Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day!

To all those who have worked hard for our Nation a proud Nation. Thank you to all those who worked hard!

This morning I was sleeping in. I had a good night sleep, but snored a little. I was surprised to find Patrick on the couch, so don't know if it was me or the mattress.

Went to Cherrill's and chatted while he was in the shower.

Came back and he was out in the yard. While he worked in the yard, I did what he suggested and took the laptop out on the deck and worked on my genealogy. I found another ancestor that was on the Eastman family. I read about how they were attached by Indians and their 6 day old daughter was thrown across a room and killed. They kidnapped my 6th great grandmother and she was captive for over 2 years. My 6th great grandfather then found her with a french family. They let him bring her back home. Apparently he had been looking for her and he passed the place she was staying at 3 times before she saw him. It was interesting because they talked about him being 6 ft tall and then some.

In the afternoon when it was around 90 degrees, I came back into the house. We watched a movie and I worked on my cross stitch.

I was able to get another diagonal done. It's coming along nicely. It's also getting to the point that I will need to pull out my camera to take a full photo of the piece. I'm enjoying this part of it, but finding myself wondering what I will work on later. I've got a few pieces that are kits, so I'll see what I'll do next. I still need to take out the other one.

I got a call on my cat today. But it turned out to be another cat and not mine. I can keep hoping.

Life is good, things are going great, and I'm finding more Revolution War family members. I'm excited to see where life brings me in my research! I'm still sticking with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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