Monday, July 10, 2017

Working On Applique Again....

Today was a good day. I didn't sleep very well last night, but I did get up after Patrick left. I went to Cherrill's and was able to meet her daughter. It was a good visit and will see her tomorrow.

I got up and sent an email to my quilt group asking the to pass the flyer around for my cat. I got on "" and was able to fill out the information there. They have a better flyer, so sent the better flyer to the police departments and a couple of the vets. They faxed a flyer to a couple vets. They really didn't get all the vets in the area, so I'm glad I could get flyers out to the others last week. I'll print a couple more and take them around tomorrow or Wednesday.

I did my video on flosstube. It was a pain! The mouth and the words don't go together. Reminds me of the Japanese overlays. Oh, well.

Then I pulled out my applique of the owl. I needed to get moving o it because mom has the bear done and is working on the raccoons.

I had it all on the table. Was a lot easier to work with. Did the grey wing.

I have the bottom of the wing done, now just need to work on the side wing and the body.

Now I'm going to work on my HAED piece. I wanted to start a new cross stitch, but don't want to do it tonight. I'll work on it tomorrow.

So, the good news is that I'm still appliqueing. Mom wants to put the quilt in my frame and come over to quilt on the quilt when we are done. I don't know if I want that or not. It will be interesting what we decide.

Stay Happy Quilting and/or Happy Stitching!

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