Friday, November 17, 2017

A Good Day!

This morning I was up and at Cherrill's early. Then ended up helping with her computer and chatting. Thought I ad plenty of time. When I left her, it was already 10 am.

I went to the Dollar store before going to mom's. The had some more of the box "houses" that work great on the Christmas gifts. I bought some for the bowlers, thought that would be a cool gift box. Then I was off to moms arriving around 10:45 am.

She had a good group there. There wasn't room for me to sit but I found a spot for a few minutes. Heildi brought her Halloween Baltimore Album patterns. I took them because I have the copies and it would be nice to have the originals. Plus I have all the fabric to do them. YEA I KNOW, I'm not doing any quilting lately and I'm picking up more patterns...go figure!

In the hour I was there, I was able to put the top eagle on. I have one more. The more I look at the bottom one, I'm thinking of changing it. I don't know how, but I'm going to figure something out. I may use another one. I have one more to put on and may see if the other one can handle the other eagle. If it can, I will use that second eagle for the bottom and top. I'll see what I'll do. May try to do this on the weekend, may not have time.

Left and went to get my message therapy done. That was an hour. Arrived home to see my daughter made it over. She was here early. It was so good to see her.

We chatted for awhile then decided to go out to eat and then go to the movies. We saw the "Justice League." It was really good.

Then came back home and I had a ton of things I wanted to do, but the time was gone. So, I'm going to be on everyone else's schedule for the next few day. Not sure if I will go to my embroidery group on Monday....hard to say. Katt might like it if I did go.

Life is good, Life is quick, and Life is living. I'm still being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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