Monday, September 11, 2017

Brazilian Embroidery Group Meeting At My Place

This morning I had to get moving. I went to Cherrill's and she couldn't make it to the meeting because she was waiting on someone to give her a "bid" on her furnace. I came back home, backed a Zucchini Chocolate Cake that was my southern grandmother's recipe.

After baking and cleaning up my mess, I vacuumed. As I was vacuuming, Pat showed up. So, I finished really quick and as I was putting it away, Janette arrived. It was shortly there after that everyone was coming in. Sandy was a little late but she finally arrived.

We all sat around the table and had some really good chatting. We even talked about our history through ancestry. There is a chance I'm related to Phyllis' husband. That would be fun!

I pulled out my birds to work on. I only need to work on the Stellar bird. I didn't get much done while they were here.

I need to figure out the colors. I'm trying to decide how to get the colors I want. We had a potluck, and it was more desserts then it was good food. Phyllis brought the chicken, so that was our main course with two salads. Then the rest was desserts. Everyone left by 1 pm. So, I decided to get a little more work done on the bird. I think I really need to finish something, so I'm going to try and get this done.

I got it a little "outlined" so I know what I'm doing. The dark part on the outside (left) is supposed to be the wing. I'm going to work on the darker pat of the face. The body needs to be a little darker, but I'm working on it. I like the color, and wondering if I'm going to need to buy more of the blues. We'll see where it takes me. I usually work it as I go. I'll do the tail after I get the body done. Then it's the food and branches. Really not a lot more to do, so I'm going to try and finish this up.

Life is good, life is better with good friends, and life is still going. We're all great and hoping the best for everyone. Prayers to my SIL's family who had to be evacuated because of Irma. Prayers to all who have to live through trials and what life throws at us! I'm thinking of all of you. I'm also thankful to be where I am in this time. Best wishes to all. Stay with me and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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