Sunday, September 17, 2017

Seahawks Played Today!

This morning I was woken by our neighbor unloading his tractor at 6:45 am. So, that didn't get me too happy knowing I couldn't go back to sleep. Patrick did, but he came back from dropping the trailer off. Then the rest of the day was "peep, peep, peep."

I got laundry going. I was able to get three loads done. I'm happy with that. I watch some TV and worked on the cross stitch piece that is "small."

I just need to get the outline stitches done and then I can call this done. It has some interesting outlines and I've fixed a few. I'll cut it out when I'm done and ask Patrick to put it on the "greeting" sign. It says to put it together with floss but I think that would fall off easily. May have Patrick use rings.

I worked on all this while watching the Seahawks game. It was awesome! Missed the end because dad called and before I knew it the next game was on.

We had bowling tonight...ugh...started out great! - till the 8th frame in the first game. I had 142 in the 7th frame......bowled a 160. Then it got worse! Next 135! Then in the 8th frame, the bowling lane broke and we ended up moving to a different lane. We bowled the last two frames on 1&2. I bowled a 166. Was doing better that last game! I had an average of 165, which is already low, and now it's 161. Lucky me!

Life is good, we keep going. I'll pick up my games! I'll keep busy with my crafts. I'm looking forward to having this week to myself more. I like being home and working on my stuff. I miss my cat for company and at times think I see her around. I know she's not, and I'm okay. Life is each day at a time.

We keep going one day at a time. I'm leaving my legacy in my crafts. That's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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