Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Day of Bowling!

This morning I had a few minutes to myself. Then it was time to get moving to the bowling alley.

I arrived at the bowling alley on time. They said the meeting would start at 10:30 am. We didn't start the meeting till 10:46 am. I met Tim and Steve there. They own the bowling alley. I told them if they needed a Secretary, I'd be happy to help. They said they would contact me when the gal that does the work decides to call it quits. I'm hoping to do that sooner than later. lol They were so kind in giving me a free lunch.

We bowled by ourselves because the St. Helen, OR team was gone. We don't know if we won because they still need to bowl. I bowled a 208, 178, 189 with a 575 series. That gave me a 191 average - UGH. I bowled to beat Theresa. I wanted her to prove she deserved to be anchor. Well, by the time we were done, we figured that I'm going to be anchor. Kim who is normally anchor, bowled close to me. So, it's going to be Virginia, Sara, Theresa, Kim and I, in that order. Usually it's Virginia, Sara, Me, Theresa, and then Kim. We bowl in the order of our averages. I thought I would win the high game, but someone else beat me. So, I didn't get the $5 for high. Since I bowled this good I need to do this good when we are in Longview.

Came home and worked on some newspaper clipping for my genealogy and had supper. Then it was time to head out to bowling again.

We got to the bowling alley, and Dan was late. I chatted with him for awhile. I'm worried at times for him. Guess he quit his job and needs to work on selling his house and his late mothers. I think he's having to get moving on getting the probate done.

I bowled 158, 177, 177, with a series of 512.  Not as good as this morning but better then I was doing! We lost 2 games. Our last game was a bomb! We could have gotten all 4 if a couple of us were on it. Stuff happens, and I was surprised we took 2 from this team anyway. So, we're not complaining. Hopefully we can keep moving up on our bowling.

Came home and it's 9:30 pm. Guess it time to hit the hay. I didn't get any cross stitching done. Tomorrow I need to vacuum and get ready for our Brazilian Embrodery group. I want to bake a zucchini cake. I found Mary Frances's recipe that mom got from her. She was my adopted grandmother and she was my witness at my wedding.  I do miss her and Ed so.

Life is good, Time flies.

OH! Before I forget - Christina Remter - you asked about my Seahawk Needleminder. (Would you believe it just told me today that you left a message two weeks ago?!?) Anyway, I got if on the Etsy web site. Seahawk Needleminder link. 

Life is good, things happen, good and bad, but life is still good. Each day at a time. Looking forward to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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