therapist and had a good neck message. Before I went there, I had a good hour and a half before my appointment. So, I was glad that I brought my embroidery. First I went to McDonald's to get breakfast (sausage bisquit and chocolate milk). Then I drove to the newspaper to pick up some more papers for the article they had of our QOV group. QOV article.
Then I went for the message to be an hour early. I sat in the car and worked on my embroidery. Then it was time to go in. I enjoyed the message. Then it was time to head over to the doctors.

I arrived at the doctors to end up waiting awhile before seeing the doctor. She took the stitches out and we talked about what I needed to do to see her in January. She's moving to Olympia. I told her she wasn't getting rid of me that easily and that I would see her in January up there. She copied my medication list and gave it to me. Told me to bring that and my lab results. Said I would see her then. I also gave her the newspaper because she doesn't get the paper and I wanted her to see what I do. She was so excited and went nuts over the quilts in the article. The online version only shows one of the 3 quilts.

Then it was off to moms. We called the IRS to find out why they were STILL holding mom's refund. Mom got upset and called our congresswoman. They are now working on it for us. Should be interesting. We also got her vacuum bag working to get rid of the air, so she could take a quilt with her that needs to be quilted. Worked great. Told her I wouldn't be there tomorrow, and she wasn't too happy about that. I'll go over on Monday before she leaves on Weds.

Came home and Patrick was right behind me. I got my QOV stuff done. Now I need to work on my Gunderson Water stuff. Seems like I'm doing more paperwork or other things lately. I'm getting a lot done, but at times it really doesn't seem like it. I sent a newspaper article to Ronald Champlain since he was the one in paper.

Note: Just noticed this wasn't published. Will post it, and get back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

What A Day...........................

Today I was up early and it felt good. I enjoyed a hour of peace and quiet. Sophie slept next to Patrick and I wasn't bothered with her running around till after he got up. You would have thought someone put a firecracker under her!

Patrick worked out in the yard. Got the rest of the leaves done. Neighbors hate our oak tree because it leaves leaves in their yard. I love the tree. But they want to cut it down. I'm not liking that at all. So, they will just have to live with it.

I went downstairs

I wanted to work on the stars for the quilt top I was doing. Then I realized, what I said yesterday was WRONG! This quilt couldn't be done in one day! The stars themselves took a good 2 hours! I couldn't believe it, but when you do satin stitch on the machine, the machine doesn't move very fast. 


I put all the stars on the blue pieces before I cut the fabric. I had 5 1/2" strips that I sewed the stars to. Then I cut the strips to the right size and sewed them on to the red or white fabric. 

I have them all stitched in groups of 2 strips. The last set is 3 strips. I will sew them all together tomorrow and then this quilt top will be done. I have one more done! I need to work on a few more, because I just got 2 requests today and will be getting 2 more after they re-submit them, because they got lost in the system. I know about those and they need to be done asap, since they have been waiting over a year. We have 3 quilts being quilted, and I'll try to have 2 done to take up when I pick the others up. 

While I was trying to get ready to go bowling, Sophie decided to lay in the sink. 

It was like a game to her, I think. She was playing around in the sink. Patrick told me he bleached the sink today, wonder if it was the smell that did it for her. Who knows?!

Then it was off to bowling. Not my best night. I laughed all the way through bowling. I couldn't believe my luck!  I bowled a 145, 169, 212. At least I got another 200 game! It helped raise my average to 171. We probably lost 2 or 3 games. It depends on what the new guys average is. We all bowled bad. Nick just throw the ball down the lanes in the 3 games. So, he only bowled a 127. This from a guy who has a 200 average. Oh, well. I still laughed. It was his problem, not mine. 

All in all, it was a good day. Dan won't be joining us for Thanksgiving, but that's okay. He still knows he's welcome anytime. 

Tomorrow is embroidery. I'm looking forward to it. That will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Late Start Today

This morning - for the first time in YEARS! - I slept till 9:45 am. I must have really been tired!!

Must have been all that quilting on the black and white quilt - IN MY DREAMS!

The good news is that I'm a lot farther along then I thought I was. It's about 3/4 done now.

Since the day started later than usual, I felt like half the day was gone. Mom called and wanted to take us out to eat. We agreed but needed to get moving.

While Patrick was outside getting leaves gathered, I went downstairs to work on cutting a quilt and having it ready to work on. After cutting the quilt, I figured it was easy enough to do, and got started sewing!

Okay, so that comment I made the other day - you know the one - Yes, you can actually get a quilt top done in a day. This one is so easy and so quick, that I'll have it done tomorrow. I just need to add some stars and it will work great. I may actually do the stars with the embroidery thread on the sewing machine.

While I was down there with Sophie, she was keeping me busy. 

She was running around keeping me on edge. I love it when she goes up on the box and sits to watch. When she's exploring, then I have to keep my eyes open.  Like this morning when I pulled out my hair band, she got up on the counter and tried to run off with it. Talk about fast! If I hadn't been watching her, my hair band and her would have disappeared. 

We dropped off the leaves at Phil's, then we headed to the movie. It was the Harry Potter magic kinda movie - remember! I don't remember names!  It was okay, but left me wondering.....guess that's what they wanted since they didn't finish the movie. 

Then we picked mom up and took her to McMenamins for supper. We all had the fish and chips. Forgot how greasy they are, but they are good. 

Now we are home, and I've got to get back to quilting on Katt's black and white quilt. Which means I'm going to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Friday, November 16, 2018

One Of These Days..........

One of these days, I'll be back to normal. That is, if I knew what normal was. I keep hoping things will slow down, but if it did, what would I do?! I've been on "full steam ahead" for awhile!

Today I had about an hour to myself before leaving. I called Faye and told her the exciting news about how QOV finding out about our article. I filled her in on what has been coming up with QOV.

Once I was off the phone, I headed out the door. Went to Safeway (for mom) and  the post office, then Dollar Store for Thank you cards. I also picked up some Christmas boxes to give out for gifts. I needed to get some for our bowling group. I got all the bigger boxes they had.

Then it was off to the quilt shop and picked up my bolt of fabric I ordered. I then picked up 3 yards of red as well. I'm going to use those for QOV quilt tops. I like the white Rita got for me.

I headed over to moms to drop off her dessert. The quilters were there and I stayed to have lunch with them.

Once that was done, I was off to Dian's to work on eBay stuff. We listed a few more things. I've been teaching her how to list stuff, so she can do that as she goes.

I got back home and Patrick was right behind me. It was funny how that worked.

I'm going to quilt tonight. Looking forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Little Behind On Yesterday And Today

Well, I'm falling behind. On almost everything! Yesterday I spent the whole day working on the QOV quilt top that I wanted to take with the other two quilts to be quilted.

Yep, I was sewing all day long. I started around noon yesterday and didn't get done till about 11 pm. So, if anyone tells you you can get a quilt done in a day - tell them they are crazy! The only way to do that would be to have everything cut and ready to go, and even then, chances are it wouldn't happen. I can see a really easy quilt with squares and nothing else, then yes, you can have it done in a day. In this case, NOPE, it was at least a 3 day project.

The flying geese pieces took a good two days. Then putting the blocks together, that took a little time as well. I had these done before yesterday, but that was only 4 each.

Then it was putting them up on the wall and work with each row. This was fun to do. I was surprised at how well my blocks turned out. My points were awesome, with a few exceptions. Not a lot! They fit just right. I really like this quilt top. I have another set cut and ready to work on. So, I'm going to get those flying geese going for the next on. Hopefully this weekend.

Quilt top finished. Patrick helped me, because I needed to get the backing ironed. I was ironing last night while he was running the tape over this top and cutting some of the threads to have it ready to be quilted. Then I went to bed and crashed. 

Today we were out the door by 10:30 am. Stopped off at Bill and Sharon's to give him the 3 tops. One of the tops was Susy's (I met her at 10 am to pick up the top and then went to Judy's to get the backing and batting). So, they have 3 quilts to quilt. I told him it was no big hurry. 

After dropping them off, we headed to Tacoma to see the specialist about my thyroid. The good news is that we will be waiting till next year when I have another altra sound. 

Came back and stopped at the casino. We hadn't been to the casino in almost a month. We stayed about an hour. 

Then came home, I napped - was still tired. Next thing it was time to go bowling. 

I bowled 177, 179, 190. We won 3 games. Fred is now out of bowling so we worked on getting a replacement. I guess I know who the replacement is, but just can't think of who it is. Nick bowled for Fred today, and his replacement will start after Thanksgiving. 

All in all, I'm still keeping busy Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Monday, November 12, 2018


Today I woke early. Got up and played a few games. Had a couple hours of time to myself. 

Then I got in the mood to go downstairs and work on another quilt top for QOV. I think that's an awesome way to spend Veterans Day - honoring them with a quilt!

Mom cut 2 quilts for this pattern. So, I needed to get working on them. 

I had to work on the "flying geese" pieces. That is the part that takes FOREVER! Between sewing, cutting, sewing, cutting and then sewing. It was a major pain in the back doing that many flying geese. There are 13 blocks of each multiply that by 4 and you have that many flying geese pieces. It's the the easiest way to do flying geese, but it does save on fabric. I did this on another quilt I did so, it was easy enough to figure out. The instructions really don't explain it right. 

Once all the flying geese where done, I was able to get my star blocks going. I only finished 5 blue and 6 reds. I have a few more to go. I'm hoping to get them done by tomorrow. I really want to take this up to get quilted I have the other top that I need to take to the quilters. If I can take two or three tops that would be awesome. We have 4 quilts now that need to be giving out. 

Susy told me she has a quilt to be quilted. I told her I'd get it to Bill to quilt since I have a quilt top as well. I called Judie but she's out today. Not sure if I will get there or not. Will keep working on it 

So, how was your Veterans Day? I hope you honored a Veteran in some way. Even if you paid for their meal at a restaurant, said "Thank You" to them - specially a Veitnam Vet. They need the "love" the most!

I hope you have a great day, with family or without. Thank you, if your a Vet. I send you my love and thank you for your service. I wish I could hug dad and say the same, but life goes on. 

May we all be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Full Day Of Bowling - And I'm Tired

This morning was up and out the door heading to Longview. Patrick decided to come along.

Patrick and I drove down to Longview for bowling. We arrived a few minutes before hand. Patrick wanted to go to Red Lobster after. We ended up bowling our other team from Fairway, but they didn't show up. Sara was back after her hip replacement. It was good to see her again. We all bowled pretty good. I bowled a lot better. I ended up with a 167, 178, 192. That was good for me. I actually worked it out pretty good.

After bowling, we went to Red Lobster. Got a good meal. Patrick even got a free dessert for being a veteran. Usually he doesn't talk about being a vet, but today he did surprise me when they asked. He told them no he wasn't retired or active, but he did serve. They honored him.

Came home and I worked on making some cinnamon and sugar pastry.

Took a couple to Dan. I didn't get the cookies I told him I'd do, but I did give him a few of these. They turned out really good.

Then it was off to moms and help her get some of her clothes down from the attic. Once that happened, my nephew called her. So, we left for bowling.

We bowled one of the better teams in the league. I was shocked that we actually won 3 games. It was really close the last game. I bowled a 185, 177, 190. That helped get my average up by one pin. Patrick on the other hand bowled a 684! I can't wait to start hitting the 200's again!!

So, I didn't get to work on my stuff, but I did get some information to file for 3 QOV quilts. I'm going to do that now.

Tomorrow is another day, to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

It's Called Saturday

I was up early this morning. Patrick wasn't too far behind.

He went out to work on the leaves in the yard. I worked on doing the bookkeeping for our water system. Then I worked on our checkbook. It took forever on our checkbook because I was off 10 cents. That actually drove me nuts! Patrick had to come and help me figure out it. Come to find out I made a correction of 10 cents, but instead of subtracting it, I added. So, that explained the 10 cents. Plus there was some corrections that had added up to the 10 cents. Hard to explain, but drove me crazy for a few hours. At least now I know it is what it's supposed to be.

Then I sat down with Patrick and watched TV. We watched a movie.

Started working on the cross stitch again. I got to this point last night. I went from there.

I worked on this part today. I'm happy to say I kept working.

And now I'm to the corner of it. I'm down with the bottom part. I can now get moving on the rest of it. I'll work my way up. I can now roll it, and that will help with getting the fabric tighter. I was trying to figure out what I will do with this, and a couple people suggested that I make it into a table top. I may do that. Just don't know how I'll finish it. I will need some help with this.

I made pastry dough yesterday, and I made some little pies. I had a square pan (like the cupcake pans), and decided to make little bit size pies. Patrick had to have one as soon as it came out, and said they were really good. I have more dough in the fridge, so not sure what I will do with it this time. It was fun to make though.

My cover to my new tablet came in. Patrick was awesome, he put the protective cover over the glass, and then I put the tablet in my new case. I really like this.

I didn't get downstairs to work on my quilt top, which I really would have liked to do. I was working on so much more. It felt good to get more cross stitching done. I need to find the time to get moving on another top though. I'll work on it when I can Monday.

So, I'm still keeping things going. I'm enjoying the way things are going. I'm still keeping up with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 9, 2018

It's Friday!

Yesterday was a busy day. So busy that it wasn't really worth writing about. Between going to the quilt group, moms and then Dian's, it wasn't a good day.

Today was a good day. I was glad to have a day at home. Mom called and tried a couple times to get me over there, but I wasn't planning to go anywhere.

I worked on my Sourdough bread today. I let it raise over night and it turned out awesome. So, I worked on it today.

I was able to get 2 small loaves done. Gave one to our neighbors, as we have a deal. They get me Bread flour and I bake the bread. So, they get what I make. It works out. I don't throw out any bread Patrick doesn't eat, and the neighbors get to eat my end results.

Then I started working on a Pastry Dough. I got it going. It took more flour than it was called for, but I think it will work out fine. I had the butter grated and waiting in the refrigerator. So, I rolled it three times and now it's sitting in the frig to raise a little and mix the butter in with it. I'm hoping it works out. I'll have Patrick help me tomorrow with pastries. I want to do some pie filling tomorrow to put in the middle and Patrick will have a dessert for work.

Then it was time to try and get working on the quilt top downstairs. I pulled out the pieces that I needed to cut first. Then I got moving on the second set of colors.

This is the flying geese pieces. I sewed them together wrong. So, I was ripping them out and now they are set to be sewn together again. I just wish I would have figured that out before I cut them. So, now I'm having to sew on the bias. I was able to cut the blue and off white pieces fine. They are almost flying geese. Need to trim them to size and then it will be fine. The next step for this is sew the pieces, then sew the pieces together again, and cut them for the flying geese. Once all that is done then I can do the blocks and get the top sewn together. The blocks are stars. I would have loved to have had another couple hours to work on this, but that wasn't in the cards.

And then there was Sophie - she was a busy cat today. Think she was giving me trouble for not being home the last few days. So, she was all over the place till I went downstairs and then she climbed up on the box with the batting and sat down. That was extra batting, so it's now her batting place.

All in all, today was a day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching - Happy Cooking!!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...