Friday, July 14, 2017

Another Day With Good Quilting Friends

This morning I was up and ready to go. Patrick took the day off. So, while he stayed home and worked in the yard, I went off to mom's.

I dropped off some stuff at Phil's and the I headed over to moms. I was surprised there was only one car out there. Mom laughed when I got there. There was only Ethel and her in the quilt room. She told me where everyone else was, so it was "just us" till Nancy showed up. So, we had only 4 of us working on our stuff.

I didn't take a photo - yet again! I finished up the wings of the owl. I pinned them to the quilt top. Mom was still working on the bear, so I left the quilt top with her. When the bear is done, then I'll bring it home and work on the putting the owl down. Should be fun. Was happy to see how much I had done. It's getting there!

Came home around 1 pm. Dad had a doctors appointment, so I came on home. Patrick was still busy in the yard, so I came on in and worked on my cross stitch.

Decided to work on the Mirabilia paten - Andromeda. I ended up taking some out as well. The frog arrived. I'm getting it set up for the stair step. I will have it working here pretty soon. I almost did the diagonal and remembered that doesn't work for me.

Last night I was able to get a lot done on the HAED piece.

It's coming along. Now that I got the pattern enlarged, it has been a big help.

After Patrick was done with the yard, we went out to eat. We saw a movie at McMenimens. i had some fish for supper. It was really good. We had a good time. Now that we are back home, I need to do my exercises. I was going to work on my cross stitch some more, but it looks like I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

Life is good, we all are well, and it's awesome to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

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